Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

191: Fans Were Pleasantly Surprised When Da Gu Met Brother Zhun! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 191

Mythical paradise.

Lin Feng went to the set of Ultraman Tiga.

Two theatrical versions were filmed.

Lin Feng became extremely busy.

The filming task of Kamen Rider Yajito was handed over to Zhou Zan, and Zheng Huo stayed as his assistant.

Having someone help can save 60% of your energy.

Lin Feng only needs to be fully responsible for acting and directing...well, there is also a screenwriter to revise the script.

The set area is filled with sculptures of alien animals.

For the filming of Ultraman Nexus theatrical version, it was natural to have a big scene similar to Ultraman Tiga.

Sculpture model production currently costs millions of soft sister coins.

Shinhwa Film and Television Company is making more and more money, and Lin Feng is becoming more and more promiscuous.

The model texture is much better than Final Crusade.

Lin Feng's goal: Ultraman Nexus will not lose to Ultraman Tiga at the box office.

It spent more money on materials than Ultraman Tiga, but its box office requirements were only the same as Ultraman Tiga.

Lin Feng is not crazy.

If only one movie were to be released, I would be 100% confident that it would surpass The Last Crusade.

The three movies in question will hit the Spring Festival schedule and grab their own business. If the box office exceeds 3 billion, it will be a big victory.

Some fans have no problem watching one movie, but there is definitely a problem spending money on three movies in a row.

In addition, the consumption of toys is too exaggerated, which has somewhat lowered the total box office value.


Other film and television companies will also release movies during the Spring Festival.

Competitive pressure is at its highest in a year.

How many directors want to make money at the box office during the Spring Festival.

"Director Lin!! Director Lin!!"

"Director Lin!! Director Lin!!"


Nearby staff are recruiting people.

Actors such as Rei Chisuki, Ikki, and Rui Sheng were waiting early.

"Xiao Akane!!"

Nai Xiao looked at her best friend in surprise.

With Xiao Qian's role in Ultraman Nexus, there are currently ordinary bit players who have advanced to third-tier actors.

The money in the entertainment industry in the hot summer is so terrifying. If third-tier actors work hard, they can earn tens of millions a year.

It’s not unreasonable for countless people to squeeze their heads to join the entertainment industry.


Xiaoqian hugged Naixiao happily.

The good sisters are all in Shinhwa Paradise. Due to work reasons, they meet very rarely.

Jiang Shuying changed into the uniform of the night raid team.

Ultraman Tiga will also appear again in the movie version.

Feelings are not for sale.

Ultraman Nexus The Movie is the same as Kamen Rider Akita The Movie.

Both are linked theatrical versions, and both have big scenes at the beginning.

Otherwise, why would Lin Feng prepare high-priced alien beast models?

This shooting method is used by many great directors because the plot is really easy to attract the audience.

The staff completes the preparation work.


Lin Feng said loudly.

Special smoke fills the dark mountain forest.

The thrilling atmosphere is instantly full.

On the shore of the lake deep in the forest, several young people set up tents.

Picnic, picnic again, a story that has been used repeatedly but not always.


A clear and sweet girl's voice came.

Avril Carly, wearing sportswear, stretched and purred like a kitten.

Her exotic beauty and girly voice will definitely dazzle countless fans.

Lin Feng specially arranged for the appearance of Ocean Horse, it is time to make a wave of free country box office.

With free country actors appearing, the box office will be more or less increased.

If you can make more money, make more money.

Avril Carly shook her arms.

Amazing talent that cannot be concealed.

"Miss Mary, how do you feel about Yan Xia Ye?"

Zheng Huo smiled.

As an assistant director, how can I not know how to act?

Zheng Huo was thrown into the cast by Lin Feng as a cameo.

Other extras have been around for three and five years without having their own lines for the scenes. Zheng Huo's first cameo has a lot of lines and scenes.

"Very comfortable."

Mary, played by Avril Kali, replies softly.

Other supporting actors appeared one after another.

"Everyone, come here quickly, light a bonfire, and have barbecue."

Seven or eight young people had a happy exchange.

In a certain area of ​​the mountain forest, a huge creature suddenly opened its eyes.

Dimensional·Alien Beast!!

Different from the dimensional alien beast that died not long ago, the dimensional alien beast in the theatrical version has evolved to its ultimate peak.

