Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

109: Emperor Man! Meet My Emperor! ! [Please Order In Full]

Shinhwa Paradise·Office

Lin Feng put down his tools and admired the paintings.

Painting character: Armored Warrior, Emperor Man.

There are five parts in the "Armor Warrior" series in the previous life. I personally think that the most handsome and domineering armor is that of the Emperor Warrior.

Lin Feng has not announced Emperor Man yet, and it will be more of a surprise when it is announced later.

In a sense, the first season of Armored Warriors didn't feature the Emperor's transformation.

Li Xiangyang summoned himself to fight on his behalf, and the four ferocious beasts collapsed and died.

Yanlongxia was very lucky, but he was beaten violently.

Several people from Xinnan become one.

The real summoning comes from the Armored Warriors movie: Zi Yang.

Lin Feng re-designed the plot of the big movie. After Xinnan's five-in-one transformation, he strengthened himself and upgraded himself. He possessed the five elements of blood energy elements and awakened the qualifications to transform into the Emperor Man alone.

Don't ask for details and reasons, ask for the aura of the protagonist.

The movie's transformer, Ziyang, is replaced by Xinnan, and the other four armored warrior transformers will all appear.

When I first watched the big movie, only Flame Dragon Man and Wind Eagle Man made cameos.

It is a small pity that other transformers did not appear.

"Brother Boss!"

Gulinazha knocked on the door and walked in.

She was wearing a unique fashion purchased in New Zealand, and her legs wrapped in white stockings appeared and disappeared as she walked.

"Brother Boss, the preliminary screening by the reviewers has ended, and there are a hundred people on the list."

Gu Linaza said softly.

Her big, watery eyes looked at Lin Feng, and the love from the girl overflowed in her big eyes.

The initial number of applicants was hundreds of thousands, and the system directly deleted four-fifths of the number.

The reason for deletion is very simple: the photo is not without makeup, and it will be disqualified for review on the spot.

Lin Feng opened his computer mailbox and started looking for actors suitable for the role.

"Dad, work can't be so tiring."

Gu Linaza leaned over and whispered.

Kneeling and sitting inside the desk skillfully.

Lin Feng:(⊙_⊙)!!!

There is no woman in my heart, my work is natural.


A certain actor who submitted his resume attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Name: Bai Xuxu.

Graduated from Qingqing 053 University, one of the top universities in the summer, and currently works as an assistant to a TV host.

Qingqing University, TV host assistant.

Good guy, you are the one to play the role of the Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros.

"Brother Boss."

Ocean horse Avril Carly stepped into the office on stiletto heels.

The light blue eyes were slightly startled, and Gu Linaza, who was sitting on her knees, smiled and said hello.

"Other film and television companies want to work with us."

Avril Carly handed the document in her hand to Lin Feng.

Cooperation with other film and television companies is simple: they sign artists to play important roles in "Armor Warriors".

The price is free to invest part of the funds without any profit sharing.

Lin Feng looks at the file.

This is a good thing.

The artists signed by the film and television companies are more or less famous. Not only do they appear for free, but the contract companies also pay them back.

U1S1 could find no reason for rejection.

Opening the document prepared by Avril Carly, Lin Feng's expression became very strange.

Let me tell you, the document photos are all of glamorous people wearing fancy clothes, with long hair, earrings, smoky makeup, black lipstick... I almost can't tell whether they are male or female.

Pursuing individuality Lin Feng has no objections, and if he has any, he doesn't care.

Forget about participating in "Armor Warrior".

This is no different from the little fresh meat who plays the role of Magic City Fortress. Are you expected to protect the world?

Don't make trouble, brother, the audience will feel embarrassed and sick 100% of the time.

If they really need a crew to film the movie, Lin Feng is afraid of disturbing them to the point of doubting his life, and is also afraid of accidentally getting a cut and making the little fresh man cry to the sky and scream.

The phone call must be made quickly. If you go late, the wound will heal.

Avril Carly seems to have known for a long time that her boss would refuse. Because she serves as a secretary, other film and television companies' cooperation intentions must be reported in person.

Avril Carly lowered her little head and looked at Gulinaza with her light blue eyes, preparing to kneel down to look for her.

"Brother boss, do you still remember Lao Li?"

