Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

186: The Box Office Shocked My Sister-In-Law! ! [Please Order In Full]

Chapter 186

Heng film and television base.

Lin Feng filmed the early scenes.

Night falls.

Liu Baosen personally welcomed Lin Feng to the star hotel.

Jiang Shuying changed into a white dress, showing her wonderful figure vividly.

Her long black hair is scattered and hanging down, exuding endless charm.

Cheng Xinxin was a little cautious, holding Lin Feng's ears and clothes with her little hands.

Liu Baosen hosted Lin Feng.

Many great directors and celebrity actors who can only be seen on TV came uninvited near Hengdian.

People who didn't know it thought they were having a dinner together.

After experiencing such a battle for the first time, Cheng Xinxin could not remain calm.

The little girl was nervous.

Lin Feng raised his hand and rubbed her little head affectionately.

Many actresses nearby are so envious that they explode.

Lin Feng: The most influential new generation director, actor, businessman, screenwriter, singer, etc. in the world.

I don’t know how many actresses want to get in touch, but they don’t have the qualifications at all.

Where is Orange Heart.

Although she is still in school, she has guest starred in Lin Feng's film and television dramas from time to time.

Everyone knows that once she graduates, she will have endless resources.

How about them.

I don’t know how many directors were asked to memorize lines, secretly or overtly, but sometimes there wasn’t even a cameo.

The difference is not even a little bit.

Jiang Shuying raised a faint smile and took the initiative to hold sister Cheng Xinxin's little hand.

She behaved very quietly.

After all, I have experienced too many big scenes with my director father, so Yin Xin already has rich experience in dealing with them.

The actors nearby looked at Jiang Shuying in awe.

This was a girl they were destined not to offend for the "June 47" crime.

There is no way, everyone understands the relationship between her and Lin Feng.

Jiang Shuying's surface information: actor, singer, model, etc.

She also has another identity: Secretary Lin Feng.

For anyone who wants to cooperate with Lin Feng, the first person to contact is not Lin Feng but Jiang Shuying.

The relationship between this is very big.

If Jiang Shuying is offended, it will definitely affect whether we can cooperate.

Jiang Shuying's central role is too important.

Not just the male actors in the hotel lobby.

Big directors and capital don't dare to offend...or Lin Feng.

The development of Shinhwa Film and Television Company and Shinhwa Toy Factory is really terrifying.

Jiang Shuying's eyes slowly retracted her gaze. She knew that everything she had was given by her boss' father.

The secretary works conscientiously every day, and except for love, there is no trace of selfishness.

"Lin Feng is great!!"

People nearby said hello.

The name comes from Jiang Da.

The 500 million director Jiang Da has one mouthful, Lin Fengda, and Liu Baosen all call him this.

Others had to call Lin Feng that.

Not to mention big capital Lin Feng, they can't even compare to Liu Baosen.

Liu Baosen is a kid from a wealthy family, far from being comparable to the nouveau riche.


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and let go of Cheng Xinxin's little hand.

Jiang Shuying held her hand alone.

"Teacher Chen, you call me that and you are out of touch.

Lin Feng didn't expect to meet Teacher Chen here.

Since the last cooperation ended, we haven't seen each other again for a long time.

Regardless of other actors, he respects Teacher Chen very much.

"Teacher Chen, are you interested in guest starring in "Two Guns Assassin"?"

Lin Feng ignored Director Jiang Da's inquiry.

Add a character who has the power to speak.

Who dares to refute?

No one objected to Lin Feng directing alone.

Liu Baosen wished that Lin Feng would direct it himself.

"Okay, no problem.

Teacher Chen said with a smile.

He happened to have a guest role in Hengdian, but he couldn't refuse it because of his friends.

Teacher Chen is very happy with Lin Feng's play. He is very optimistic about Lin Feng.

In particular, Lin Feng repeatedly invited many veteran actors who had no roles to play, and gained the favor of many experienced actors.

The nearby actors looked enviously.

The Two-Gun Assassin is no longer what it used to be. The arrival of Lin Feng has made it a big-budget movie.

The investment of 300 million is still being increased because many people want to invest.

Liu Baosen agreed to additional investment from several people, but he had no choice but to refuse some people.

Lin Feng doesn't care.

No matter how many soft sister coins he invests, his benefits will never be less.

