Following numerous scandals broke out by the second lady of the Zhao family, the arrest of the second wife of the Zhao family for buying a murderer quickly occupies the headlines of major reports, pushing the Zhao family to the forefront once again. (((Mobile reading visit

The blessing of Tuoli Hongyu, those things of Zhao Youxi before, under the impact of her buying murders, have gradually been suppressed and forgotten.

However, Zhao Youxi, as the client, didn't think this was such a happy thing.

Zhao Yulin moved quickly, saying that she was going to see Li Hongyu, and went directly to the police station the next day.

After learning about Zhao Yulin's intentions, the police station did not embarrass Zhao Yulin too much. After all, Zhao Yulin is the victim in this matter. It is understandable to "consolate" those who want to harm her.

Zhao Yulin was taken to a closed cubicle. After a while, the detained policeman walked in with Li Hongyu.

However, in one day, Li Hongyu seemed to be a teenager suddenly old, with heavy makeup on his face, and no more smiles. He looked extremely... embarrassed.

Seeing Zhao Yulin, Li Hongyu's face suddenly became ugly. He glanced at the two or three police officers who were still standing in the room, forced herself to sit down to the opposite side of Zhao Yulin, and asked coldly, "Why are you here? ? Come to see my joke?"

Looking at Li Hongyu's guarded look, Zhao Youlin smiled, folded her hands on the table and rested her chin, and said lazily: "If you think so, I can't help it."


"Why? Still want to do it? Yes, anyway, those things you did have been proved to be conclusive, and now you are short of conviction. There is nothing more than one more charge. It would be better to just die with me, and count as you. Earn it, didn't you? But..." Zhao Yulin glanced at the police officers in the house pointedly, and smiled sarcastically, "Do you think you can really kill me in front of so many people?"

Li Hongyu's face was pale, and her eyes stared at Zhao Youlin fiercely. The killing intent in her eyes was unspeakable and terrifying.

"Well, you don't think I'm pleasing to the eye, I don't think you are pleasing to the eye, let's hurry up and get to the point. Li Hongyu, why are you buying those people who are desperate to kill me?"

Zhao Yulin's too straightforward questioning made Li Hongyu unavoidably stunned, and her eyes began to subconsciously dodge.

"Do I need a reason to let people kill you? No matter when your existence is, it is a threat to me. I regret it now. I didn't see your disguise when I was in the Zhao family. Knowing that you are such a person, I have long been... long ago..."

"What happened long ago? I was killed by thinking of the law a long time ago, just like my mother was killed in the first place?"

"What...what?" Li Hongyu's face changed abruptly when he heard the words, and even his head drooped a little, and said in horror, "You...what are you talking about, I don't understand at all."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to know that the people you hire have already hired everything, not just this time, but all the things you have asked them to do for so many years. "

The last bit of blood on Li Hongyu's face faded, his hands tightly tightened his pants, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Now I know I'm afraid?" Zhao Yulin sneered, "Why didn't you know that you were afraid when you did these things? Didn't you at the time ever wonder what would happen to you if these things were revealed one day?"

Li Hongyu pursed her lips and did not answer.

Zhao Yulin sighed and sneered: "Yes, how can people who are blinded by the glory and wealth in front of them see this. Okay, we will talk about these later, we will continue the topic just now, why should you buy those things? People come to kill me? Or, why did you choose to buy those people to kill me at this time?"

"I have already answered this question just now, your existence is a threat to me."

"In that case, why don't you dare to look up at my eyes to answer this question?" Zhao Yulin leaned forward abruptly and leaned close to Li Hongyu, scared that the police nearby could not help but take a step forward, for fear of what would happen to the two of them. Disputes, especially Li Hongyu.

However, Li Hongyu, who was considered by the police officers to be very likely to take advantage of Zhao Yulin's hand at this time, seemed to have received a great shock, and reflexively leaned back.

Zhao Yulin’s deep eyes stared at Li Hongyu’s eyes so close, and she smiled slightly: “As you said, I regret that I didn’t have the foresight and pinched this scourge to death in the cradle, so now I have to tolerate it again and again. Me. When I joined Zhao as the general manager, you who were fashionable and could bear it, why would you choose to cruel me at this time? The only explanation is what I have done recently that makes you particularly unbearable. The things that make you feel a sense of crisis that makes you more fearful than when I joined the Zhao clan."

Li Hongyu's face was full of horror, her lips were pursed, and her eyes widened without saying a word.

Zhao Yulin didn't plan to let her go like this: "Let me take a guess. Tsk tsk, is my threat a threat from you or Zhao Youxi?"

"Zhao Youlin!" Hearing Zhao Youlin mentioning Zhao Youxi, Li Hongyu couldn't help but screamed.

After yelling, he remembered where he was now, and hurriedly covered his mouth, glanced at the police officers next to him with lingering fear, and he was a little relieved to make sure that they did not show anything unusual.

The corners of Zhao Youlin’s lips twitched slightly, and she pulled away and sat back in her chair: "It looks like, I guessed it. Zhao Shuncheng went back and told you about it. You think Zhao Youxi has such a handle in my hand, just It's like a time bomb, it can detonate at any time, so... I just wanted to buy those people to kill me, and destroy that thing by the way, so as to avoid future troubles. Ms. Li, did you think I was right?"

Li Hongyu's face was gloomy, and he did not admit or refute Zhao Yulin's inquiry.

"If this is the case, I may have to tell you a good news and a bad news." Zhao Yulin looked at Li Hongyu with a smile, making Li Hongyu instinctively feel a chill behind her back.

"What good news and bad news?"

"The good news is that, as you wish, those people did not kill me, but when they were chasing me, because my car was in a car accident, the phone with the recording was crushed, and the recording inside And disappeared because of this."

Li Hongyu was overjoyed, but it was a pity that Zhao Youlin added a word before the smile on her face was fully bloomed.

"The bad news is that I have backed up the recording a long time ago, not only on my phone."


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