Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

108: Lin Feng: Female Knight? Female Knight! [Please Order In Full]

Luxurious villa and office.

Jiang Shuying and Avril Carly were stunned.

The development of Aquamarine tokusatsu dramas is slow, and the number of works is pitifully small.

The current tokusatsu dramas can occasionally hit hot searches and become popular all over the Internet because the boss brother has single-handedly led the market.

Be it Ultraman Tiga or Kamen Rider Kuuga.

The tokusatsu transformer is always alone.

Major film and television companies around the world follow the trend and also focus on a shapeshifter and a super assistant.

The latest special photo series of Armor Warrior has five transformers, which means there are five core characters. The number is too exaggerated.

Not to mention Avril Carly and Jiang Shuying, the other girls were also surprised to learn about it.

"Brother Badass, are there any girl shapeshifters?"

Yang Mi asked with her big, watery eyes.

The pretty faces of the girls next to them showed deep anticipation: Girl transformers, I'm really looking forward to it.


Lin Feng shook his head.

It is true that there are no female transformers in the Armor Warrior series. This is not entirely true, with the exception of Armor Warrior Captor.

There will definitely be female transformers in future works.

In the Kamen Rider works of the Reiwa era, the number of female Kamen Riders gradually increased.

In fact, there are many female knights around him.

For example: Avril Carly.

For example, Sumire Uesaka looks cute but is actually very crazy.

One of Aunt Azuma's three special special dramas: Super Sentai.

Super Sentai has one female shapeshifter, and some tokusatsu dramas have two female shapeshifters.

After learning that the follow-up work will include a female shapeshifter, Yang Mi's disappointed smile immediately became happy.

Lin Feng:(⊙⊙)!!!

It would be great if Yang Mi's acting skills are as good as her face-changing ability.

Among the girls currently, she is the worst. It’s not that her acting skills are bad. Compared to the ‘stereotypical’ performances, Yang Mi’s acting skills are remarkable compared to those of Liu Yifei, Liu Shishi and others.

Including the little loli Qiao Ben Huana, her acting skills are better than hers.

Mythical Paradise·Sound Effects Studio.

Lin Feng rarely holds meetings.

In the first season of Armor Warrior, Lin Feng plans to activate the standby sound effect.

The genius JD Katsuragi Takumi, the DJ father-in-law celebrates the monster.

Among Kamen Rider fan groups, their standby sound once caused heated discussion.

All weapons of the five armored warriors have been added with standby sounds without damaging the tokusatsu drama viewing experience.

The transformer does not have a standby sound for the time being.

The five armor transformations in the first season of Armored Warriors are a bit special and are not suitable for adding standby sounds.

The Kuuga Yakuru belt also has a standby sound. The standby sound is not very nice but it is very classic.

Neither DX nor PB has added a standby sound. The reason is simple: the selling point of csm.

It takes a process for transformers to become more and more fancy and noisy.

Especially the behind-the-scenes shots of Kamen Riders like Exide and Soki.

Hopefully Aquamarine viewers will accept the gimmicky appearance.

I will definitely not be able to accept it in the early stage, but I will definitely accept it in the later stage and feel that it is very handsome, at least it will not be so eye-catching.

Aunt Dong has always been good at changing people's aesthetics.

Xin Nan is played by Lin Feng.

The heroine is surrounded by nine women, and three women are selected to play the role based on the information about the female characters.

Meizhen: Liu Yifei, Xu Minci: Liu Shishi, Xueer: Gu Linaza.

The tall and slender Gu Linaza, combined with her alien looks, plays the role of a cold-eyed girl with more feeling than Jiang Shuying.

In addition, Jiang Shuying recently starred in the movie "Iron Man", so the role naturally fell to Gu Linaza.

Arrange the standby sound production work.

Lin Feng went to the animation production team.

He is the chief director of super-intelligent football and cannot do anything.

Animation producers recruit new members again, and the system time is greatly improved.

The current reviews of Super Smart Football are very good.

Ordinary co-branded footballs sell very well.

The only pity is that there are too few areas for children to play football.

There are many non-professional areas, and there is an open space where you can play football.

Lin Feng secretly thought about whether to create Slam Dunk and King of Net animations.

When it comes to how profitable sports products are, basketball is definitely second to none.

At least there are many places to play basketball. There is no square dancing there, and it is easy to get started with basketball, without having to practice for two and a half years.

