Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 614: Small friction (2)

The two looked back at the same time, and they saw An Yue who was waving with Zhao Yulin not far away, and Han Yichen standing behind An Yue. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

An Yue didn’t seem to notice Zhao Youming at first, but when the two turned their heads, they realized that there was another person standing next to Zhao Youlin, and that person was the same Zhao Youming who had previously been told by Zhao Youlin and others to take good precautions. A little embarrassed, he put down his raised hand.

Zhao Yulin didn't care about this, she smiled and said, "I have something to do, let's go first."

Zhao Yuming's face has returned to his iconic smile: "Cousin go slowly."

Zhao Youlin took Xiaoli across Zhao Yuming and walked a few steps forward. Suddenly, it seemed that something had occurred. The steps under her feet stopped again and turned to look at Zhao Youming, "Speaking of which, the new Minister Zhao was hospitalized in a car accident, Zhao Minister, you should know."

Zhao Yoon-ming's steps forward also stopped, turning his head to look at Zhao Yu-lin and said: "The company has spread it all over, and I am very sorry about this matter."

"Oh? Really?" Zhao Yulin's lips twitched, "Then Minister Zhao took the time to visit the new minister?"

Zhao Yuming squinted his eyes, pretending to be guilty, and said, "I also want to visit my colleagues in the past, but unfortunately I haven't had much time recently."

"That's it." Zhao Youlin gave Zhao Youming a meaningful look. "Minister Zhao should take a moment to check it out. After all, it is a colleague or a relative who has the trouble."

Zhao Yuming greeted Zhao Yulin's eyes, always feeling that there was something shocking in Zhao Yulin's eyes.

Just when Zhao Youming thought that Zhao Youlin had discovered something, Zhao Youlin suddenly looked back and turned and left with Xiaoli.

As soon as Zhao Yulin left, Zhao Youming's expression turned gloomy. He was about to turn around and leave, but he paused after seeing a scene not far away.

Zhao Yulin walked to An Yue's side and greeted the two and the child in An Yue's belly as usual.

An Yue smiled, and whispered back: "I'm fine, and so is the baby."

With that said, An Yue also subconsciously reached out and touched her already faintly shaped belly.

This scene fell in Zhao Yuming's eyes, and Zhao Yulin smiled and said something to them in a low voice. An Yue smiled happily and touched her stomach.

Zhao Youming frowned, faintly strange to An Yue's movement.

Generally speaking, if a person or a woman touches her belly, in addition to being hungry, it may also be...pregnant.

However, at this time, Zhao Youming obviously did not think of this layer, but was a little strange about An Yue's actions.

After Zhao Yulin and An Yue left, Zhao Youming threw this strangeness behind his head, turned around and was about to leave, but a person walked out beside him and slammed into him.

Zhao Youming staggered, and finally stabilized his figure, only to find a woman with a hood and a mask, who couldn't see her face, was sitting on the ground, and there were papers scattered around her.

Zhao Youming was stunned, and quickly reached out to try to pull the person on the ground: "Sorry, I didn't notice anyone."

"It's okay, I was wrong, too, sorry." The woman was wearing a mask, and her voice was a bit buzzing, not clear.

After finishing speaking, the woman ignored Zhao Youming's hand extended to her, lowered her head and started picking up the scattered paper.

Zhao Youming paused with his extended hand, before squatting down to help the man pick up the paper on the ground.

When Zhao Youming had picked up all the paper in front of him and stood up, he realized that the woman was gone.

Zhao Yuming was stunned and looked around, but he didn't find the person again.

When he was puzzled, Zhao Youming frowned and glanced at the documents he picked up in his hand, hoping to find out some information about the man just now.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but Zhao Youming's face suddenly changed color.

On xx, xx, xx, at 8:43 in the morning, Zhao Yifei, director of the personnel and resources department of the Zhao Group, encountered an accident on the Dongpu Bridge because he avoided a large truck.

The license plate number of this large truck is xxxxx. The driver of this truck had contact with Zhao Youming, the Minister of Development Department of the Zhao Group on xx, xx, xx, and received a huge sum of 500,000 yuan from the other party...

Zhao Youming's hand gripped the paper in his hand tightly, and folds it out. His eyes were so big that he could even see the bloodshots in it.

how come? How could these things... be the woman just now... that woman...

After a long while, Zhao Youming calmed down the excitement and shock in his heart, took a deep breath, looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that no one was there, he folded the paper in his hand and put it in his pocket, then turned and walked calmly. Join the company.

What Zhao Yuming didn't know was that the woman he was still eagerly looking for did not leave, but stood behind a pillar not far away, closely observing his every move.

After seeing him suddenly change color because of the contents of the file, and then pretending to be nonchalant to put away the evidence and walk into Zhao, the woman's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"This is just the beginning. Zhao Youming, let's wait and see." After these words, the woman turned around suddenly.

A cool cold wind blew by the woman's side, bringing up her black and silky long hair, two pieces of white paper fell from the woman's hand, and then rolled to the corner of the side with the blowing of the cold wind.

If Zhao's employees could see this thing, they would find that it was a photo torn from the center, and the photo was the head of their development department... Zhao Yoon Ming!

Soho’s wedding banquet is not luxurious. Most of the people you can invite are very important people. For example, the CEO of a large international company, the president of a certain international bank, and the entertainment circle of a certain country* *oss, even the politicians of a certain country, just the suffix after the name on the invitation list is enough to crush the n-multi-family in S City, which claims to be a famous family, some of them are even Zhao Youlin I've heard it all.

As a bridesmaid, Zhao Youlin was taken to Su's house early and witnessed every step and every little detail of the wedding.

When the bride and bridesmaids stepped into the church one after another, not only the two brides and brides but also Ling Ran were excited.

As Ye Yan's good brother and best friend, Ling Ran was naturally in the best man's team, while Xiao Li was in the bridesmaid's team.

Seeing the bride and the bridesmaids standing behind him from a distance, Ling Ran was moved and lost again.

This time, he and Xiao Li witnessed the happiness of others as the best man and bridesmaid. When will they stand in their place and let others witness their happiness?

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