Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

187: Tiga Appears Again, Fans Are Shocked! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 187

The box office period for the National Day holiday is during the holiday period, which is more accurate to seven days.

The box office data of the two theatrical versions is quite astonishing, and the box office data are refreshed every day in units of ‘100 million’.

The last day of the National Day holiday.

Huolishaonianwang: 166 million soft girl coins.

One Piece·Golden Island Adventure: 237 million soft sister coins.

The total box office in a single day exceeded the 400 million RMB mark.

The final glory of Shinhwa Film Company’s theatrical version at the box office.

The seven-day holiday ended quietly.

The movie will be released for more than seven days, and the box office will rebound and increase on subsequent holidays, but it is far from being comparable to now.

The box office data amazes countless fans.

[After reading the latest box office data update, I just want to say: Who else! Lin Feng is the thief who beats all the National Day movies!!]

[The new generation of talented directors sweeps everything and dominates for eternity! I remember that some big directors looked down on Lin Feng, and now I guess my intestines are green with regret!!]

[The seven-day box office data for the National Day holiday exceeded 2 billion! Don’t forget, it hasn’t been officially released overseas yet! Lin Feng is still making money!!]

[I don’t care about box office data! I just want to say: Can you let me win the general once! I want one piece of One Piece figures or the theatrical version of Yo-Yo!!]

[Want to win a prize? Want to eat shit! I will rewatch the theater version every day for seven days, and I have 14 movie tickets. I am not confident that I will win!!]

[The people upstairs are doing the right thing! There are too many people in the lottery. Compared with the lottery, it would be better for Shinhwa Toy Factory to ship the goods earlier! I really want to play with the White Phoenix S Yo-Yo!!]


Fans left comments and comments very enthusiastically.

When the bosses of major film and television companies saw the box office data, their eyes glowed green with envy.

Baiyang Film and Television Company.

The three bosses silently watched Lin Feng's box office data, and their willingness to join forces became increasingly firm.

There is no way, the box office is too high.

Capital values ​​soft sister coins more than life.

Who would allow the 17th-born Lin Feng to make money like crazy?

Everyone is a peer, and Lin Feng making money means they make less money...or even lose money.

"The movie is ready to shoot now!!"

Bai Yang said slowly.

This cooperation between the three companies is much more sincere than last time.

The reason is simple: make money.

As the owners of ten top film and television companies in the hot summer, they naturally know how to make money through cooperation.

Insufficient sincerity will lead to loss of money.

"no problem!!"

"Me too!!"

Bosses Guangming and Yunteng responded to her.

Three film and television companies are preparing two movies: Gunslinger and Jungle Adventure King.

The desperate gun god follows the two-gun assassin, and the forest adventure king follows the one piece king.

One Piece was adventuring on the sea, and they chose the forest adventure.

The purpose is very clear: to ride on Lin Feng's popularity and earn box office.

Bai Yang and the others were really stimulated by Lin Feng.

Movies are shot quite quickly.

While the animated film Jungle Adventure King is still in preparation, Gunslinger has started filming.

This time the filming of the movie was much smarter: the combination of young fresh meat + veteran actors.

Coincidentally, the old actor and Mr. Chen are friends.

After watching Xiao Xianrou's acting throughout, the veteran actor shook his head.

He suddenly thought of Lin Feng, whom Teacher Chen worked with.

You are all young people, why are your acting skills so different?

Thanks to the assistance of the toy system, Lin Feng's acting skills are remarkable, and they are complemented by a little meat.

Lin Feng is like an experienced actor who has been acting for decades.

There is no harm without comparison.

Mythical paradise.


Sister-in-law Cheng Xinxin blinked her big red eyes.

"Bad brother-in-law, he's gone.

The girl's pretty face is full of reluctance.

School officially starts tomorrow and she has to go back early.

"Xinxin, study hard!"

Naixiao comforted her softly.

Next year her sister will come to Henan, so the separation will not be so sad.

We can live together forever next year.

The National Day file is over.

The box office of the theatrical version began to decline.

Huolishaonianwang: 115 million.

One Piece·Golden Island Adventure: 188 million.