New capital was injected, and the network of contacts was once again expanded. Although The Two-Gun Assassin is still in the filming period, its overseas release has begun to be synchronized.

Not everyone makes money from peripheral toys. Box office is very important to them and they have to promote it first.

Liu Baosen actually asked Lin Feng if he wanted to add toy peripherals.

Lin Feng refused with black lines on his head.

Wanbao invests in many movies and TV dramas, but the ones that really sell toy peripherals are special photography and animation.

There are very few other toys around.

Liu Baosen's double-gun assassin has no selling point at all.

Lin Feng couldn't find anything to sell.

Liu Baosen's face was filled with regret... and the major investors were also regretful.

None of them doubted Lin Feng.

He also makes money when peripheral toys make money. How could Lin Feng deliberately hide his peripheral toy plans.

The interest in peripheral toys is getting more and more terrifying.

Which capital doesn't want to get involved, but it's a pity that there is no way this time, especially when Lin Feng is around.

Kamen Rider? Ultraman?

As the trump card of Shinhwa Film and Television Company to make money.

Other film and television companies didn't even ask: because Lin Feng, the dog thief, would never accept investment from other people.

Shinhwa Film and Television Company is now extremely financially wealthy, and is no longer the film and television company that almost went bankrupt in the past.

All new dramas do not need to receive investment, but many advertisers desperately send money to advertise.

Kamen Rider Yagita series.

The protagonist group only drinks water hahaha [mineral water advertising is monopolized by him.

Of course, the price is not small, nearly 10 million in advertising expenses.

You must know that the main cast does not drink water every episode. Considering that it is a domestic product, Lin Feng did not miss the camera.

Hahaha Mineral Water also spent extra money to link up with Kamen Rider, and the linked mineral water sold quite well.

The main force is college students.

Seventy percent of the people who drink mineral water are mainly students.

In fact, the reason is very simple: it is not convenient for students to drink tea, but it is much more convenient to drink mineral water.

The hotel dinner is over.

Some room.

Cheng Xinxin covered her ears, not daring to listen to the sounds in the room.

Damn bad brother-in-law, I didn’t know he was still in the hall.

The next day.

The box office of Shinhwa Film Company's two theatrical releases has once again set new records.

Huolishaonianwang: 155 million+

One Piece·Golden Island Adventure: 201 million+

It is not very rare for a movie to break through the 200 million Soft Girl Coin mark in a single day.

However, the anime theatrical version exceeded 200 million RMB coins in a single day, and Lin Feng was the first person to achieve this.

The highest number exceeded 200 million in a single day, and the lowest number exceeded 100 million in a single day.

The combined revenue of the two theatrical versions is: 350 million + soft girl coins.

Fans are shocked! Colleagues are shocked! The whole network is shocked!

[Oh my god, is this such an exaggeration? The box office of the anime’s theatrical version exceeded 200 million yuan in a single day?! Are you so exaggerated?!]

[Niu coins! Lin Feng is a thief of Niu coins! I don’t know what to say! Two small-budget theatrical movies, which directly dominate the box office, and other film and television companies are probably jealous to the point of explosion!!]

[I know that the biggest winner in the National Day festival is Lin Feng, the dog thief! Damn, the box office data is too good! Not only a winner in life, simply...a winner in life!!]

[Listening to the conversation upstairs is like listening to a conversation! Lin Feng Dog Thief is completely popular on the National Day schedule this time! Who would have imagined that box office is only one of his core incomes! Peripheral toys are the real profit maker! If other film and television companies had such box office, it is estimated that You can smile crookedly even in your dreams, and with the income from toys, you’ll be smiling!!】

[The box office in a single day exceeded 200 million, and the most important thing is the theatrical version of the anime! When those lousy film and television companies see Lin Feng’s crazy harvest of box office, I wonder if their eyes will turn green with envy? I just want to ask: Do you still Dare you show off!?]


The box office performance of the theatrical version shocked countless netizens, and more people began to ridicule the film.

The reason is very simple, there are too many bad things, and the works challenge the audience's limits one after another.

Now someone is stepping up to break the shabby comfort zone with high-quality movies.

The audience not only ridiculed the film, but also wanted to criticize the bad film and television company.

"Bad brother-in-law, the sailing golden island adventure alone has exceeded 200 million!"

“Lots, lots, lots of money!”

Orange Heart Xinjiao exhaled.

