Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 281: We don't make an appointment! (3)

Greatly...Uncle! This woman actually called him uncle! He is a gentle, golden, handsome, twenty-eight boy, so he looks like an uncle. (((Mobile reading visit

Although he has been ravaged many times in the past few months because he was caught in the army by his old brother, his skin has become much rougher than before, and his complexion has risen several levels from the previous custard boy. Forcing black Africans to go.

But somehow he still gave birth to a handsome face that is both angry and angry. No matter how dark he is, he shouldn't be equated with that kind of incomparably wretched uncle! This girl... this girl...

Xiao Li didn't say anything surprisingly, she just felt that the man in front of her was very strange. She didn't say anything when she bumped into herself, and smiled so trivially that she wanted to buy another one for herself. How do you look like it? The kind of strange stuff that is often said on TV that will abduct and sell ignorant girls!

Frowning, Xiao Li turned around decisively to leave.

How could Ling Ran just let her leave like this! He is such a good young man who is called an uncle. If his friends know this, what a face!

"Wait...wait a minute."

"Uncle, is there anything else?" Xiaoli asked how innocent and how innocent he was. His big eyes were full of doubts, and he looked at the man who stood in front of him incomprehensibly.

Ling Ran was sighed again by Xiaoli's uncle, and sighed helplessly: "Little girl, I'm only twenty-eight this year, not an uncle!"

"Oh, I'm only twenty-two this year. You're six years older than me. What is the uncle?" Xiao Li frowned, looking distressed, and Ling Ran almost swallowed another mouthful of blood.

"Six years older than you, that's called Big Brother, not Uncle!" Even if Ling Ran had tried his best to suppress the mania in his chest, his expression would inevitably become ugly at this moment.

Xiao Li gasped, and reflexively stepped back a few steps, looking like a good family woman bullied by a bully, nervously: " are terrible, don't come over."

"Oh, what's going on over there?"

"It seems that someone is kidnapping a girl, and the girl has resisted. Tsk tsk tsk, the world is getting worse, do you think we should call the police?"

"Report to the police? I don't think it's a kidnapping at all. I guess it's a young couple who is awkward. What did you mix with in the past, and you will do bad things in a good way."

"Really? But why do I think that man is so serious? At first glance, he doesn't look like a good person. That girl looks so pitiful."

Not a good person...not a good person...not a good person...Following arrows in both knees, Ling Ran only felt an arrow in his heart, causing him to almost fall to the ground on the spot.

"Well, are you okay?" Xu Shi Ling Ran's expression of unreality was too bleak, Xiao Li couldn't help moving a little compassionately, and asked tentatively.

"No... it's okay." Ling Ran said with a face of tears, "Actually, I really just want to invite you to have a meal to express my apologies. I don't mean anything else."

Ling Ran's words were extremely sincere. How did Xiao Li ponder for a moment, and what he spit out didn't change at all: "Big brother, we really didn't make an appointment! Just for two hamburgers, it's not worth thinking about it, I'm not such a casual person. ."

Xiao Li's words were like a small rain of arrows, so he directly shot Ling Ran's back into a hedgehog. Ling Er Shao, who was bloodied by reality, groaned weakly, "I really didn't mean anything else, you Why don't you believe it?"

It’s a pity that his painstaking confession didn’t reach Xiao Li’s ears. At this moment, she was holding her chin with one hand in a thinking state. She struggled for a while before saying, “But if you can ask me to put it in this store. If you eat all of the food, we shouldn't consider making an appointment!"

"Puff..." Who can tell him how long this woman's brain circuit is? For Mao, he felt that he had explained it for a long time. Is the topic of the two of them still wrong?

It must be... it must be the way he went out today! Yes, it must be so!

Not to mention how Ling Ran was tossed in the wind by Xiao Li and had a nervous breakdown. Zhao Yulin and others on the other side rushed back to the hospital as quickly as possible, and directly pushed Mu Tingfeng into the emergency room.

The results of the first aid can be imagined. Mu Tingfeng's gunshot wound was injured twice and was re-sutured. The arrest of several people, including Zhao Youlin, by the attending doctor was just a slur.

The main idea is that the patient's wound hasn't healed completely yet, how can he let him run around and make such a big movement, and the originally stitched wounds have been cracked and bleeding so much. The patient had already lost too much blood, and now he shed so much blood that is very harmful to the body and needs to be treated well. If there is another time, he will be able to collect his body. Baba said a lot.

At first, the doctor only aimed the muzzle at Xia Zetao, who was accompanying Mu Tingfeng at the time. Later, knowing that Mu Tingfeng ran out without authorization to find Zhao Youlin, he naturally turned the muzzle at Zhao Youlin.

It's a pity that the attending doctor only yelled at Zhao Yulin, and suddenly felt a cold behind him. If he turned his head and looked around, he was almost frightened by the hostile gaze of someone lying on the bed. He was silent.

When Zhao Yulin saw this, she smiled apologetically at the attending doctor, nodded to indicate that she had listened, and that she would never make such a mistake again, and flew a eye knife towards Mu Tingfeng to warn him that it was enough.

Mu Tingfeng received Zhao Yulin's eye knife, and the coldness in his eyes instantly faded, and it turned into gentle pampering in an instant, and he was very obedient.

With the appearance of the well-behaved loyal dog, Xia Zetao's mouth twitched, hiding his face and couldn't bear to look directly.

Although the murderous sight was missing, the attending doctor who still had some lingering fears no longer dared to accuse Zhao Youlin in front of Mu Tingfeng. He only briefly explained some things that needed special attention recently and left the ward.

As soon as the attending doctor left, Xia Zetao also followed, and there were only two Zhao Yulin left in the ward for an instant.

Zhao Youlin met Mu Tingfeng's expectant gaze as soon as she turned her head, sighed, and resigned herself to walk to Mu Tingfeng's bed and sat down.

As soon as Zhao Yulin sat down, Mu Tingfeng's uninjured hand quickly stretched out from the bed, holding Zhao Yulin's hand, his fingers clasped tightly, as if afraid that Zhao Yulin would leave herself here, and leave again.

Zhao Yulin was startled, looking at Mu Tingfeng's face that was so pale due to excessive blood loss and the hands that the two held close together, as if she had made some determination, she whispered: "Okay."

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