After leaving animation production, I met brothers Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng.


"Filming the second theatrical version of "Bakugan Boy"?!"

Lin Feng glared.

"Yes, boss."

Zhang Xing's tone was quite exciting.

"My brother and I have roughly completed the script for the second theatrical version."

“Not only the second theatrical version, but also the third theatrical version has a general idea.

"The Bakugan toys have also been redesigned..."

Lin Feng:O_O...!!!

Good guy! He called him a good guy!!

Brothers Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng plan to film "Bakugan Boy" until death, right?

Lin Feng refused on the spot.

The filming of the theatrical version was rejected, and the second season of "Bakugan Boy" was also postponed.

Feelings! Feelings need time to settle and settle!!

Even if you cut leeks, you still have to wait for the leeks to grow.

Bakugan Boy temporarily stopped filming. Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng were stunned. They thought about it seriously and admired their boss even more.

"Boss, we understand."

"During the pause in filming, we continued to conceive and polish the plot."

“When I shoot again, I absolutely control the quality.

Zhang Xing said slowly.

“The plot will wait for now.

Lin Feng patted him on the shoulder and said there were many dishes in the county and city.

"Chives...a lot of leeks??"

The two brothers were dumbfounded.

"The Bakugan boy has finished harvesting the leeks, and the Yo-Yo leeks will continue to be harvested."

After being immersed in the first season of Huolishaonwang for so long, it’s time to start filming the second season. "

Lin Feng said slowly.

Preparations for the second season of Fire Boy King have been started for a long time. Due to the lack of time and manpower, the theatrical version and new works take up most of the time.

This is how the Fireboy King was delayed.

Zhang Xing:(0·0)!!!

Zhang Meng:(°.°)!!!

"Boss, let's go back and prepare now.

The two brothers said solemnly.

Yo-yo is definitely one of the representative toys of Shinhwa Toy Factory.

Since the birth of the yo-yo to the present, toy sales revenue has always been objective.

Lin Feng handed them the yo-yo creation.

How could Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng not be excited?

Lin Feng touched his chin: Do you want to build a Yo-Yo black technology game building?

The yo-yo has a built-in special linkage sensor chip.

Players play the yo-yo in the game to activate fancy glare special effects. If the skills are released, there will be exclusive skill special effects fields in movies and TV series.

When it comes to truly black technology, works such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon are even more stunning.

At present, new dramas are gradually starting, and long-form animations have to be moved a little bit.

Lin Feng came to the "Iron Man" studio.

All employees are busy in post-production, the soft girl coins are in place, and the studio is working in two shifts.

In fact, there are more than two shifts, and the rest times of the staff are all messed up. Some people are busy and some are resting every few hours, regardless of day and night.

If you want to catch up with the Spring Festival, post-production must speed up.

Similar to web games, players can charge money to fight at three times or five times the speed.

Shinhwa Toy Factory manufactures according to Lin Feng's design drawings.

In the evening, five prop versions of summoners were delivered: Flame Dragon, Wind Eagle, Snow Mastiff, Black Rhino, and Earth Tiger.

The painting of the prop version is quite exquisite. Since the material is mainly metal, the texture of the summoner is very nice.

The only drawback is that there are no sound effects and no sound and light.

The prop version of the summoner is not a pure toy, its purpose is to shoot special effects dramas.

Yang Mi, little loli Qiao Ben Huannai, Liu Yifei and the other girls looked around with their summoners.

The small and exquisite summoner is a favorite among them.

[Lin Feng: Shinhwa Pictures' latest special drama "Armor Warrior" is about to be released.

The most transformed people in the history of tokusatsu dramas: five.

Fans, please stay tuned.

Shinhwa Film and Television Company is recruiting transformer actors. Those who want to star in the film can send their resumes to the official email address. 】

Personal blog update.

Five summoner pictures are attached.

The five summoners are held by Yang Mi, Qiao Benhuannai and his daughter respectively, making the visual sense even richer.

[Oh my god, five shapeshifters? Lin Feng’s new tokusatsu drama is so long?!]

[The Armored Warrior Transformer looks so small and exquisite! The exterior painting is really nice, I think it’s prettier than the Divine Light Rod!!]

