Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

190: Lin Feng Is A Thief Who Knows How To Express Emotions! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 190

Lin Feng updated his personal blog, and fans who follow him are excited.

In particular, the Weibo content is related to Yajituo, the most popular meeting in the world.

The popularity of the topic instantly dropped to the top of the hot search rankings.

The current popularity of Kamen Rider Yagita is the envy of colleagues from other film and television companies - his eyes glow green.

Not only the film and television companies in the summer, but all the film and television companies around the world are envious.

The fan base is too large, and you can cut leeks by just releasing a toy or filming a movie.

Capital likes Jiang Zi’s IP the most.

[Kamen Rider Yagita’s final form? Oh my god, it appears so early? I looked at the calendar: Today is not April Fools’ Day!!]

Kamen Rider Kuuga's final form appears in the last episode, and his real appearance is in the theatrical version.

The debut of the TV drama really left fans in suspense.

The final form of Kamen Rider Yajita appears in more than 30 episodes.

How can fans not be shocked?!

According to their thoughts: The final form of Kamen Rider Yajita appears in the last episode.

The main reason is that there are not too many references to tokusatsu dramas. If you watch a few more tokusatsu dramas in the future, you will find the rules for the final form.

After all, it’s about selling toys.

If the final form is released early, the popularity will increase, and the toys will sell much better.

[The final form appears so early? Which monster can defeat Xiang Yi? I declare: Clear the dungeon directly! But what does it mean to appear first?!]

[It’s hard to understand, but the final form of Kamen Rider Yagita will appear in the theatrical movie first! The TV series will probably appear after the movie!!]

[Good guy! Call me a good guy! The final form is the selling point of the theatrical version! If I don’t accept anyone, I will accept Lin Feng the dog thief! The sense of anticipation is so easy to play!!]

[Guys, pay attention and watch carefully!! Lin Feng Dog Thief’s Weibo pictures include Kamen Rider Kuuga! The theater version will definitely feature Wu Dai! In terms of feelings, Lin Feng Dog Thief wilts


[Final form! Kamen Rider Kuuga! The movie is released during the Spring Festival. It’s hard not to watch it! Lin Feng is such a big thief. Not long ago, Ultraman Nexus updated related news and it was released during the Spring Festival. Theatrical version!!]

[Oh my god, the competition for Spring Festival movies is already terrifying. Lin Feng is a three-part theater version! All I can say is: invincible, super invincible!!]


Fans debated heatedly.

Lin Feng hinted that Kamen Rider Kuuga will appear, giving Kamen Rider fans a big surprise.

Feelings never go out of style, just like Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Nexus.

The ratings of those two episodes directly reached 18%. You can imagine how much fans want the previous characters to appear.

Characters cannot appear too frequently, otherwise it will be difficult to play the trump card of emotion.

For example, the present moment.

Kamen Rider Kuuga makes his long-awaited appearance.

Fans have high expectations.

In the hot summer, the bosses of major film and television companies are numb.

Lin Feng, the dog thief, really has no chance of survival.

Two-Gun Assassin, Kamen Rider Agita The Movie, and Ultraman Nexus The Movie.

The three movies should be divided into at least 30% of the schedule.

If it weren't for the Spring Festival movies that have a lot of connections, Lin Feng would have at least 50% of the film schedule.

The problem lies here.

There are more than a dozen or twenty movies competing for the remaining 70% of the film schedule.

Ordinary directors either give up on the Spring Festival schedule, or they are confident that they can survive with the quality of their films.

Otherwise, the box office will be a 100% hit.

Many directors directly criticized Lin Feng as a thief online.

Before Lin Feng could fight back, fans directly trolled them on Weibo and closed the comments.

With the help of fans' words: I have the ability to make three movies, and they still buy them if they look good.

The quality of the movie is poor. If Lin Feng’s movies are not released, they will not watch your movie.

Seeing that he had offended his parents, the director chose to pretend to be dead.

Lin Feng was stunned when he was reciting lines with Tangtang, Gu Linaza, Liu Shishi and Jiang Shuying in the office.

Really, you all fell before I even took action.

