Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 820: Showing off the fangs (2)

Zhao Youxi looked at the appearance of the three of them, the smile on her face became more and more profound, and she turned her gaze to look directly at Han Yichen. (((Cartino Novel Network

"This is the eldest brother you got back? I'm really sorry, the first time we met was under such a situation, I left a bad impression on you."

Han Yichen's face was tense, and he only replied to Zhao Youxi's words: "Is there something that can be directed at us adults, so you can't embarrass a child."

Zhao Youxi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly covered her mouth and laughed lowly, as if she had heard some terrible joke.

"Hahahaha... Brother, are you sure you are joking?"

Han Yichen's face was dark, and he didn't think what he had just said was so funny.

Zhao Youxi smiled enough before raising her head, looking at Han Yichen with a pair of eyes fixedly: "This is not a child."


"This is not a child." Zhao Youxi stretched out her hand and pinched a happily not crying, pitiful little face, "For us, this is not a child at all, but a person who can make our enemy sad and painful. It’s just a tool. There’s never been an embarrassment about such a tool.”

Han Yichen choked, looking at Zhao Youxi's innocent and chatty appearance, suddenly there was a strange sense of violation. Is this person really a person? Why is it so like a walking corpse, a walking corpse who only knows hatred and nothing is left.

Zhao Youlin was blocked by Han Yichen and her eyes became deeper and deeper as she listened to the conversation between Zhao Youxi and Han Yichen.

After Zhao Youxi finished speaking with Han Yichen, he quickly turned his attention to Mu Tingfeng. Faced with this man who had been tempted by him, Zhao Youxi was full of sorrow and unwillingness.

"Master Mu, if... If I said that I really had a true heart for you at the beginning, would you believe it?"

As soon as Zhao Youxi said this, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little embarrassing, Zhao Youming was really unbearable that his sister had the time to entangle these children's personal affairs at this time.


Before Zhao Youming could finish his dissatisfaction, he was forced back by Zhao Youxi with a cold eye.

Although she didn't speak any more, the resentment in her heart became more and more obvious. What kind of thing is Zhao Youxi. If she hadn't sent her abroad two years ago, she would still be able to stand in front of so many people, huh, let you Be proud of it for a while. When he took the money and went abroad to start again, he would surely step back on these people who looked down on him one by one.

Zhao Youxi naturally saw the dissatisfaction in Zhao Yuming's heart, but she didn’t want to care about it, and she didn’t need to care about it. She knew that Zhao Youming was thinking about fighting this time, and then fled abroad with those things, waiting for an opportunity to rise again. Unfortunately, I don’t want it after today. Saying Dongshan is back, he won't even have the chance to survive.

Zhao Youxi turned her head and stared at Mu Tingfeng's eyes, waiting for his response.

Mu Tingfeng still had a cold face, greeted Zhao Youxi's eyes, and said unhurriedly: "How many people have you given your sincerity?"

Zhao Youxi was stunned. After trying to understand the deep meaning of Mu Tingfeng's words, she finally couldn't help but laugh out loud: "That's it, that's it. Then if... if I give you all my sincerity from the beginning, no one else , Only you, will you..."

This time, without waiting for Zhao Youxi to finish speaking, Mu Tingfeng has already responded: "I don't care who your sincerity is given to me, but I only have one sincerity."

The implication is that his sincerity has been given to Zhao Yulin and it is impossible to give it to a second person, even if Zhao Youxi gives him his sincerity, he only likes Zhao Yulin and nothing else.

"You have only one sincere heart!" Zhao Youxi's expression suddenly turned a little sullen, and he handed the gun to Lele's head for a few minutes, and said coldly, "Then if I want you to be with me now , Otherwise I would break your son's head, what would you do? And you..."

Zhao Youxi said, crossing Mu Tingfeng and looking at Zhao Youlin: "If I let you leave Mu Tingfeng, or I would kill your son, what would you do? What would you do?"

Mu Tingfeng's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at Zhao Youlin's face, only to find that Zhao Youlin's face was calm, as if what Zhao Youxi had just said was nothing but trivial things.

"You can keep people, you can't keep your heart. I think you should be disdainful of asking for this kind of thing now. And..." Zhao Youlin suddenly raised her head to meet Zhao Youxi's eyes: "Today, compared to us, you want the most Should the revenge enemy be someone else?"

Zhao Youlin's words surprised everyone present again. Zhao Youxi narrowed her eyes to look at Zhao Youlin. The two looked at each other like this, separated by two big men, and no one said anything.

At this moment, Zhao Youming can be said to be the most surprised of all people. Zhao Youlin’s words made him instinctively uneasy. What is meant by Zhao Youxi’s most wanting revenge should be someone else besides them. But here is the only one left. Is it possible that Zhao Youxi wants revenge or fails himself?

How can it be? They are sisters and brothers, they are each other's last life-saving straw in this world. How could Zhao Youxi regard him as an enemy? It must be Zhao Youlin who said this deliberately, trying to provoke the separation of the two of them. Yes, it must be so!

Zhao Youming opened her mouth, trying to tell Zhao Youxi not to fall into Zhao Youlin's divorce plan, but unfortunately, before he could speak, a gun had been quietly pointed at his hands and feet.

After the two bangs, Zhao Youming shot each in his arm and thigh. The pain caused him to collapse directly to the ground. He couldn't take care of Lele, who was holding him tightly in his arms. His face was pale and he was holding himself blood dripping. His arms curled up into a ball.

The sudden reversal made all the big men present stunned. What is the situation now? In the nest? !

Lele, who had lost her support, fell to the ground and couldn't help but burst into tears.

With his cry, Mu Tingfeng and others finally reacted, and the gaze looking at Zhao Youxi became more and more surprised.

Zhao Youming was shot in the arm and thigh, blood was flowing, and a cold sweat came out on his forehead. After struggling for a long time on the ground, he looked at Zhao Youxi with red eyes, eyes full of disbelief.

"Sister, you..."

"Don't call my elder sister." Before Zhao Youming finished speaking, Zhao Youxi interrupted him first, and reached out to lift Lele who had fallen on the ground, staring coldly at the people on the ground, and said mercilessly, "Every time Listening to you calling my sister, I feel so disgusting, so disgusting that I want to tear your mouth."

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