It can be called: the ultimate form.

The eyes of the dimensional alien beast are like two oversized LED light bulbs, and they smell the smell of barbecue and lock onto Mary and other actors.

Step - step -

Step - step -

The dimensional alien beast moved forward slowly, and the mountain forest began to tremble violently.

"Is there an earthquake?!"

Mary stood up quickly, her pretty face suddenly widened as she spoke, and she stared blankly ahead.

"Miss Mary, how did you..."

Zheng Huo said half of the words.

The dimensional alien beast that was tens of meters tall approached, its ferocious eyes flashing with cruel light.

It stretched out its huge palms to grab humans.



The sound of chewing is piercing and heart palpitating.

The Dimensional Alien Beast turned towards the thick smoke.


The rattlesnake-like tail smashed down the picnic tent, leaving an eye-catching crater mark.

Ultraman Tiga filmed more than fifty episodes, which is far less terrifying than Dimension: The Beast Commissioned by Humans.

This is a necessary plot... a real plot.

Otherwise, Ultraman Nexus is missing his soul.

Night Raid Studio.

The prophet arrives suddenly.

"Alien beasts appeared, and——"

The prophet's voice suddenly paused, "According to the vibration waves, it is the dimensional alien beast that the Ultra Warriors and Ultraman Tiga killed not long ago!"

"Dimensional alien beast?!"

Ikki's eyes widened.

Vice Captain Xixi and others were equally surprised.

The dimensional alien beast was clearly killed by two Ultra Warriors, and now it appears again.

Dimensional alien beasts are resurrected. Will Dagu, Hui Jian, and Lina come to this world again?

"Set off!!"

the captain shouted.

The members of the night attack team flew rapidly towards the mountain forest in their fighter planes.

When they reached their destination, they found the traces left by the Dimension and the Alien Beast, and followed the direction of the traces to find the area where the Dimension and the Cauldron Beast was.

"It evolved again!!"

Ikki raised his head and said in surprise.

The appearance of the dimensional alien beast has undergone tremendous changes, especially the scaly, snake-like tail.

"Everyone, be careful!!"

Vice Captain Xixi said seriously.


The members of the night attack team looked separately.


Ikki was suddenly stunned.

The steps of the others suddenly stopped.

According to the plot development of the theatrical version, they already know the identity of Qian Shurei.

The plot of Ultraman Nexus of Aquamarine extends to fifty-two episodes, and the plot of Rei Chishu is many times richer.

"I'll deal with it!!"

Qianshu Rei took out the Evolution Truster.

The moment he was about to transform, the Evolution Truster turned into a stream of light and flew to the other side.

Ikki, Qianshu Rei and everyone else's eyes widened: Xingzhun.

A capable person who has disappeared for a long time: Xing Zhun.

Feelings of the theater version: The retired brother appears again, Ultraman Tiga.

In addition, the simultaneous transformation of Xing Zhun and Da Gu is also one of the selling points.

Both of the shapeshifters are played by Lin Feng, which is quite interesting.

"Mr. Xingzhun!!"

Yihui ran over quickly, he owed Brother Zhun a lot of favors.

If Brother Zhun hadn't helped protect him many times, Ikki's fate would have changed long ago.

"You're back?"


Xing Zhun, who was wearing a black leather jacket, smiled and said, "I'm back."

After leaving the game for a while, his physical strength and energy were restored, and his condition was much better than before.

"Are you the first Competent Person?"

"I am the second one."

Brother Zhun patted him on the shoulder and said, "You did a good job."

"Of course."

Qian Shu, who has a lively personality, admitted cheerfully, "I have saved many people."


"I'll fight!"

Brother-in-law transforms into Ultraman Nexus after a long absence.


Ultraman Nexus fights against the Dimensional Alien Beast.

Brother Zhun, who was at the peak of his physical and mental state, fought particularly ferociously, punching, kicking, and throwing out various light blade skills crazily.

When Tsuburaya was filming Ultraman Nexus, due to the ancient budget, he could save money on special effects.

Save money but not exactly.

Battles such as Ultraman Nexus' aerial battle belong to the absolute level of conscience...

Wanbao regards the Ultraman series as a tool to make money, and his conscience is far inferior to Tsuburaya.

To be fair, Wanbao still has some conscience, at least the investment in each film is not small.

