The men nearby burst into tears when they heard Lele, and looked at the man embarrassingly: "Brother, you seem to have made the child cry. (((Cartino novel website "

"Hey, children are troublesome. They cry at every turn and are so annoying." The big man felt a sudden cold behind his back as soon as he finished speaking. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the woman in the co-pilot staring at him with dark eyes. It was a bit dead.

Dahan suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, and always felt the illusion of being surrounded by resentful spirits. He subconsciously moved to the side, and suddenly realized that it seemed a bit too unpleasant to do so, so he moved back in a hurry. , Staring at the woman fiercely with a pair of big eyes.

Zhao Youxi stared at the man coldly for a while, then suddenly stretched out a hand at him: "Give it to me."


Zhao Youxi twisted her eyebrows and her tone became worse: "I said, give me the baby."

The big man's face sank as he was about to have a seizure, but he took a deep breath, thinking of the price the woman had paid, suffocated his breath again, and handed the child to him rudely.

Zhao Youxi looked at the child who looked like Mu Tingfeng in her arms but was many times cuter than Mu Tingfeng. Her cold face couldn't help but a hint of warmth. She hugged the child in her arms and patted twice: "Don't cry Now, we are not bad guys, we are sent by your parents to pick you up."

Lele cried so much that he hiccups. Hearing what Zhao Youxi said, he raised his head to see the appearance of the person in front of him. He was surprised to find that this person turned out to be the bad woman who had come to trouble him and his mother before.

Lele was flustered, but pretended to be innocent of not recognizing the other party at all, and cautiously said: "Are you mom and dad called to pick up Lele?"

Zhao Youxi saw that Lele seemed to believe in herself, and the smile on her face was a lot sincere, and she smiled slightly: "Yes, we are all called by your parents to take you home."

Lele raised her head and said in a tangled way: "But I haven't seen you, and just now those bad uncles even tried to deal with Sister Yuemei. They are bad guys."

Zhao Youxi then remembered that when the men brought the children over, there was a little girl next to him, and this group of people seemed to have accidentally dumped the little girl out.

Zhao Youxi's expression turned gloomy, and turned to look at several big guys: "Didn't you tell you not to involve other children?"

Several big guys saw Zhao Youxi suddenly become angry. Some people wanted to have an attack, but they were temporarily pressed down by their boss: "This is not just after school, there are so many children at the kindergarten entrance, and that girl happens to be talkative. There were so many people just now, if we don't throw her away, we won't be able to get out."

Zhao Youxi gave a few people a cold look. Although he didn't treat a few people very much, it was indeed not the time to tear his face with them.

Thinking like this, Zhao Youxi retracted her gaze and said to Lele comfortingly: "Uncles didn't mean it, my sister has already helped you teach them, so don't cry. Come, my sister will give you sweets."

Zhao Youxi actually took out a pink piece from his pocket, like a candy, and handed it to Lele.

Although Lele likes to eat, he also knows that strangers can't eat anything, especially if the stranger is still having a little holiday with his mother.

But now he is surrounded by such a group of people, even if he doesn't want to eat, this group of people will force him into his stomach.

Lele struggled for a moment, and obediently swallowed the thing into his stomach.

Zhao Youxi and others never thought that children had so many eyes. They only thought that children were afraid of living, but they could not match the charm of snacks. They finally succumbed to the temptation of sweets.

Lele felt dizzy not long after eating the candy, and then started fighting with her eyelids and wanted to sleep all the time.

The child persisted for a while, but was still no match for the body's instinct, and fell asleep.

When he fell into the darkness, Lele clearly heard the woman say to him: "Hey, you will be home after you sleep."

Zhao Youxi hugged the child who had already fallen asleep, his face changed suddenly, and he said solemnly, "Stop."

Several big guys were frightened by Zhao Youxi's sudden change of attitude, and it took a long time to react, and suffocated their breath: "Miss Zhao, it looks like there is no way to park here."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Youxi's gaze swept over, and asked coldly: "Don't want the final payment?"

The big man choked and said with a calm face: "Stop."

When the car stopped, Zhao Youxi held the child and stopped the taxi and left, leaving a group of big guys staring at each other.

"Big Brother, are you afraid of that woman's recklessness?"

"Yes, yes, that woman is not a good thing at first sight. What if she doesn't give us the money at all if she takes that child away?"

The stout man headed suddenly turned dark when he heard the words, raised his hand and patted the two open-mouthed little brothers on the head, and yelled coldly: "She dares, dare to drag our balance, I will kill her!"

On the other side, after Ling Ran chased and lost the car, he immediately called Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng.

When Mu Tingfeng received the call, Zhao Yulin was sitting in his car. Just about to talk to him about her new discovery, the phone rang.

Mu Tingfeng's face became more and more ugly after answering the phone, and finally he simply replied to the other end of the phone: "I see, you take the child over now, and Yeorim and I will go back right away." Then he hung up the phone. Up.

When Zhao Yulin saw Mu Tingfeng hung up the phone, she immediately asked curiously: "Who is calling? Did something happen?"

Mu Tingfeng calmly looked at Zhao Yulin's curiosity, hesitated for a moment, and said with difficulty: "Ling Ran is calling, Lele, he... was kidnapped."

The smile on Zhao Yulin's face froze.

"What's the matter? How could Lele be kidnapped?" Zhao Yulin couldn't help but ask loudly when she saw Ling Ran's first glance, ignoring that she had become a little big belly.

Mu Tingfeng kept a calm face on the side, carefully guarding Zhao Youlin to prevent her from accidentally knocking.

Ling Ran looked at the guilt on the two of them, too late to speak, not willing to go home all the time, Ling Yuemei, who had to follow him, rushed out first, hugged Zhao Youlin's thigh and started crying: "Aunt Zhao, Lele him... Lele was taken away by the bad guys. I wanted to get Lele back, but... but they threw me back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The child was always guilty that he could not save Lele back on the way, this will see Zhao Youlin's guilt and grievances gushing out in an instant, holding Zhao Yulin's thigh and just crying.

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