Zhao Yulin thought of this, but she was so uncertain. If it was really her, how could she have such a big hatred for Zhao Yuming? They are obviously...

Zhao Yulin suddenly remembered something, and her eyes widened uncontrollably. Could it be that that person already knew the original thing?

If this is the case, then all this... makes sense. (((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl.com)))

Zhao Yulin accidentally touched the corner of the truth here, but she didn't know that on the other side, someone had reached out to her most important baby.

The moment when the sun is about to set from the west is often the happiest moment for the children, because this time is often when they come home from school.

At the gate of a certain kindergarten, two children joined hands and walked out of the kindergarten in an extremely harmonious way.

"Lele, it will be the Spring Festival soon. At that time, do you want to come to my house with your parents? The children who come to our house during the Spring Festival every year are boring. They like to bring small reports with my parents. Not to mention she is very squeamish. Lele is the cutest. Lele, you asked your parents to take you to my house during the Spring Festival, okay? Come on." Ling Yuemei couldn't help but think of the children at home like the monkey-like children. Showed a bit of disgust.

Sure enough, Lele is still the most obedient and cutest, so she doesn't want to play with them.

The arrogant Miss Ling didn't realize that she was not much different from the brats in her mouth in the eyes of other children.

Lele was a little moved, but still implicitly replied: "I want to discuss with my parents, they agree, and I will go."

"Yeah, when you go back, remember to tell your uncles and aunts that they will definitely agree." Lele said, Ling Yuemei was overjoyed, and after Lele told Zhao Youlin and Mu Tingfeng, the two adults would definitely agree.


The two children talked and laughed to themselves. They didn’t notice at all. A van was parked not far from them, and on the co-pilot of the van was sitting a man dressed in black, wearing a black hat and black sunglasses, completely concealing his true appearance. woman.

When the two children came out, the windshield of the co-pilot was slowly lowered. The woman pointed her finger in the direction of the two children, and rushed to the big guys in the car and said, "The two children over there. see it?"

The big guys nodded.

"That little boy over there, your goal is him, don't involve other children, I won't give you a penny if you catch the wrong person and hire him."

Although the headed sturdy man was a little dissatisfied with the woman's voice, he nodded, got out of the car with a bunch of brothers, and walked towards the two children.

Lele and Ling Yuemei didn't notice that a group of people were walking towards them with a bad face, and they craned their necks to wonder why the person who picked them up hadn't appeared yet.

"Ah, my uncle is so slow today, I haven't arrived yet." Ling Yuemei looked around, her mouth slumped, showing a little unhappy appearance.

Lele also looked around, and found that the person who picked him up had not yet appeared, and immediately became a little unhappy.

At this moment, a few tall men suddenly rushed to the side, walked quickly to the two children, picked up Lele and ran out.

The two children were completely frightened, Ling Yuemei reacted first and shouted: "Help, help, some people are catching children, some are catching children, Lele, Lele..."

Ling Yuemei was also courageous. Seeing this battle, she was not shocked or crying like ordinary children. Instead, she shouted while rushing directly, reaching out to hug the thigh of the nearest big man: "Give Lele back Give it to me, come back!"

There were a lot of adults at the entrance of the kindergarten. Ling Yuemei shouted so many people looked at it. After a moment, someone finally reacted and wanted to help grab the child back.

Seeing more and more people looking towards them, several big men hurriedly ran away.

The person who was hugged by Ling Yuemei's thigh even hurriedly raised his leg to throw the child out.

Ling Yuemei wanted to hold his leg still, but her strength was too small, the big guy shook her for a while, and she slipped her hand, and then flew out like this.

What Ling Ran saw when he got out of the car was such a thrilling scene, his face suddenly changed color, and before he could think about it, he immediately rushed in the direction Ling Yuemei flew out.

Fortunately, he was carried into the barracks and tossed for a period of time. His skills were more flexible and quicker than ordinary people. When he threw over, he just hugged Ling Yuemei in his arms without letting her fall to the ground.

"Yuemei, have you been doing anything? Where did you fall? Are there any discomforts?" Ling Ran was really scared to a cardiac arrest by the scene just now. After standing still, he grabbed Ling Yuemei for various checks. Get up, for fear that the little girl's thin arms and legs will hurt something.

Ling Yuemei herself was very scared. She almost fell to her death, her small face turned pale and pale in fright. It was so pitiful, but she soon remembered more important things.

"Uncle, Lele, Lele, go and save Lele, Lele was taken away."

"What?" Ling Ran was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, and saw a group of people rushing into a van holding Lele. The van quickly started and rushed in the direction of the crowd.

Everyone saw the car crashing and dared to face it face to face. They had no choice but to give up a road and let it escape.

Before he could think about it, Ling Ran quickly picked up Ling Yuemei and rushed into his car, trying to catch up, but found that the crowd had gathered again.

When someone reacted and made way for him, so that he could finally rush out in the car, the van was long gone.

Ling Ran looked at the empty street with a terribly gloomy expression, and gritted his teeth and smashed his fist on the steering wheel.

On the other side, Lele finally realized what had happened after being stuffed into the car, her small face became pale, her big eyes soon became watery, and she looked like she was about to cry.

"You...who are you? I want...I want to go home, let me go, I want to go home."

Seeing the child suddenly start to struggle, the man holding him exclaimed impatiently: "Be honest."

Lele was scared when he saw so many wicked bad guys. He was even more frightened when he heard him yelling like this. The tears in his eye sockets finally came out, and she cried loudly, "Bad guys, bad guys," You are all bad guys, I want to go home, I want to go home! Uuuuu..."

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