Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 615: Unexpected guest (1)

There is no doubt that Su Liqiang is holding Su Ho’s hand on the red carpet. When he handed over his daughter, this fierce-looking father was reluctant, but helpless, he had to rush at Ye Yan angrily. Threatened: "Take care to my daughter, let me know that if you treat her a little bit badly, give me care for your life. (((Cartino Novel Network

"Dad..." Soho can't laugh or cry. How can anyone say such scary things at a wedding?

Ye Yan looked at his father-in-law, who was very unwilling to see him, with a polite and respectful smile on his face, and firmly said: "Welcome to the supervision of father-in-law. I will be good to Xiaoqi and the baby forever."

"Humph!" Su Liqiang snorted coldly, stepped aside, his eyes still staring at Ye Yan.

And finally, Su Jifeng, who was "released", sat in the first row in front of the auditorium, with dark clouds above his head, looking at Ye Yan as if he wanted to eat people! This **** brat, unexpectedly... he married his baby sister like this, really... really annoyed!

When Su Liqiang put Su He's hand on Ye Yan's hand, Su Jifeng's face suddenly sank, and he was about to get up, but was pushed back by the person sitting next to him.

Su Jifeng stared at his side with two big eyes. Before he could say anything, he saw his mother glance over with a cold eye.

Jiang Wenfang's face still had a light and gentle smile, but the goose bumps on the back of Su Jifeng appeared one after another.

"Today is your sister's wedding, so please greet the guests well and don't lose your manners, Ji Feng."

A short sentence, like a basin of cold water, extinguished the anger that was surging in Su Jifeng's heart. Su Jifeng instantly wilted and sat down on the chair half-deadly.

In the sacred church, melodious music is flying in every corner, mixed with the priest's solemn and solemn question: "Mr. Ye Yan, would you like Miss Soho to be his wife? From now on, regardless of prosperity or adversity, health or illness, happiness or sorrow , You will love her unreservedly, take care of her and love her, will never leave her, and be loyal to her forever?"

Ye Yan turned his head and glanced at Su He, then smiled slightly: "I'm willing."

"Ms. Soho, would you like to marry Mr. Ye Yan as your wife? No matter good or bad, health or illness, happiness or sorrow, you will love her unreservedly, take care of her and love her, and you will be inseparable from her. Abandon, be loyal to her forever?"

Su He also turned his head and glanced at Ye Yan. Under Ye Yan's affectionate gaze, his eyebrows curled, and he uttered three words: "I am willing."

"Now, the newcomer can exchange rings."

Following the pastor's words, the two took two rings that had been prepared long ago from the flower girl's hand, and put them on each other's ring finger with a faint smile.

The brilliant light of the ring and the eternal diamond on the ring easily attracted the attention of everyone, but in the eyes of the two couples, the most beautiful diamond ring is not as attractive as the one in front of them.

It's not just who moved first, or together, the distance between the two people was reduced bit by bit, and finally there was no distance.

The soft lips could no longer be separated as soon as they touched, and Soho's already very big belly lay between the two of them but did not play a blocking role.

So close contact, the eyes of the two people reflected each other's face, as if everything else could no longer be inserted between them.

Needless to say, the relatives and guests sitting below all seemed to be infected by the joy of the two, applauding spontaneously.

The crisp applause lasted for a long time in the sky of the church, proclaiming the blessings to the two of them.

As a bridesmaid, in addition to helping the bride to complete the ceremony completely during the wedding, there is also a particularly important effect, which is to stop the wine at the subsequent banquet.

Su Ho's pregnancy for more than six months was too sensitive. Although it was a major event like a wedding, after completing the basic ceremony, whether it was Ye Yan or those in the Su family, she refused to be so dense at the banquet The place made more stays, and she was sent back to the room earlier.

Without the bride, the groom naturally became the target of public criticism. There was an endless stream of people who went to Ye Yan to toast. Ye Yan drank a lot by himself, and the few best men who followed Ye Yan also drank a lot of wine, including Ling Ran.

However, the reason why Ling Ran drank a lot was not because she blocked the wine for the bridegroom, Ye Yan, but because she blocked the wine for the silly bridesmaid, Xiao Li.

Without the bride's attendance at the banquet, those toasting guests had to retreat and focus on the bridegroom and bridesmaids.

Although Xiaoli is a foodie, wine is definitely not on her food list.

Xiao Li didn't like to drink, and he didn't have a lot of alcohol. Ling Ran naturally wanted to stand in front of her, while keeping the wine for Ye Yan, while also keeping the wine for Xiaoli.

After a few rounds, Ling Ran only felt that the whole person was not good!

Compared with Ling Ran's hard work, Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng on the other side seemed much more relaxed.

Since Zhao Yulin was invited by Su Ho to be the bridesmaid, how could Mu Tingfeng, who is possessive and possessive, not be the best man?

Although the best man and bridesmaids generally don't matter, in front of a vinegar jar that can eat even non-biological vinegar for a long time, even just a name can't stand it!

Zhao Yulin wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have a few drinks. After all, when he was in the police station, sometimes he would drink a little bit of pleasure at dinner parties, but Mu Tingfeng obviously didn't think so.

President Mu, who has been deeply harmed by drunkenness, still has a bit of psychological shadow, and he is not willing to let Zhao Yulin drink in public, even if he is present.

Therefore, every time everyone who attended the Soho wedding banquet that night, as soon as they approached Zhao Youlin and planned to have a close with her, they would suddenly feel cool and whistling behind their backs. When they looked back, they would see a man standing there. Behind him stared at him fiercely with a beast-like gaze, as if he was about to smash himself into pieces.

Although most of the invited people are elders from all walks of life, no matter whether they are elders or peers, they can’t resist Mu Tingfeng’s death ray. They all defeated, walked to Zhao Youlin’s and turned around and ran again. When they arrived at Ling Ran and Xiaoli's side, they toasted with Ling Ran with a smile on their faces.

Ling Ran: "..." This mood is really terrifying! Please let it go!

Unlike the two daughters who control the low pressure, Jiang Wenfang was very interested in the whole low pressure. He chatted with celebrities and friends from all walks of life and flew around the banquet hall like a butterfly, as long as it was Everyone can see her good mood today.

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