Her big and watery eyes were shining with crystal light, as if she was thinking about how much 200 million soft girl coins were.

He looks very cute and looks like a little money addict.

Lin Feng couldn't help but click on her delicate nose.

"Bad Brother-in-law, will the box office of One Piece: Golden Island Adventure be exaggerated?!"

Cheng Xinxin asked like a curious baby...

Exaggeration? Not really!

The difference in box office sales during the first seven days of the National Day holiday will not be particularly large, but it is not easy to say after seven days.

One of the main forces: students have started school.

Although college students can take time to watch movies, the quantity and convenience are definitely not as good as during the National Day holiday.

According to the current growth rate, the total box office of 2 billion soft sister coins is not a big problem.

The equivalent of Sakura national currency is approximately more than 30 billion, which is a super exaggerated box office value.

The current box office of the theatrical version is in the hot summer, and it will not be too bad if it is released abroad.

The total global box office of One Piece is no less than 3.5 billion.

The foreign box office of 1.5 billion is a high box office, while the global box office of Iron Man is only over 3 billion.

One Piece can have such box office figures mainly because it has so many fans around the world.

Orange Heart murmured, understanding that the box office was not as high as expected and a little unhappy.

She really hopes that Bad Brother-in-Law will have a lot of box office hits.

Lin Feng rubbed her little head and took the two girls to the set of "Two Guns Assassin".

"Teacher Chen!"

Lin Feng took the initiative to say hello.

Jiang Shuying and Cheng Xinxin followed and said hello.

The other members of the crew looked at Lin Feng with envy. They all knew about the movie's box office.

Looking at the hot summer, only Lin Feng has such ability.

Even the so-called great directors don't have the terrifying ability of Lin Feng.

Currently, Bakugan Boy, the one with the lowest box office, has a box office of more than 500 million soft sister coins.

Although the box office data is very small, its investment is very low.

It’s even more profitable than a movie with a box office of 2 billion yuan.

Lin Feng and others started to read the new script.

Teacher Chen's role is very simple: one of the villains of Lin Feng's organization.

The end was extremely miserable.

As the character of Teacher Chen grows older, he suddenly begins to regret everything he has done.

Want to expose the organization's dirty secrets.

Lin Feng was responsible for killing him.

The character Long Tiantian starts to chase Teacher Chen, a classic car chase scene in the city.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

He originally planned to fight in person during the chase, but Director Jiang Da was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and refused without even thinking.

Just kidding, Lin Feng’s current net worth is terrifying.

He was injured while filming his movie, and you can imagine how serious the consequences were.

Fans all over the world can hate him to death

Not counting the interest issues involved.


The stuntman successfully performed Lin Feng's part, and it's worth mentioning that someone did get injured.

Jiang Shuying and Cheng Xinxin also became more determined not to let their good brother take risks.

In other words, only a very small number of movies are shot slowly and according to the plot.

2.2 The stunt doubles in dangerous actions of the crew are not that bad at risking their lives to make money. In fact, the difference is not much.

He has been seriously injured.

Lin Feng returns.

Teacher Chen nodded silently, admiring the genius in front of him more and more.

"Cough cough cough․......"

Jiang Da felt even more grateful for what he had done.

The dragon's scenes were shot first about a fifth of the way through.

Jiang Shuying blinked.

Teacher Chen fell.

The end of the National Day season is getting closer and closer, and the box office is getting higher and higher...

"Turn's not too late to turn back now!"

During this period, the scenes of the protagonist and other supporting actors need to be reshot.

My favorite boss father is handsome, sunny and caring.

"Long, you know... everything you have done so far?

The plot comes to night.

If a person is paralyzed and unable to move, how can he still have the ability to make money?

A very normal shot.

Lin Feng took Cheng Xinxin and Jiang Shuying with him for several days.

Lin Feng left first.

The director shoots different scenes according to the time, and jumping in the middle is a daily operation.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said.

"Xiaoying, in the name of Shinhwa Film and Television Company, you will give the injured stunt people three additional compensations."

If the substitute is seriously injured or completely paralyzed, you are lucky.

Teacher Chen coughed violently as he spoke.

Not all movies are shot slowly and according to the plot.

There is no whitewashing in any sense.

Gunshots rang out.

The character played by Lin Feng, who is similar to an assassin, is very pure.

I like it more and more.

Note: I beg for a small wave of full order support!!!

"I know boss."

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