Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 282: Compromise conditions

After a brief silence, the people on the hospital bed finally realized that Zhao Youlin's "good" sentence was basically answering the question he asked in the alley not long ago. (((Cartino Novel Network

At that time he asked Zhao Yulin: "Give me a chance to stay with me... OK?"

Now Zhao Yulin answers him: "Okay."

The hands that shook hands suddenly trembled, and Mu Tingfeng suddenly raised his head. For the first time, the face of the iceberg, which had always been known as a mountain, had a huge ups and downs.

"You just said..."

There was a hint of uncertainty in Mu Tingfeng's tone, but more of it was expectation.

It was the first time that Zhao Yulin saw such a cautious expression on Mu Tingfeng's face, and wanted to laugh, but when she thought that this person had become like this because of herself, she felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

In order to conceal the glimmer of joy in my heart that started to move, Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows and deliberately teased the person on the bed: "Didn't you hear clearly? Forget it, anyway, I never say it twice. Since you didn't hear it, then... …"

Before the words fell, the strength of his hands suddenly increased a lot, and the man on the hospital bed also recovered his usual domineering arrogance in an instant, clutching Zhao Yulin's hand and saying every word: "No, I listen. When it's there, I can't go back!"

Zhao Yulin couldn't laugh or cry. The hand she was holding made a profit. She couldn't get it back before she almost sighed back: "Can you let go of your hand first, it's very uncomfortable."

The person on the bed did not respond, and stared at Zhao Youlin unblinkingly, as if saying that as soon as I let go, you ran away.

At this moment, the legend of S city in front of him once again had no sense of security in his own home, and no matter what time he liked to stick to him, he overlapped with him. It was a foul!

Zhao Yulin helped her forehead with a headache, did not speak any more, letting go of Mu Tingfeng's shameless behavior.

Mu Tingfeng saw Zhao Youlin's compromise, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, avoiding his injured hand, leaning over, and kissing Zhao Youlin's lips.

Zhao Yulin was still mourning someone's gone elite image. She was attacked reflexively, and she raised her hand reflexively, but suddenly remembered that someone still had color hanging on her body, stiffened, and she had to silently shrink her hand. Went back.

Damn, this well-kept bastard, if it weren't for worrying about his injuries, she would have slapped him and slapped his face.

But it doesn't matter, the gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years, this account is left until someone's injury is healed, and then we can calculate it slowly!

Mu Tingfeng didn't know that the person in front of him had already marked him severely under the indulgent surface. After realizing that Zhao Youlin had not resisted, the curvature of the corners of the lips became more and more obvious.

Mu Tingfeng’s kiss is completely different from the previous kisses. It is gentle and delicate, without a trace of aggression. Although it only stays at the moment when the lips touch, it can make people feel the kiss more and more. The solemnity and cherishment of people.

Zhao Yulin felt the slight touch coming from her lips, staring blankly at someone's face that was less than five centimeters away from her.

Looking at Mu Tingfeng's eyes so close, Zhao Youlin was surprised to find that someone's eyes became deeper and deeper at this moment.

A few faint blues flowed slowly in the thick ink eyes, matched with the gleaming dots of light, just like the endless universe at night.

Zhao Yulin only felt that all the blood in her whole body poured back into the heart uncontrollably at this moment, causing it to beat violently uncontrollably.

Zhao Yulin, who was completely bewildered by someone's unique pair of eyes full of reflections of her own figure, there is only one thought left in her brain, how could this world be so dazzling, so... subconsciously want Indulge in the eyes! Too unscientific!

The staring Zhao Yulin didn't notice when Mu Tingfeng pulled away and lay back on the bed. When she recovered, she met Mu Tingfeng's smiling eyes.

A trace of blood appeared on her white cheeks, but it was quickly covered up by Zhao Youlin: "Ahem, um, don't be too happy first. I just promised you a chance to pursue me again. As for In the end, will I agree to be with you? It depends on the specific circumstances. If you can’t meet my requirements during this period of time...or make the same mistakes as before, I don’t mind treating that day like that Sneak attackers treat you like that."

When Zhao Yulin said here, her face was completely changed, and her extremely bright eyes suddenly reflected a startling killing intent.

Upon seeing this, Mu Tingfeng suddenly put away his joke, looked back at Zhao Youlin's eyes seriously, firmly and confidently: "I won't let you have the opportunity to do that."

Zhao Yulin smiled: "Then I will wait and see, but before you pursue me, you must get the support of someone other than my mother, otherwise, even if you treat me well in the future, I will never be with you. together."

Mu Tingfeng's face changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who?"



Zhao Yulin took a deep look at Mu Tingfeng, as if thinking of something, she was obviously gloating in her eyes: "Did President Mu forget that she has a son? Oh, no, Lele is already Not your son anymore. When we divorced, President Mu personally signed the transfer letter, severing the father-son relationship with the child, so now Lele is only my son. However, since President Mu wants to pursue the child now Mother, at any rate, you must first ask for the permission of the oil bottle that the child's mother is carrying?"

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng's expression that suddenly became more subtle after listening to her words, and she was happy for a long time.

Mu Tingfeng's face changed with difficulty several times, and said with difficulty: "I will try my best to get the child's forgiveness and let him accept my father again."

understanding? There was a gloomy look on Zhao Yulin’s face, but the smile on her face became more and more brilliant: "For the pitiful reason that you are seriously injured and lying in bed, I will kindly remind you again. Because President Mu In the past few years, the disregard for my baby, plus the last time I snatched up with the child in the pet shop, that is, the husky. Now in Lele’s heart, President Mu has talked to those bullying men and women on TV. The villain is equated. Now Lele feels that you will bully me as soon as he sees you. Therefore, before letting the child accept your pursuit of his mother, President Mu still thinks about how to make the child admit that you are not a Bad guys."

Mu Tingfeng: "..."

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