"Old Li?"

Lin Feng has a profound memory.

Series signature sales and PB signature sales, he is responsible for all work every time.

The person in charge, Lao Li, handled things very neatly, not to mention perfectly. It would be absolutely no problem to give him an eight.

"Lao Li's son also submitted his resume."

Avril Carly explained softly.

As the first person in charge of selling toys, Lao Li is also Cheap Daddy’s capable subordinate.

He works conscientiously and is highly valued by Lin Yi.

Otherwise, there would be no one else managing several official flagship stores.

Avril Carly mentioned him specifically. It is estimated that Lao Li asked the cheap daddy to see if he could use a back door for his son.

Go through the back door? No problem!

Lin Feng does not object to others using the back door, provided that the person is capable.

Otherwise, you will still not be admitted.

Even if you are an old man in the Shinhwa Toy Factory, you must abide by certain rules, no matter who you are.


Lin Feng first checked on Lao Li's son: Li Mu.

Li Mu wears glasses and looks gentle.

Lin Feng immediately thought of one character: Xiao Song, the news reporter.

Although Xiao Song is not a shapeshifter, he has many more roles than other characters.

Come to the mall.

"Son, this is the first time I beg your dad to beg the boss."

"Whether it succeeds or not depends on destiny!"

"I know little boss Lin Feng, he won't be accommodating just because I beg for mercy."

The person in charge, Lao Li, said seriously.

Revitalize Shinhwa Film and Television Company, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, and make it stronger and bigger through toys.

Lin Feng has his own principles for doing things.

"I understand, Dad, thank you."

Li Mu said gratefully.

Li Mu had dreams of becoming a star. After graduation, he went to work as a sidekick in Hengdian. In the blink of an eye, a year or two passed and he still achieved nothing.

The water in the entertainment park is too deep, and ordinary people have no chance of getting ahead.

There are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of walk-on actors, and many of them have superb acting skills. Unfortunately, there is no script for them, so they can only live as walk-ons in various production crews.

Li Mu heard that Lin Feng was casting again and rushed back to He Province overnight to ask for help from the cheap daddy.

"Son, what's wrong with you?"

The person in charge, Lao Li, discovered that Li Mu suddenly froze in place, motionless.

The expression on his face was quite shocked, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

"Dad, I...I...received the interview notice!!"

"Although I am not an armored warrior transformer...but I have the opportunity to star in Lin Feng's new drama!!"

"I will definitely catch it!!"

Li Mu vowed excitedly.

The person in charge, Lao Li, was silent and patted his son on the shoulder: "Come on, you brat!"

Lin Feng's new drama is not only a hit in the hot summer, but will also be introduced in other countries around the world.

If you gain fame through outstanding acting, you will be invited by foreign film and television companies.

Wang Cheng and Zhang Xiaofan are the best examples.

Even if you can't get a job abroad, if you participate in Lin Feng's new drama and gain a certain degree of popularity, you won't have to worry about not getting a job in the future.

Tiga Ott's Xincheng, Yerui, and Horii were originally just unknown minor players.

Now he plays the third male lead in many film and television dramas, almost becoming the central role.

In the afternoon, several figures stood nervously in the office.

Lin Feng sits (bhdh) on the office chair.

Jiang Shuying and Avril Carly stood behind him.

There are also directors such as Zhou Zan, Zhang Xing, Zhang Meng and other staff members in the room.

"Bai Xuxu, follow him and do a set of transformation moves."

The sound falls.

The actor wearing the Black Rhinoceros suit slowly stood up, picked up the Black Rhino Summoner and placed it on the wrist of his left arm.

Naturally, simple props cannot fix the wrist, and the actors in the leather suit just follow the learned movements to demonstrate.

"Black Rhinoceros Armor...Combined!"

exclaimed the holstered actor.

The body is slightly bent, the left arm is bent forward, and the right arm is extended backward.

"Have you watched it?"

the holster actor asked.

If you don't understand, he will do it again. They are all unknown actors. The actor in the actor did not show off because he is an "old man".

Smart people will always do things well. What if the young man in front of you is selected and you offend him, and the filming of "Armor Warrior" will be in trouble?

After all, the actor in the suit is not as good as the protagonist.