Ultraman Aquamarine is Lin Feng's ace in making a fortune, with an investment amount exceeding ten thousand bags.

There is no way, Li Feng earns more here.

The quasi-brother transformed into Ultraman Nexus fights like a chicken.

There is no summoning field, and the special move is released directly.

The dimensional alien beast summons a strange black hole-like skill that absorbs all the light.

Brother Zhun:(⊙⊙)!!!

The black hole in space continues to exist, and nearby things are absorbed, and special effects vortices can be faintly seen.

Brother Zhun releases an energy shield to protect Ikki, Rei Chishu and others.

"That is--"

The black hole caused space to fragment, and a strange fighter plane arrived.

"Victory team's fighter plane?"

Ikki and the others murmured to themselves.

When I first contacted Dagu and the others, I had heard about the victory team's fighter planes.

It seems that this time I sensed the dimensional space and flew the Victory Swallow to come in advance to support.

Dagu transforms into Ultraman Tiga.

Brother Zhun met other Ultra warriors for the first time: Ultra was confused.

The two team up to kill the dimensional alien beast.

The expensive model of the alien beast exploded, and the scene looked like money was burning.

Using special shooting methods: Brother Zhun and Dagu meet.

The short filming of the theatrical version of the plot has ended.

[The guy upstairs is not talking nonsense! If you don’t have enough expectations, who is willing to buy it! U1S1, Lin Feng, the dog thief, this wave of feelings is invincible!!]

Above! Above! Above!

The boss Bai Yang smashed the table angrily, they were just about to start hyping the movie.

【Spring Festival stall Lin Feng Dog Thieves Ginseng

Kamima Kamen Rider Kuuga.........Go, go, go!!

[Brother Zhun shakes hands with the male idol Dagu! Oh my god, the theater version is so exciting?!]

The higher the popularity and traffic Lin Feng gets, the more jealous his peers will be. Unfortunately, they can't grab the topic at all.

Also shocked were foreign fans who were watching Fire Boy King and One Piece: Golden Island Adventure.

According to the current growth rate, foreign box office revenue of 3 billion is not a problem.

Fans were shocked.

Fans all over the world were stunned by Lin Feng's actions. There is no need for new toys in the theatrical version. Da Gu and Zhun Ge are the biggest highlights.

The gap between the two is too big.

At present, the foreign box office is quite good, with a combined daily box office of tens of millions of US dollars, equivalent to more than 100 million Rongmei coins.

Fans can't wait for the Spring Festival to arrive early and are looking forward to Lin Feng's new movie.

Feelings cannot be compared with toys.

Update your personal blog easily.

Even if you spend money, it's all virtual, Lin Feng's real fan communication.

[Lin Feng: Ultraman Nexus the Movie is released during the Spring Festival, are fans looking forward to it? 】

The fans who paid attention immediately became excited.


[Ultraman Nexus’ quasi-brother, Dagu, and Kamen Rider Akita’s Kuuga! Good guy, the Spring Festival is still a few months away from 4.8, and Lin Feng’s dog thief has clearly arranged it

The popularity traffic dropped to the top of the hot search rankings. The happiest person was not Lin Feng but Liu Baosen.

[More than just invincible, it’s simply a killer! Brother Zhun has never appeared again since he left the show. It turned out that he was a fan in the theatrical version! I won’t say anything else, you must buy a movie ticket during the Spring Festival!!]

Will starring in three movies give other film and television companies a way to survive? How much film schedule will three movies take up? Who dares to compete with Lin Feng the thief!!]


After all, this is a movie starring Lin Feng, and this is his first time playing a villain.

Bai Yang couldn't wait to bomb Shinhwa Film and Television Company.

Baiyang Film and Television Company.

The two characters played by Lin Feng have been updated to their personal Weibo in different shapes.

In the past, Lin Feng's influence was that of a savior. The sharp contrast aroused the curiosity of many fans, who expressed their willingness to buy tickets to watch.

Two Lin FengYYDS!!

Lin Feng took Gu Linaza, Nai Xiao, and Jiang Shuying to memorize their lines.

Lin Feng didn't know how cool his opponent was. In the office, he was hesitating whether to start a new animation work...

"Double Gun Assassin" invested by Liu Baosen has not made any hot searches.

Lin Feng swept the hot searches, which is not letting them make money.

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