Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 291: Recognize the truth (2)

As soon as he said this, Xia Zetao immediately felt that the coldness of his body had faded a lot, and he was refreshed, and carefully handed over the documents in his hand to Mu Tingfeng's hands. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Mu Tingfeng took the file, glanced at Xia Zetao without a trace, and said coldly: "This file..."

"Except for the few people who went to investigate, I promise that no one has seen it, including me. The few people investigated are also the president's cronies. I have warned them in advance that they will never reveal the slightest information found here."

Mu Tingfeng nodded in satisfaction and said compassionately: "Okay, go out. I have notified the Finance Department of the bonus for this month, and it will be credited to you soon."

Xia Zetao's eyes lit up suddenly, and the grateful Dade said a few more polite words, and he walked out the door of the ward happily.

As soon as Xia Zetao left, Mu Tingfeng could no longer maintain the calmness on his face, and quickly opened the file bag in his hand and pulled out the contents.

As Mu Tingfeng expected, Zhao Yulin, the eldest of the Zhao family, basically only stayed at the Zhao family before she got married. She didn’t leave the house. The circle of friends was even more so narrow because of her stepmother’s deliberate obstruction. It is impossible to have any contact with Luo Weibing, let alone familiarity.

On the contrary, it was the police officer Zhao who had been assigned to Luo Weibing's school as an instructor for military training for freshmen when he was studying at the military academy. He also had a small conflict with Luo Weibing.

The two didn't know each other, and they became familiar since then, and they have been in contact, until... Zhao Yulin unfortunately died while performing the task.

All of the above have confirmed that the current Zhao Youlin is not the Zhao Youlin in my mind. Mu Tingfeng squeezed the information in his hand and exhaled lightly.

The guess in his mind was confirmed, the initial surprise had long since dissipated, and the rest was relieved and relaxed.

Recover from a corpse? Mu Tingfeng has never believed in ghosts and gods, but now he has to believe this almost absurd theory of ghosts and gods.

Only because of this kind of explanation can the doubts buried in his heart be answered.

Mu Tingfeng suddenly remembered the words that Zhao Yulin had just ridiculed herself.

In fact, the things that Su Ruixin told Duan Yarong were not all lies, and the fact that the woman drugged herself did have a certain impact on him.

Among them, the most serious thing was that he became extremely disgusted with women, disgusted with women's approach, disgusted with women's touch, and the most important thing was that he could no longer react to women since then.

This is simply a shame to a man, even if his **** is indifferent than the average person, but the things that can be controlled subjectively and the things that are caused objectively, the consequences of the two may be completely different.

This is also one of the important reasons why Mu Tingfeng has not shown a good face to someone for so many years. Any man can maintain a good mood when facing a woman who has harmed him.

However, this situation changed after the first meeting at the pet shop after the two divorced.

At that time, he took the initiative to reach out and grasp Zhao Yulin's wrist. It was their first physical contact after they got married. There was unanticipated disgust and rejection, and some of them were surprised to accept it.

Since then, every time he meets with Zhao Youlin, he will almost always come into contact with him, consciously or unconsciously, in order to determine whether that time is just accidental.

But the facts proved that it was not accidental at all. Mu Tingfeng still hated the close contact of women as always, even if this woman was his blood relative, but he did not reject Zhao Youlin, this woman who was supposed to be the source of evil. Even when the elevator broke down and the two were alone in the dark, he had already experienced the same situation as today.

This is also a question that Mu Tingfeng has always been puzzled by, but now it has been answered in this jaw-dropping way.

Isn’t it the same person from beginning to end? Mu Tingfeng stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, smiled wryly, and couldn't tell whether he was more sad or lucky.

There was dead silence in the ward for several seconds, and no one knew what Mu Tingfeng was thinking at the moment.

After a long while, the hands covering Mu Tingfeng's eyes were slowly lowered, revealing those eyes that were almost the same as usual.

In the same body lived a completely different soul from before, and another person was born.

But since you have taken over everything about this body, all the past must also be counted on your head, so in order to make up for the life that you have derailed because of that woman in the past four years, you still have to pay me!

Thinking of this, Mu Tingfeng couldn't help but tighten his hands, no matter who the person in that body was. This time, he didn't plan to let go anymore!

Mu Tingfeng is still struggling with Zhao Yulin's true identity, but the Zhao family villa on the other side has already exploded.

Due to previous scandals, Zhao Youxi has been basically locked up at home these days, and he can't even get out of the door, which is simply unbearable for Zhao Youxi.

Therefore, not long ago, Zhao Youxi sneaked out of the door while Li Hongyu was not paying attention.

It's a pity that she only slipped to the gate, and was forced to come back by the reporters who had been waiting outside the villa's gate early.

"Damn it, why there are so many reporters outside the door of my own house, it's really lingering." Zhao Youxi complained angrily while sitting on the sofa.

Li Hongyu looked at her, she was really angry, neither was she angry, and she had no choice but to say, "You Xi, you don't know what's going on outside now, how can you run out casually?"

"But Mom, I've stayed at home for so long, I..." Zhao Youxi snorted angrily, "After all, it was the fault of the **** who sold my things to the newspaper office. It's better not to let me. Know who is playing tricks secretly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what can you do?" Li Hongyu sighed and looked at Zhao Youxi, who was filled with indignation, with a look of hatred for iron and steel. "If you can constrain yourself on weekdays, don't make such a mess of things. People grab the pigtails, are you hiding like this now? And, don’t you know who is playing tricks behind your back? Who have you offended recently? Don’t you know yourself? Even if you know the identity of the other party now , Can you really do anything to him?"

"Mom, how can you say that, I'm your daughter!" Zhao Youxi glared at Li Hongyu dissatisfiedly, and then paled as if thinking of something.

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