It is normal for the box office to drop. Before the movie is released, the total box office data will definitely not be bad.

Ultraman Nexus.

Yang Mi, Jiang Shuying and the other girls were particularly happy.

The members of the Victory Team are back again.

Xincheng, Horii, Yerui and others are all there.

“Oh, it’s been a long time since I wore the Victory team’s uniform, and I’m still not used to it.

Horii said cheerfully.

"I think you've gained weight."

Shinjo joked, "But I really miss it, I thought Ultraman had nothing to do with us.

"How can it be!!"

Ye Rui couldn't help but said, "As long as the Ultraman series continues to be filmed, we will always appear.

Ultraman Tiga ended last year, and Ye Rui and others are currently becoming popular actors in the hot summer.

At least compared to the past when they were just walk-ons, now they have so many roles that they have to give up some film and television dramas.

The supporting actor worked hard to become famous, but the few of them all struggled like crazy.

You fight very hard to make money.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

After working hard for a few years, even if you quit the entertainment industry, you can live a carefree life.

When Ye Rui and others first heard about Ultraman Tiga's guest appearance, they decisively asked for leave and rushed back to the Mythical Paradise overnight.

What TV series is as popular as the Ultraman series?

Ultraman Nexus' ratings topped all TV dramas on Sunday.

"Big bad brother!!"

Yang Mi's Shui Lingling eyes lit up.

Lin Feng appeared on the stage wearing the victory team's jersey, and the fans became excited.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Team Dagu.

Lin Feng rubbed the girl's little head.

Yang Mi is wearing a white nurse uniform, and her talent is still very good.

Without knowing her true age, who would dare to believe that Yang Mi is underage.


Director Zhou Zan said loudly.

The plot filmed today is an original plot.

The night raid team encounters a special dimensional alien beast that affects the dimensional space.

In order to ensure that the plot is not criticized.

Tiga and Nexus are no longer in the same worldview, but in the same Ultraman worldview.

It is normal for the huge universe to connect to the dimensional world.

The victorious team was influenced by the dimensional alien beasts and accidentally traveled to the world of Ultraman Nexus.

A mountain forest filled with snow.

Members of the Night Raid Team, Ikki, Vice Captain Xixi, and others began to take action.

Jiang Shuying plays two roles by herself, which is also one of the current attractions.

Brother Zhun is temporarily offline, and Lin Feng can play the role of Dagu team member.


The dimensional alien beast roared.

The ferocious expression shone with a strange purple-black light.

"Evolution? The alien beasts are still evolving!"

Vice Captain Xixi’s expression was particularly solemn.

His finger decisively pulled the trigger.


The dimensional alien beast roared again.

Strange fluctuations appeared in the mountain forest space in the white mist.

"what's the situation?"

Ikki was taken aback, with a horrified expression on his face.

In the area tens of meters away from him, the space broke like broken glass, revealing a pitch-black endless black hole.

"Beware of dimensional black holes!"

The prophet quickly issued a reminder, "Once involved, you may die or go to an unknown area."

Ikki and Xixi quickly distanced themselves.

"What a tricky alien beast!!"

Vice Captain Xixi said calmly while attacking.

At the same time, Tiga World.


Horii sat on the grass, "It's been a long time since we all got together."

Dagu, Megumi, Lina, Mayumi, Shinjo and others circled around.

They dine outdoors.

Monsters die one after another, and Ultraman Tiga's world is safe for Abi.

There is no need for the Aquamarine Defense Force to even exist.

The residents have not forgotten the fear caused by the monsters. The monsters are gone, but the defense team still exists.

"Dago, I want to eat this."

Lina said with a smile.

The two have officially married, sending a wave of sweetness to Xincheng.

After all, he is still single.

Horii has found a beautiful wife.

Ye Rui...well, he's still young.

"Damn team member Dagu, how dare you show off your affection."

"What's wrong with showing affection? If my wife wasn't at work, I would still be showing affection.


Only the wounded world of Shinjo was achieved.


There was a sound like breaking glass.

Dark red cracks appeared in the nearby space.

"What happened?!"