Lin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to those directors, and instead went to them to give them heat.

Ignorance is the most fatal blow.

You are not even qualified to speak to me.

Other directors had the intention of guiding Lin Feng's approach, but unfortunately they were unable to do anything. The gap between them and Lin Feng was too big.

If they fail to ride on the popularity, they will fail. This really angers Lin Feng, and even the film and television companies behind them cannot protect them.

In the hot summer, not many film and television companies dare to offend Lin Feng.

Including Guangming, Yunteng, and Baiyang three film and television companies.

Lin Feng's current development momentum is extremely fierce. Unless it is in decline, no one will be able to take the lead.

The next day.

Kamen Rider Yagita crew.

Characters such as Wu Dai, Wu Nen, Tian Ying, and Ichijo reunited again.

Since the filming of the last side story ended, there has been no news from my crew for a long time.

The crew of Kamen Rider Kuuga and Ajito officially meet.

The opening plot of the theatrical version is very simple: Black God summons a new powerful character.

A monster that is a fusion of an unknown life form and the Supreme Being: the New Supreme Being, which can also be called the New Unknown Life Form.

The prototype is a super powerful monster designed mainly with the Siberian tiger in mind.

The new Tiger Lord monster will definitely not appear in battle in the early stage.

There are other noble monsters summoned by the Black God: Snake·Venerable.

A bit actress turned snake monster.

Originally, Gulinazha wanted to participate in the role, but she happened to be unable to get away, especially the female venerable monster was not an important role.

Gu Linaza chose to give up. The supporting actor who was lucky enough to participate was trembling with joy and almost couldn't believe that he could participate in the movie version of Kamen Rider Yajito.

I don’t know how many people want to participate but can’t.

The female co-star was very hard-working, and her outfit was unconventional. She simply lost her hair and cooperated with the makeup artist for acting.


The humanoid Snake Lady slowly stood up, and her fingers continued to perform exclusive movements before killing people.

The goal is cool quickly.

"Unknown life form?!"

Ichijo soon received a call and his face became extremely serious.

Although the two Kamen Riders are in the same world view, they are just like Fudu and Laoshi City.

Except for the necessary plot, the two cities actually have little connection.

Otherwise, the old driver would be shocked to see Terui Ryu's transformation.

Especially since he is his boss.

Two veteran drivers, both are winners in life, the screenwriter's favorite.

Ichigo hung up the phone and immediately called Wu Dai. They had been fighting side by side for so long, and they had become long-lost friends.


“Brother Wu Dai is so great!!”

"Brother Wu Dai, we like you!!"

The little children cried out.

Lin Feng accompanied them to play games and then answered a phone call.

"Brother, is there another unknown life form?"

Wu Min said softly.

"Brother, you can't lie to me."

The girl blinked her clear eyes.

Director Zhou Zan immediately adopted a special lens shooting method, and the CP feeling immediately aroused.

CP? What CP? They are obviously just brother and sister!

"Brother, be careful."

Wu Min adjusted his brother's collar and whispered.

"Do not worry!"

Wu Dai drove the fighter truck and left quickly.

Ichijo and Wudai came to the lake almost at the same time, but unfortunately their target had already died in the cold.


Ichijo raised his sniper rifle and fired a bullet.

The strong reaction force shook, Ichijo's hands released the weapon, and the whole person fell back several meters.

The bullet hit Snake Venerable, and red blood dripped from the surface of his body. The wound then healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The special sniper rifle caused damage but not fatal damage, and it was not even serious damage.

"Mr. Ichijo, are you okay?"

"Cough cough cough——H

Ichigo climbed up with difficulty, "Wu Dai, the rest of the battle is left to you."

"no problem!"

"Please transformation!!"

Wu Dai said, assuming a classic transformation pose.

Light effects flash.

Kamen Rider Kuuga's base form appears.

The light effect flashes again.

Sublimation form switching.

The aura of power exuded by Snake Lord is too strong, and his basic form is obviously no match.


Wu Dai jumped on the spot and released a kicking skill with his right foot towards Snake Venerable.

