Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 477: Fell into the ditch (1)

ps offers today’s update. By the way, we will give a vote for the starting point 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also send starting point coins. I beg for your support and appreciation!

Mu Tingfeng turned his head around when he heard the footsteps. Before he could see the appearance of the person, he felt that there was something in his arms, and then he heard a familiar voice with a little aegyo. (((Cartino Novel Network

Mu Tingfeng was startled, looking at the little things that suddenly appeared in his arms, his awe-inspiring aura faded in an instant, reached out his hand and touched Lele's little head, and asked softly: "Where's mother?"

Lele enjoys Mu Tingfeng's smooth strokes. In Lele's impression, no one's hand is bigger than Mu Tingfeng's palm, it is generous and warm.

As long as Mu Tingfeng opened his hand, he could wrap his half-large head in his palm, which made the child feel very novel.

Therefore, every time Mu Tingfeng touches the child's head, the child immediately becomes extremely honest, just like now.

"Well, mom is over there, let Lele come over to find dad, and take dad over." Lele hugged Mu Tingfeng's waist, rubbed a small face against Mu Tingfeng's generous chest, and hit him comfortably. Yawn, pointing in a direction not far away and replied.

Those ladies and ladies who regarded Mu Tingfeng as their target, seeing Lele's appearance and Mu Tingfeng's pampering and pampering with Lele, their hearts were already cold.

Now that I heard Lele’s reply, I looked in the direction Lele was pointing, and I was seeing them staring at them with a smile but a smile not far away. I don’t know how long Zhao Yulin had been watching, but she was even more arrested. The embarrassment of the package.

Several so-called famous ladies looked at each other, and finally snorted unwillingly, and stomped their feet to make birds and beasts disperse.

Looking at the group of women gritted their teeth, Zhao Yulin rolled her eyes silently, as if she had been robbed of her unwillingness.

Do these women have the consciousness that Mu Tingfeng is already a married man? Carrying someone else’s fiancée and thinking about how to hook up someone else’s fiancé as a junior, it’s just that, when someone finds out that he still looks like someone has robbed an important thing, who wants to grab something? ?

The most important thing is that I actually got serious with them, and deliberately let Lele run over to stimulate them, and I really wanted to go back more and more alive.

Zhao Yulin was embarrassed to complain, and suddenly heard a sound of footsteps, following the reputation, she saw Mu Tingfeng walking towards her with Lele.

The expressionless iceberg man saw him look over, and he turned his head meaningfully and glanced at the women who had been mad at him by his own design. The teasing and ridicule in his eyes couldn't hide.

Zhao Yulin couldn't help but feel embarrassed. After reacting, she glared back at Mu Tingfeng in anger.

If it wasn't for this guy who looks too hiring and provokes some mad bees and butterflies all day long, can he commit such naive things as swearing sovereignty?

Mu Tingfeng knew that Zhao Youlin still had a lot of face at some point and couldn't make it too funny at once, so she cleverly changed the subject and asked, "What did you do with Lele just now?"

Zhao Yulin hadn't had time to say anything, Lele quickly picked it up: "Dad, mom just took Lele to the small kitchen to steal something!"

As soon as Lele said this, Zhao Yulin's mouth twitched.

This little white-eyed wolf really has the same virtue as his dad’s big white-eyed wolf. He stayed with Mu Tingfeng for a few days. After several contacts, he completely stood on the side of that guy. Mom sold him, it really hurt him for so long!

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin squeezed her son's round face with a bit of gusto, and pinched someone to tears before letting him go in a good mood.

Of course, if this little kid didn't fall into the arms of a certain big white-eyed wolf for comfort after being bullied by herself, Zhao Youlin would definitely be in a better mood.

Mu Tingfeng carefully stretched out his hand to help the poor kid rubbed the little face that was a little red because of being ravaged by someone, and the corner of his eye was always watching every change in the expression on Zhao Youlin's face.

Knowing that Zhao Yulin was eating the child’s jealousy, Mu Tingfeng was really happy and helpless. After calming the child for a while, Mu Tingfeng was very smart and changed the subject again: "Those guests in front are almost gone. We received today. Are you tired with so many guests?"

"The guests are basically received by Mom and Grandpa. I'm just on the side." Zhao Yulin said, taking a conscious look at Mu Tingfeng's back, and asked in a low voice, "What about President Ye? Isn't it? I said I want to chat with you alone, why don't I see people?"

"President Ye has gone back."

"Just go back?" Zhao Yulin was stunned, she didn't expect Ye Yan to leave first.

Mu Tingfeng nodded, and he rarely explained for Ye Yan: "He is suddenly in a hurry, and he is leaving first. Let me talk to you and uncle and auntie."

"Oh." Zhao Yulin responded lightly, but didn't ask further.

Mu Tingfeng was about to say a few more words with Zhao Yulin, when suddenly he heard a sound of footsteps behind him, and several people turned their heads to look at it, but Duan Yarong and An Yue came over.

Zhao Yulin looked at An Yue, remembering something suddenly, and exclaimed: "Yueyue, where's An Qi? Why hasn't An Qi been here yet?"

An Yue and others were also startled when they heard this. Sun Fengzi and Zhao Yifei had been so troubled before, and then they were busy greeting those guests. They had forgotten all of them, and there were two others who hadn't arrived!

"Where's that guy Nie Yunfan?" Seeing An Yue did not answer to herself, Zhao Yulin immediately turned her gaze to Han Yichen.

Han Yichen picked up his eyebrows and replied, "That guy didn't come either."

When Zhao Yulin heard this, she had a bad premonition, and asked with a slight twitch of her mouth: "...that guy is not a beast so that even her own people can do it?"

The expression on Han Yichen's face suddenly became a little subtle: " should"

Zhao Yulin: "..." Since no, what's the matter with your uncertain tone, brother?

Brother Lian, you and someone's friends for so many years, can't give someone a guarantee, what a beast is that guy Nie Yunfan!

Coincidentally, Zhao Yulin was talking about the two of them, and An Yue's cell phone rang at the right moment.

Everyone's eyes gathered on An Yue's body in an instant. An Yue quickly glanced at the number displayed on the phone screen, only to find that it was an unfamiliar number.

After hesitating for a while, An Yue still picked it up: "Hello, hello! Huh? Sister? Sister, where are you now? Why haven't you come here yet? How do you use someone else's cell phone? What about Yunfan? Is he by your side?"

After An Yue asked several questions in succession, she fell silent. Afterwards, she turned white as if she heard something terrible, and her eyes widened to the extreme.

Seeing her like this, everyone on the side raised their hearts.

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