Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 290: Recognize the truth (1)

It's rare to grab Mu Tingfeng's braid, but Zhao Youlin didn't intend to let it go like this, "Of course, you can return the goods if you buy something that is not what you want, let alone a person. --- End of this book Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance Therefore, President Mu has to work harder. Otherwise, if one is not careful, I may really not want you."

As Zhao Yulin said, she glanced at Mu Tingfeng proudly, and said with a chuckle: "How do you say, oh, yes, it's not what it used to be! Now I am not the one who could only be sent under the fence. Zhao Yulin, who can’t even take charge of her own affairs. Just like my mother said, with my current family background, even with Lele, there are still a large group of men queuing up to be with me, if President Mu doesn’t Come on, you might really be squeezed down by others...well..."

Before Zhao Yulin finished speaking, she was directly gagged by the man who had endured for a long time.

Zhao Youlin was stunned, although she wanted to push away this, when she was always talking about herself, she swallowed her own words with her mouth. By the way, a man who ate her own tofu, had to choose because he took care of someone’s long-suffering wounds. In order to forbearance, he had to vent his dissatisfaction with wide eyes.

Mu Tingfeng's deep kiss brought a bit of punishment, and it was not the same as the previous taste, but Zhao Youlin, who had been kissed by him several times, was also quite unstoppable.

As soon as the kiss was over, the whole person could only confess his fate and lay on Mu Tingfeng's body, reaching out and **** Mu Tingfeng's waist like a vent

Mu Tingfeng’s eyebrows jumped, still holding Zhao Youlin’s hand tightly, his expression unchanged: “Although you are not satisfied, you can return the product at any time. But I’m sorry, some items will not be returned once they are sold. like me."

Zhao Yulin was taken aback, raised her head to look at Mu Tingfeng's meticulous face, suddenly smiled, and stretched out her hand to pick up Mu Tingfeng's chin and said frivolously: "President Mu is planning to sell herself to me?"

"It's not for sale, it's for gift. The same..." Mu Tingfeng followed Zhao Yulin's fingers and stared directly into her eyes. He couldn't refuse to say, "As the price you made me the way I am now, you must pay Pay it to me yourself."

Zhao Yulin's eyes dazzled, and she said coldly: "President Mu really doesn't do a loss-making business. The old accounts from so long ago are known to be turned over. It really is nothing wrong with business."

Mu Tingfeng did not deny it, and of course: "I am a businessman. The greatest advantage of a businessman is to know how to use all the advantages to seek his own benefits. No matter whether I use new accounts or old accounts, all I want is a good result. ."

"..." So, this guy is determined to blame himself?

Zhao Youlin rolled her eyes helplessly, seldom entangled with a rogue like Mu Tingfeng.

However, Zhao Yulin has obviously forgotten that the reason why rascals are called rascals is precisely because they have a thicker skin than most people...

Seeing that Zhao Yulin hadn't said anything, Mu Tingfeng directly unilaterally decided on the matter: "It seems that we have reached a consensus."

Zhao Yulin: "..." She really underestimated the shame of this man.

"However, before that, there is one more thing. I think I need to clarify and prove my innocence."


Mu Tingfeng took a deep look at Zhao Yulin, then lowered his head to the ear of Zhao Youlin and said one word: "As for whether a certain aspect of me is not good or not, I think... It is better for Yeorim to see it in person."

"Huh?" Zhao Youlin whispered, before she had time to understand the deep meaning of Mu Tingfeng's words, Mu Tingfeng had already taken her grasped hand and slowly went down, Continue down until...


The unusual temperature and hardness from the fingertips made Zhao Yulin's head blank for a few seconds.

When she finally realized what Mu Tingfeng was holding her hand and touching, Zhao Youlin's white forehead finally burst into a few veins.

Resisting the urge to squeeze the things under her, Zhao Yulin almost gritted her teeth and shouted: "Mu! Ting! Feng! You **** hooligan!"

A crisp sound accompanied by the woman's angry roar resounded through the entire ward and the entire third-floor corridor.

Secretary Xia Da, who hurried back because of something, heard the movement and suddenly stopped at her feet, staring at the door of the ward not far away with fear.

He was hesitating whether to turn his head first to avoid the wind, and an angry figure rushed out of the ward.

The expression on Xia Zetao's face was stiff, and he greeted the man with a dry smile: "hi, Miss Zhao, why did you come out? Don't you stay inside for a while?"

Zhao Yulin was getting angry, and she ignored Xia Zetao's nearly flattering smile, glared at him fiercely, and quickly walked past him, but disappeared before Xia Zetao's eyes for a moment.

Xia Zetao was so frightened by Zhao Yulin's stare that he reached out and touched his poor little heart.

Hey, he just left for such a while, why did Miss Zhao become like this? Is it possible that it was stimulated by what?

Recalling that Zhao Yulin's eyes just looked at herself as if she was about to kill, Xia Zetao really felt that she was shot everywhere, oh, oh, the baby is wronged, the baby is sad, and the baby feels miserable!

Xia Zetao was standing outside the door, pitying and complaining, and suddenly heard a cold voice from the ward: "How long are you going to stand outside?"

Xia Zetao was startled, almost throwing out what he was holding, took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing before he stepped into the ward.

"Chief... President, what's wrong with your face?" Although he had been prepared, Xia Zetao couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the extreme five-fingerprint on his president's face.

As soon as he spoke, Xia Zetao almost bit off his tongue. The movement in the ward just now was so loud, with his toes, he should know that these red fingerprints on the president's face are definitely the masterpiece of the former president's wife!

However, having said that, the former president's wife is really a fraud. She even dared to slap the president twice! The most important thing is that the president is not angry at all.

So, is it true that this achievement is legendary... strict wife control?

Xia Zetao was thinking wildly, and the temperature in the ward had dropped to zero without knowing it.

"You came back to tell me this kind of trivial thing?"

President, you have been slapped in the slap now, so what is it that is irrelevant!

Although I wanted to say that, Xia Zetao was not dead.

With a light cough, Secretary Xia Da wisely chose to change the subject: "When...Of course not, President, this is what you asked me to check before, and there are already results."

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