Wu Dai didn't charge up the kicking skills with low power at all. His purpose was simple, to repel the unknown life form monster, and there were many passers-by nearby who didn't have time to escape.


The Snake Venerable monster used its scaly tail to block, without even taking a step back.


.........Please give me flowers...

Representative Wu was shocked.


The dull sound of the attack resounded.

Snake Lord knocked Kamen Rider Kuuga away more than ten meters.

"Empty me?"

"My target is not you!"

Venerable Snake said hoarsely.

"You actually know me."

Wu Dai was stunned for a moment, and his body changed form again: sublimated Titan form.

There is no need for amazing almighty and ultimate form in early battles.


Wu Dai pulled out the handle of the fighter jet and summoned the Sublimated Titan Sword.


The metal shone coldly.

The thick Sublimated Titan Sword hits the Snake Lord monster.


The sound of metal records floats.

Snake Lord uses his scales as a shield to block.

The two theatrical versions are linked together, and combat is one of the core highlights.

The combat quality in the theater version is qualitatively improved compared to the TV version.

The white halo on Snake Lord's head flashed, summoning a snake-shaped curved sword.

The two started a fierce fight.

"What a terrifying unknown life form!!"

Ichijo took the picture while talking and sent it to Tian Ying.

See if the master archaeologist can find any useful clues.

Years of combat experience told him: this battle will definitely not end that easily.

Unknown snake-like life forms are just the beginning.

Boom boom boom!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

The roar of the locomotive was loud.


Xiang Yi and Kubi Liang drove to the left and right.


Xiang Yi greeted warmly.

"you know?"

"Kamen Rider Kuuga, the transformer is Godai-senpai."

During the exchange, the two transformed into Kamen Riders Yajitus and Giles.

The Snake Lord monster's eyes flashed with light, and then eight Snake Lord monsters were summoned.

A special monster based on the legendary monster Nine-Tailed Snake in Hot Summer.

The opening battle of the theatrical version is definitely not too stingy.

Xiang Yi and Kubi Liang were stunned, and then they broke into a powerful battle.

"Don't worry, as the number increases, the strength becomes smaller."

Wu Dai discovered the secret of number division and said loudly.



Golden thin lines of light appear and disappear.

The Sublimated Titan Sword slashes fiercely to destroy a Snake Lord monster.

Fast form

The filming of the plot is over.

Xiang Yi quickly ran over.

There is no deep plot, mainly fighting, but the special effects are so disappointing.

Due to the length of the theatrical version, the number of monsters will not be that many, unless it is a cool movie like Knight Wars.

Several people left the fighting area.

Switching to the sublimated all-powerful form, the nuclear explosion kick unleashes the kick as expected.

"Kamen Rider...Kuaga!"

Some remote corner.

Kubiliang was a little aloof and stood aside without saying anything.

Boiling and bursting flames consume and burn.

The table was covered with meals he had cooked himself.

Wu Dai gave the classic thumbs up.


Lord Tiger came to Black God's side, and the two figures slowly disappeared.

On the contrary, he likes human beings very much, and his eyes are as loving as God.

The female lead performed well, and Lin Feng was given a special ending scene.

The opening battle of the theatrical version is over.

Night falls slowly, and deep in the dark woods, dark light flickers.

"Senior Wu Dai!"

"Yeah, it's delicious."

Xiangyi and Kubiliang fought for more than ten rounds to release their special moves.

All Snake and Venerable monsters are destroyed.

The Black God summoned new Lord monsters, which were also the last batch of monsters.

"He...will not let you go..."

According to Black God's settings, he can freely control the stars and destroy the planet easily.

Lin Feng also went to the set of Ultraman Nexus non-stop

Note: I beg for a small wave of full subscription support, the new Gundam and other anime are about to start. .

Everyone then began to exchange information about unknown life forms.

"Mr. Wudai, Mr. Ichijo, please enjoy."


Black God stood quietly, his eyes calm, without hatred or hostility.

Snake Lord transformed back into human form.

Ichijo raised his eyebrows and praised.

Chef Xiangyi said with a smile.

Lord Snake left behind regrets.

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