Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 819: Showing off the fangs (1)

Zhao Youlin walked slowly with her luggage bag, and the empty building was so quiet that only the whirring wind and the sound of Zhao Youlin's footsteps were left. (((Mobile reading visit

"Wait!" Just when Zhao Yulin was about to walk in front of Zhao Yuming, Zhao Yuming suddenly uttered a low voice, causing Zhao Yulin to stop at her feet.

"what's happenin?"

" put the money on the ground, that's it." Zhao Youming pointed to a position about one meter in front of him. He didn't intend to let Zhao Youlin get closer. Obviously, he was still afraid of Zhao Youlin's skill and didn't intend to make her more. Do close.

Zhao Youlin pursed her lips, leaned over and put her luggage on the ground following Zhao Youming's instructions.

And at the moment she leaned over, Zhao Youming's knife finally moved, moved from Lele's neck to Zhao Youlin's face, and stabbed her fiercely.

As everyone knows, Zhao Youlin was waiting for this moment. At the moment when the knife in Zhao Yuming's hand left Lele's neck and pierced towards herself, Zhao Yulin quickly stood up from the ground, dodged sideways, and while evading the knife in Zhao Youming's hand, she was fast. He squeezed Zhao Yooming's wrist fiercely, and fold it down forcefully.

Zhao Yuming didn't think that Zhao Yulin would turn him into an army, and the knife in her hand slipped from her hand under the pain.

Before he could react, Zhao Yulin's hand was stretched towards Lele in his arms.

Bang...Two gunshots sounded at the same time, Zhao Youlin's professional habit for so many years is not that you can't remember if you don't remember it.

In a few tenths of a second when someone was firing a gun, she quickly reacted, pushing the person she was holding out of her hands, and she also leaned back a little by the reaction force, and the two bullets from different directions made it happen. Such a tandem shot from the middle of the two, hitting a pillar not far away.

It is conceivable that if it were not for Zhao Yulin's timely response, it would not be the two people standing face to face at this moment, but the two bodies crashing to the ground, the death is unknown!

Zhao Youming was pushed so by Zhao Youlin, the whole person was stunned, and finally reacted. After realizing what had happened just now, Zhao Youming's entire face became extremely pale.

"You actually fired a shot, someone shot someone. Didn't I say to let you come by yourself? You even brought someone else!" Zhao Youming became excited suddenly, and the strength to grasp Lele suddenly increased a bit. .

Lele's eyes were filled with tears with pain, but she still remembered Zhao Youlin's previous instructions, and was even more worried that Zhao Youlin would be distracted because of the pain. Apart from the painful cry at the beginning, she kept biting her lips stubbornly without making a sound.

Zhao Yulin was afraid that he would hurt the child and kicked the knife on the ground far away. Now that he saw Zhao Youming's appearance, she twisted her eyebrows. While feeling distressed for Lele, she hated Zhao Youming's madness even more, she said in a cold voice: " Zhao Yuming, don't just talk about me, you also brought your helper, not all of the two shots were shot by people on my side."

Mu Tingfeng and Han Yichen arranged for a sniper. This is something that even Zhao Yulin didn’t know, but since the matter has reached this point, it’s no longer necessary to investigate whether she knew it was unnecessary. What she cares more about now is that just now Another person who shot.

Although it was only a moment, Zhao Yulin, who was very sensitive about firearms, discovered that one of the two guns was not fired from a long distance, so the speed of that gun was higher than that of the other. Fast.

There is another person hidden in this building, an accomplice of Zhao Youming's side, and an accomplice who is also armed with a gun.

Zhao Yuming was stunned, his face unconsciously showing a little guilty conscience.

Zhao Yulin had a full view of her expression, and the guesses in her heart became more and more certain. She determined the direction of the person's shooting. She turned her head and said loudly at the concrete pillar behind her: "Since it's all here, Don't you plan to come out and meet me before leaving?"

Mu Tingfeng, Han Yichen and the others rushed up when they heard the gunshots below. They were not surprised to see Zhao Youming holding Lele under her control, but Zhao Youlin's words made them stunned.

Is there a person hidden behind that pillar? An accomplice of Jo Yoon Ming?

"No matter how long it has passed, you are still so annoying." The charming girl came out from behind the pillar, making Mu Tingfeng frowned unconsciously, always feeling that the voice was a little...familiar.

Without waiting for Mu Tingfeng to think more, the people behind the pillars had already walked out, and at the same time, they answered the questions that lingered in his mind.

The girl who walked out from behind the pillar was wearing a simple black casual clothes with a pair of tight black jeans underneath. The hood of the jumpsuit covered her head, but when she walked out from behind the pillar, Mu Tingfeng She recognized her identity all of a sudden.

"Zhao Youxi?!"

Now Han Yichen who is next to Mu Tingfeng heard Mu Tingfeng’s shout, his eyebrows were also twisted, Zhao Youxi has never seen this person, but the grievances between Zhao Youxi and Zhao Youlin, he knows that it is no better than any of those present. One person is few.

Unexpectedly, this black hand who has been hiding behind the scenes turned out to be her!

"Yes, it's me. It's been a long time. How are you doing during this time?" Zhao Youxi has a small smile on her face, looking like a girl next door, who is innocent and harmless, compared to when she went abroad more than a year ago. There are two people, but this is what she makes Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng feel a little cool in their hearts, instinctively feel that this person is much more dangerous than Zhao Yuming who is holding Lele over there.

As Zhao Youxi walked towards Zhao Youming, she glanced at the people present one by one, and finally fixed her gaze on Lele's body, and smiled again: "It seems that your life shouldn't be very good? But this should be the case. Yes, I have been so painful for more than a year, so why are you happier and happier than me?"

When Zhao Youxi said this, the tail of his eyes was slightly raised, and there was a hint of evil that had never been seen before.

Zhao Youlin squinted at the pistol in Zhao Youxi's hand, somewhat surprised: "You shot the shot just now?"

"Yeah." Zhao Youxi admitted openly, and the gun in his hand was pointed at Lele's head like this. "After spending so long in a foreign country, if I didn't learn some self-defense skills, I'm afraid I wouldn't know it for a long time. How many times have you died, sister, don't you think?"

Zhao Youxi's elder sister called Zhao Youlin an indescribable taste. She had a hunch that this was the first time Zhao Youxi called her this, and it would be the last time.

Han Yichen and Mu Tingfeng quickly stepped forward the moment Zhao Youxi picked up the gun, blocking Zhao Youlin behind them one by one.

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