"Um..." Zhao Yifei curled up on the soft bed while clutching his stomach, and the cold sweat that had finally stopped on his head also spread again at this moment. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw)))

"Cousin, is this annoyance? Yes, as long as a normal man encounters such things, he will feel annoyed. However, I said this today for the sake of my cousin. It is better to recognize some things clearly, so as to save certain things. Some people can’t recognize their position, thinking of robbing others over their own ability, and finally taking their own life."

After Zhao Yuming warned someone, it seemed that it was still not enough, and he added a few words in a low voice: "But speaking of it, cousin, you are still young, and the days in the future will be long. Don't be too discouraged. What about the current medicine? Developed, maybe one day you will have a chance to be cured of this disease. However, this is also troublesome. According to me, cousin, you were so diligent before, and you were entangled with so many women at a young age. Why? I never thought of leaving a bloodline for myself at that time. If you could have such a consciousness at that time, there would be so many things now, cousin, are you right?"

The pain in Zhao Yifei's stomach was finally relieved, and he heard Zhao Youming's cynicism, his face was blue and white, and white and blue.

Just when Zhao Yuming thought he was going to be so angry with himself, Zhao Yifei suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahaha..."

The juvenile's clear and hoarse laughter reverberated in the empty room. People who didn't know heard it and thought that the owner of the laughter heard some funny joke or something good happened.

But as the only listener, Zhao Youming frowned fiercely, and he was a little unexpected for Zhao Yifei's abnormal performance.

Zhao Yifei laughed enough, and his eyes were red. He raised his eyes and stared at Zhao Youming coldly and sneered: "Zhao Youming, where are you better than me? What qualifications do you have to laugh at me? Don’t forget, now the Zhao family can be the only one except you. In addition to the man who left the blood of the Zhao family, there is already another wild species that has just been recognized from outside."

Zhao Yifei sneered almost sickly, "Human is a legitimate orthodox bloodline. Although he is a renunciation halfway, it is different from your illegitimate child who is deliberately hidden outside. If I still have the ability to bear children, I will give birth to grandpa If your great-grandson comes, you may still be able to fight with him. And you..."

Zhao Yifei relaxed his body and walked back, looking at Zhao Youming's eyes full of sarcasm and joking: "And you, which green onion are you? A **** who was originally unnamed, and gave birth to a child just like you. It’s also an unfamiliar species, no matter how many births, it’s useless! In this way, how can you be better than me? Zhao Youming, I also advise you, take a good look at your identity, recognize the reality, don’t Those who do not know what they can do are dying to struggle for things that they can't get, so as not to be a cocoon, to lose the madam and to break the soldiers!"

Zhao Yifei lightly returned the original words of Zhao Youming that had just satirized him, and these words inevitably stuck to Zhao Youming's most painful position.

Zhao Yuming's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and the words in his mind that had finally stopped reverberating again.

Zhao Yifei's triumphant appearance coincided with Zhao Yulin's lonely and proud expression before he left. Zhao Yuming's eyes fell silent for a moment, and his hand followed his own heart and slowly stretched out to the person on the bed.

The crisp wiping sound resounded in the room again, and the smug smile on Zhao Yifei's face suddenly froze, and his pale face became as white as paper in an instant.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." a high-pitched scream suddenly sounded in the room, mixed with the pain and misery that the young man could not hide.

Zhao Youming stood by the bed, looking coldly at the weakly struggling teenager who was holding his arms on the bed, his eyes gleaming cruelly.

"Cousin, I'm sorry, cousin just didn't grasp the strength for a while. Your hand... seems to be broken again. What did Uncle Zhao say when he treated you before? Don't lift heavy objects casually recently. I was strained again. Just now, the sister in the lobby seems to have also said that if a hand that has been dislocated once is injured again in a short period of time, it may become a habitual dislocation in the future."

Zhao Yuming glanced at Zhao Yifei's lower body without a trace, and said with a chuckle: "Cousin, you are already'seriously ill', if you add this..."

Zhao Yifei was already sweating profusely with pain, and even his pupils were a little dizzy, but his eyes were still staring at Zhao Youming, full of hatred and resentment.

Zhao Youming looked as usual, glanced meaningfully at the still closed door, smiled confidently, and reminded in a low voice: "Cousin, the soundproofing of this room seems to be much better than imagined, I see you I still shout a few more times, maybe someone just passing by will be able to come and rescue you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhao Yifei's response, he turned and left this empty room.

Walking out of the room and closing the door tightly, Zhao Youming's face suddenly darkened, and he stepped up to the stairs, watching the lively banquet scene downstairs, his eyes rolled with incomprehensible emotions.

After staying on the edge of the stairs for a while, Zhao Youming suddenly seemed to remember something, squinted slightly and turned around, followed the stairs leading to the backyard on the other side, and silently disappeared in the Zhao family's main house.

Downstairs, Zhao Yulin and Lele finally filled their stomachs, and went back to find Mu Tingfeng holding hands contentedly, only to find that Mu Tingfeng was sitting alone in a corner beside the banquet. Ye who originally said they wanted to talk to him. Yan has long since disappeared.

There are several famous daughters talking about each other, everyone's face is shining with eager light, but they are a little hesitant. Obviously, they want to take advantage of the moment Mu Tingfeng is alone, but they are taking pictures of someone. The air pressure was too strong, and he stopped moving forward.

Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows, glanced at Mu Tingfeng who was not far away, then glanced at Lele, who was holding her hand, as if thinking of something, smiled and squatted and whispered a few words to Lele. .

When I was approaching, I couldn't worry about asking: "Does Lele know what to do?"

Lele nodded ignorantly, and Zhao Yulin touched his head encouragingly: "Then go."

Ever since, those ladies just watched a child suddenly emerged from nowhere, rushed to the desired target with his short legs, and pounced into the other's arms, cruelly. The raw yelled: "Dad..."

Ladies: "..."

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