"You tease me!" Li Hongyu was taken aback for a while and suddenly returned to his senses, stood up and pointed at Zhao Youlin angrily and shouted. (((Mobile reading visit m.novelmtl.com)))

The policemen nearby frowned upon seeing this, and coughed lightly to warn Li Hongyu.

Li Hongyu was stiff, and even the aura on his body was a little weaker.

Zhao Youlin chuckled, and got up and gave Li Hongyu a disdainful look: "Do you really think I'm not prepared at all? Li Hongyu, you are still too naive. Since I let Zhao Youxi know that the recording exists, you think I’m not prepared at all? You should be grateful that those people didn’t kill me that day, otherwise, the recording will be automatically posted on the Internet, and now there is one more person staying here, and you can do it with both your mother and daughter. Have a companion."

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, the last trace of blood on Li Hongyu's face completely faded, looking at Zhao Yulin as if looking at a monster.

"Don't look at me with this look. Deal with people like you. If I don't keep a little eye on it, I'm afraid I don't know how I died."

Ignoring Li Hongyu’s cannibalistic gaze, Zhao Yulin slowly walked out from behind the table, walked around the obstructing table and walked to Li Hongyu’s side step by step, and said, “But speaking of it, the recording is really easy to use, first. When I used it for the second time, Zhao Youxi was very frightened, and when I used it for the second time, Zhao Shuncheng was very angry. You said that if I take it out now, can I also scare you?"

"You..." There was a quick panic across Li Hongyu's eyes, and the hands that had been placed on his knees could not help but clenched into fists, and slowly lifted them up.

Zhao Youlin saw her every move, and she reached out so casually to put her hand on the back of Li Hongyu's chair: "Actually, you don't need to be so nervous. If I really want to deal with Zhao Youxi, I will have to wait until now?"

As Zhao Yulin said, she suddenly leaned close to Li Hongyu’s ear and said softly, “Sometimes, if you really want to deal with a person, it’s better to eat a mouse like a cat and mouse like a cat and mouse. Killing is much more interesting."

Li Hongyu's eyes tightened suddenly, staring blankly at Zhao Youlin who had already straightened up again: "You... you did it on purpose!"

Intentionally let Zhao Youxi know about the existence of this recording, so as to drive her out of the company, because Zhao Youxi knew that once Zhao Youxi was kicked out of the company, Li Hongyu would definitely be in a mess, and went to Zhao Shuncheng for help.

When Zhao Shuncheng came to look for her, I used this recording again to draw out the grievances Zhao Youlin had suffered under Li Hongyu over the years, and took the opportunity to provoke him and Li Hongyu, Zhao Youxi's husband and wife, and the father-daughter relationship!

Zhao Yulin didn’t deny it. She met Li Hongyu’s resentful eyes and continued to laugh, “I had expected you to jump over the wall if you knew about this, but I never thought that you would lose your mind and ruin yourself because of this. It saves me a lot of things."

"You...you damn..." Zhao Yulin's words seemed to be the straw on the camel's back, completely crushing Li Hongyu's sanity.

With a bang, Li Hongyu just got up from the chair and wanted to pounce on Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin had been prepared for a long time, and moved to the side lightly, avoiding Li Hongyu's scratching.

At the same time, the police officers on the side rushed up quickly, pressing Li Hongyu on the table.

But at this time, Li Hongyu had long lost his reason, staring at Zhao Youlin with crimson eyes, with a hideous face, struggling constantly.

Looking at Li Hongyu like this, Zhao Yulin narrowed her eyes, and said quietly, "I really should let Zhao Shuncheng look at you like this, let him know how the woman she has dominated for more than ten years is like a ghost. However, I I think he should have understood it now. After all, it is impossible for a woman who can buy a murderer to say where kindness is. In this case, you guess he will choose to spend a lot of effort to treat you as a femme woman. Save it? Or find another gentle and considerate new lover outside?"

"No, Shuncheng wouldn't treat me like this, he couldn't treat me this way! I have been in love with him for more than ten years, he likes me so much, it is impossible to abandon me to find another woman at this time!"

"Did you not feel guilty when you said this? If you really want to say it for a long time, my mother was a childhood sweetheart with him. Who can get along with them for longer? Don't you still be abandoned when you say that you are abandoned?"

"No, it's not the same, I'm different from your mother!" Li Hongyu struggled and shouted, "How can your mother compare to me? I gave birth to a son for him. Does your mother have one? Is there!"

"Yes, my mother failed to give him a son, but if you can give him a son, can't other women give him another son?"

Zhao Yulin looked at the appearance of Li Hongyu's sudden freezing, and the mockery in her eyes became more and more: "You have been in the police station for a day, why don't you see the man you have been with you for more than ten years come to see you? "

"This..." Li Hongyu's face changed slightly, and a bit of terror appeared in his eyes.

"To tell you the truth, as soon as you were taken away yesterday, your baby girl rushed to find Zhao Shuncheng anxiously."

Since the car accident, Zhao Yulin has been staring at Zhao Shuncheng and Zhao Shunchang. Soon after hearing Xiao Jingyao’s words yesterday, she received a call from those who followed, and she got a lot of useful information from those people. News.

Recalling the things I heard last night, Zhao Youlin couldn't help being mixed with a little pity in Li Hongyu's eyes, but more of it was a bad gloat: "Unfortunately, Zhao Youxi didn't find it for you. My helper, I accidentally bumped into Zhao Shuncheng and a girl he recently loved very intimately living together under the same roof, full of affection and envy of others. Zhao Youxi is only for you to argue with Zhao Shuncheng, but Zhao Shuncheng is for the girl The child and Zhao Youxi lost their tempers. Even if Zhao Youxi told him that you were arrested and asked him to save you, he was indifferent. He held his new love and shut Zhao Youxi out, and said to Zhao Youxi..."

"Say what?" Li Hongyu asked with a pale face.

"He said..." Zhao Yulin stared at Li Hongyu's eyes, and said cruel words every word, "Let you die!"

Li Hongyu's struggle suddenly stopped, but then it became more intense: "Impossible, impossible... You lie to me, lie to me!"

Zhao Yulin stood on the side with her arms folded, looking at Li Hongyu condescendingly, as if she was looking at a dying struggling ant: "I have told you what I should tell you, whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. ."

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