"Well, thank you."

Bai Xuxu took over the Black Rhino Summoner prop.

"Black Rhino Armor...Fusion!!"

The movements are very alien and not as skillful as the actors in leather suits, but fortunately the performance is very elegant.

Bai Xuxu successfully got the role of Black Rhinoceros.

Avril Carly handed him the signing contract, and Bai Xuxu was stunned for a long time before signing it tremblingly.

"Are you Li Mu?"

"Lin...Director Lin, it's me."

Li Mu stammered.

"This is your role, perform the reporter's filming actions."

"Okay, Director Lin."

Contract after contract was signed.

The selection of roles was much faster than expected, which is enough to show how many good actors there are.

It's a pity that there is no capital behind them to support them, so most of them do nothing and leave the place where they once pursued their dreams.

The contract signing ends.

The actors are taken away by the assistant director for training.

The cast of Armored Warriors is spot on.

Members of the Armor crew delivered the prepared promotional PV in the evening.

Duration: 2:08 seconds.

The theme song is still sung by Lin Feng himself.

I first sang the theme song to save money, but now I sing the theme song for the fans.

Fans have long been accustomed to him singing the theme song.

The familiar picture of PV emerged, with five figures shuttled among the high-altitude clouds.

The special effects are very exquisite, far from 50-cent special effects... This is not true.

The overall quality of the special effects in Armor Warrior Season 1 is not bad.

The quality of the first part of Armor Warrior Season 2 is quite good, but in the later period the special effects gradually fell apart due to financial issues.

Similar to Aunt Azuma's filming of Kamen Rider Kabuto.

The battle scene in the rain was so amazing back then, and later battle clock-ups rarely appeared.

It is said that Aunt Dong spent too much money in the early stage and had to reduce her capital consumption in the later stage.

Lin Feng has abundant funds, the special effects are unlimited, and the toy sales are a huge profit.

The music plays along with the picture, and the word "wood" appears with the Wind Eagle Man. The metallic warrior in armor is quite handsome.

The Tiger Knight of Earth, the Black Rhinoceros of Water, the Snow Mastiff of Gold, and the Flame Dragon Knight of Fire.

"Oh, life in the universe will never stop!"

“Believe that your body always has potential abilities!”

"Change will always bring surprises of growth!"


"The rising flames of the Flame Dragon Knight are the power of fireworks!"

"Infinity is the Flame Dragon Armor of Fire!"

"And the Earth Tiger Man wants to summon the Earth Tiger Armor!"

Lin Feng read it carefully and determined that there was no problem in publishing it on his personal blog.

It didn’t take long for the number of comments to exceed five figures.

I’ll rub it! Lin Feng’s dog thief’s song combined with pv and battle scenes makes me feel like a friend! The new tokusatsu drama “Armor Warrior” is bound to take off!!]

[It really is five transformers and five armored warriors! Especially the Flame Dragon Man, he looks so handsome!!]

[Black Rhinoceros is the most handsome without explanation! The thick metal armor gives off a strong explosive power!!]

[Looking forward to it! I’m so looking forward to it! Five armored warriors fighting side by side! When will Lin Feng Dog Thief be officially launched? I’m already ready to catch up!!]

[Guys, please look carefully at the waist of each armored warrior: the appearance of the belt is different, but it is definitely the same as Kamen Rider Kuuga's Aguru belt, and it is one of the must-sell toys.

One! Plus the weapons of the armored warriors... Children really can’t afford them!!]

[As a fan of Lin Feng Dog Thief, I no longer dare to let my son catch up on "Armor Warrior". As an adult, I can't help but not consume [I can't help the brat making trouble!


Fans' highlights mostly focus on three areas: how handsome the five armored warriors are, when the tokusatsu drama will be aired, and finally, related peripheral toys.

Five transformers, five belts, five weapons... the players were completely panicked.

Who can believe that toys are more terrifying than blood-sucking games?

Note: A certain reader’s comment in the comment area is ‘Sui Cheng’. This is one of the real regrets. If you can watch it in your lifetime, it is a success. I beg you to subscribe and support me! (Weakly

I want to ask, has any reader Quanquan watched Metal Hero? Do you want to film a series in the future??).

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