[Five transformers, five transformers! How many soft girl coins does it cost to buy a set? This does not include other series of peripheral toys from Shinhwa Toy Factory! Lin Feng, the dog thief, please, don’t release any more toys. Children really can’t afford it!!】

[The new tokusatsu drama is recruiting transformers? Sign up! I want to sign up! If you are selected by the Lin Feng dog thief, you will be at the top of your life and have no worries about food and drink!!]

[Guys who sign up, be optimistic about the conditions! The leading role must be between 16 and 23 years old, and the appearance must be sunny and fresh. Simple translation: Applicants do not have to be handsome, but they cannot not be handsome at all. They must have good looks to some extent!!]

[What are you afraid of! I am known as Sanlitun Pan An! Lin Feng, the dog thief, saw my photo and chose me in a minute!!]

[What a cheating thing upstairs! I vomited immediately after seeing your profile photo! Which of your facial features passes the test?!]


Lin Feng chose a role for the first time in a long time.

Yan Xia's entire network... No! The appearance of the tubing was extremely sensational.

Conditions require hot summer actors, and famous foreign actors who are eager to move have no choice but to give up.

YouTube fans pinned five summoner pictures, and the number of exchanges and comments in the comment area exceeded one million.

In the hot summer, famous and unknown actors began to send in resumes like crazy.

Some people even bribe auditors through special means.

Lin Feng knows it all: reviewers can make extra money for themselves.

Prerequisite: The audit work must be completed fairly.

It is better to open up than to block it! Auditors will work harder if they can make money.

Making trouble? Even if you don't have any problem with your brain, you won't do that.

Because as long as you work at Shinhwa Film and Television Company, you will have the opportunity to make extra money secretly.

If someone gets into trouble, they will be kicked out of the company and even bear legal responsibility.

Smart workers know how to make choices.

All animals know that they are full after a meal, let alone humans.

It’s not that there weren’t some staff members who caused trouble, the person in charge of the audit cleared them up early.

Recruitment of shapeshifters is booming all over the internet.

Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Cheng volunteered, and Xincheng, Ye Rui and others also came to join in the fun.

They are not suitable for shapeshifters, Shinjo, Nobazata and others can make guest appearances.

If you really want to transform, the second team in the later stage is not unreasonable.

The acting skills of Xincheng and Yerui are remarkable.

Major film and television companies fell silent.

MMP, isn't Lin Feng taking his nine beauties for travel and leisure?

What the hell! Another new work?!

There are still about two months until the Chinese New Year. Please, can you please stop for a while and let us colleagues cut leeks safely?

Since the emergence of Lin Feng, the market value of other film and television companies has generally declined.

The new drama "Armor Warrior" gives them a special headache.

Five Transformers, the drama has not been aired yet, a sense of anticipation

Fill it up directly.

Baiyang Film and Television Company.

An aunt (Wang Qian's) who is more than fifty years old and dressed up in a flashy dress... an aunt who is worse than Aunt Ximen.

The aunt's name is Bai Yang.

The founder of Baiyang Film and Television Company...the successor to be precise.

Bai Yang's boss is her husband. Her husband died unexpectedly, and the childless Bai Yang took over the film and television company.

Name changed: Baiyang Film and Television Company.

Bai Yang is quite capable, using young meat, boy bands, etc. to create hype.

The top-notch little fresh meat era made a lot of money.

Bai Yang is one of the film and television companies that followed Lin Feng's lead.

The special drama "Mighty Knight" was invested and produced by her.

The starring role is also an old acquaintance: Lu Lu.

The fortress of the Magic City hit the streets, Lulu's traffic popularity plummeted, and he defected to Baiyang in desperation.

Three days of crazy drug taking.

Lu Lu won the male lead in "Mighty Knight".

Baiyang used the hype methods he was proud of to restore Lulu to the top level of fresh meat.

At least that's the surface heat.

"."in vain."

Lulu said intimately as he entered the office.

He almost vomited what he said.

"Lulu, how is the filming of "Mighty Knight" going?"

"Ten episodes have been filmed."

Bai Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Lulu, don't worry."

"This time "Mighty Knight" finally defeated Lin Feng's "Armor Warrior".

"I will avenge you!"

Lulu's face was filled with emotion, and he threw himself into the pagoda tree beyond Aunt Ximen...

Note: Mengxin deleted a comment from a reader. Wardtian, this boss must have jumped to subscribe. Winning Dragon is played by the protagonist himself, Kiss’s own secretary

What's wrong? I don’t know if this reader has seen Mengxin’s explanation. I beg for a small wave of full support!! Gu!.

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