Xincheng was confused.

"Quick, go back and prepare!"

Captain Hui Hui immediately spoke.

Others left the dining area one after another, and when they reappeared, they put on the uniforms of the victory team.

Dagu, Lina, Jian Hui and others came to the area where the space was broken.

Before they could check, a terrifying attraction broke out.

They only felt that their eyes were darkened and they left the world of Ultraman Tiga.

Mountain forests with falling snow.

The light on the dimensional alien beast slowly disappeared.

Ikki, Vice Captain Xixi and others carefully walked out of the cave.

The space ruptured not long ago, and many things were directly and strongly attracted to the black hole.


Ikki's eyes widened as he stared at Dagu and others not far ahead.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Hui Jian and Xixi.

"Two vice-captains?!"

A captain!?"

A chorus of voices.

"who are you?!"

"who are you!?"

Both sides asked in unison.

"Strike the monster first!"

Hui Jian looked at the dimensional alien beast and gave the order.

I secretly observed my other self from the corner of my eye: Could it be that I really have a twin sister or younger sister!?

Both sides used weapons to barely repel the dimensional alien beasts.

The organizational members of Aquablue Star's two Ultraman works ushered in the meeting of the century.

"parallel world?!"

Xincheng, Yerui, Ikki and others were stunned.

"That's right!"

Horii solemnly said, "That monster, the alien beast, should have the ability to affect sub-dimensional space.

"The dimensional space is equivalent to a closed pipe. The alien beast opens the entrance and exit of the pipe, and we are transported from the original world to the current world.

"Team Horii is right."

The prophet appeared strangely, "They 027 are people from other worlds."

The prophet looked at Da Gu when he spoke. He could see some things about other people.

Except for the quiet Da Gu, he saw nothing.

The precog's special abilities are of no use at all.

"There really is a parallel world!!"

Ikki said with a shocked expression.

"What a fuss."

Seeing that he was about to lose the battle, Dagu took out the Divine Light Rod and transformed into Ultraman Tiga.

The reason the prophets determined was simple: they heard that the Ultra Warriors were too calm, as if they were fighting side by side with Ultra Warriors, which meant that there must be Ultra Warriors in their world.

Night Raid's jets are better than Victory's.

Ultraman Nexus, transformed by Chiju Rei, was at a disadvantage against the dimensional alien beast.

Looking at Ikki who had "embarrassed" the Night Raid Team, Vice Captain Xixi looked calm.

In the world of Ultraman Nexus, Dagu appears with a transformer.

The meeting between the two organizations caused a sensation among the boss, and then the dimensional alien beast appeared again.

Very few fans of Aquamarine have watched it, or it can only be said to be the first generation of Ultraman at that time.

The time gap between Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Nexus is quite large, so it is normal for the fighter settings to be slightly behind.

The dimensional alien beast died but not completely. It took two episodes to kill it.

The amazing passerby network updates theater photos.

The eyes of the prophets shine with a special light.

Megumi, Mayumi, and Lina subconsciously looked at Team Dagu.


"Ultra warriors can

The moment Dagu took out the Divine Light Rod and transformed, an Ultra Warrior saved them.

Evolved dimensional alien beasts are particularly difficult to deal with.

Otherwise, how can we join forces and fight to boost the ratings?

Even the field was directly crushed.

Both sides joined forces to attack the dimensional alien beast.

"Your fighter plane————"

In Advent, it is normal to have parallel worlds.

Note: I beg for a small wave of full order support!!!

Ultraman Tiga knocked the dimensional alien beast away with a flying kick.

Fans in previous lives have long been accustomed to seeing two Ultraman team up to fight. After all, they have all seen the Ultraman movie.

I never expected there to be other Ultraman warriors.

Qianshu Lian was stunned.


Captain Dagu and members of Xincheng crashed again.

Ultra warrior??

Now that two popular Ultramans are appearing at the same time, the anticipation is rising.

Ultraman Tiga stretched out his hand, and the two of them worked together to kill the dimensional alien beast.

Horii was stunned.

Sure enough, there are also Ultra Warriors in the parallel world.

Fans were in awe.

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