Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 237: Emotional Counselor (1)

Watching Xia Zetao leave the ward, Mu Tingfeng's expression eased a little, but when he turned his head, he met his mother's ridiculous expression with a smile. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

"Ting Feng, what do you want to do to spend Secretary Xia in such a hurry? Yeorim has said that she will have a private chat with her friend. It seems that you are not doing it well."

When Mu Tingfeng heard the word alone, his handsome face became more and more gloomy, and he uttered a sentence overflowing with coldness: "Isolate men and widows, no one else is watching, and it is unreasonable."

Are you jealous after all? Su Ruixin rolled her eyes helplessly, feeling helpless for her own awkward child, her eyes turned slightly, as if thinking of something, pretending to sigh, "Even if they two lone men and widows really have something, you Lin is unmarried now, the man looks so young, he probably hasn't married a wife yet. If the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, you can't control what they do.

Su Ruixin's words hit Mu Tingfeng's death hole. The temperature in the ward dropped below zero in an instant, and Su Ruixin shivered again from the cold.

Just when Su Ruixin thought that her dull gourd son might not respond to her, she heard Mu Tingfeng spit out very resolutely: "She can only be mine."

"No, she used to belong to you, but she is not anymore." Su Ruixin's relentless words unsurprisingly attracted Mu Tingfeng's stare.

Su Ruixin laughed. Since Mu Tingfeng joined the company at the age of eight to study with his grandfather, it has been difficult for her to see such obvious emotional expression on the child's face.

Unexpectedly, after many years, I was stared at seeing such emotions on this face that had faded from the immature face again.

Looking at the obvious accusation in Mu Tingfeng's eyes dumbly, Su Ruixin couldn't help but reached out and touched her son's head. This was something she had wanted to do for so many years, but had never done it.

"Since you care so much, you should work harder to make her yours again."

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered because of Su Ruixin's words, and the emotions in his eyes slowly settled down. He raised his head and looked at Su Ruixin with a little puzzlement, but for a while, he ignored the messy hands on his head. .

Facing Mu Tingfeng’s questioning gaze, Su Ruixin smiled: “Mom mentioning this to you is not to pour cold water on you, but to tell you that what has happened is not because you deliberately ignored it. It exists. Avoidance is not a problem, you have to face it, so that you can find the problems that exist between the two of you."

As soon as Su Ruixin said this, Mu Tingfeng's stern face rarely showed a slight guilty conscience.

She was right. He had always ignored the fact that they had been divorced once and now they have nothing to do with each other.

From the beginning, he only wanted to bring that woman back under his wings, but he never thought about whether she, who had lost confidence in him, still needed her own wings, and whether she was still willing to return to him. By your side, have you...have other people you like.

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Tingfeng's heart seemed to be pinched fiercely, and the pain was a little hard to breathe.

Now when I look back, after Zhao Yulin divorced herself, she first attracted the Ye Family San Young Master, who was a long-sleeved dancer in the upper class, but never really got close to any celebrity, and then the one who was caught by the Zhao family. The second generation ancestor stared at her and tried repeatedly against her, and now he was called out by a man who didn't know the details.

When did she know that man? I don't even know at all!

Mu Tingfeng's face was blue and white. He didn't know what kind of relationship Zhao Youlin had with that man. He didn't know if Zhao Youlin had any emotional meaning for that man.

But he was certain that the look that the man looked at Zhao Yulin just now was not just a simple friend.

I have to say that men's sensitivity to rivals is comparable to a woman's sixth sense, so Mu Tingfeng was so anxious to let Xia Zetao go out and watch.

Let Zhao Yulin be alone with a man who has an attempt against her, Mu Tingfeng just thinks about it and feels unbearable!

But now, besides enduring it, what can he do? After all... what should she do to regain her confidence in him? What can she do to get her back to her side...

Su Ruixin watched Mu Tingfeng's face change several times, but how could he not see what he was thinking, sighed, and the hand touching his head turned to reach down to hold his uninjured hand.

"Mom knows what you are thinking, and it feels uncomfortable to see Yeorim approaching other men?"

Mu Tingfeng's face was dark and did not speak, but Su Ruixin guessed the answer from his expression, and smiled slightly: "Mom is not against you doing this. Mom just thinks that since you really like people, you really want to. To bring people back, then you must learn one thing first."

"What?" Mu Tingfeng was startled, and looked up at Su Ruixin in surprise.


Mu Tingfeng twisted his eyebrows and repeated: "Respect?"

Su Ruixin nodded: "Yes, it's respect. Whether you give flowers to your mother, you can take her to the movies, go shopping, enjoy the flowers and the moon, and everything is fine. You work hard to pursue her, as long as you can get it back. , Mom is happy to see it. It’s just that Mom wants you to remember that Yeorim is also an individual, has her own decisions and choices, and has the right to express her own thoughts. She and you are equal. You must respect her, but you can’t. Just like your subordinates, impose your decisions, thoughts and preferences on her. You pursue her and want to regain her because you want her to be your closest lover, family member , Instead of catching a bunch of passersby."

Although it was only a matter of meeting with Zhao Yulin to be full of plans, and the time to get along was only such a short one or two hours, but these two hours were enough to let her see a person's nature.

Zhao Youlin is not as weak, deceptive and cowardly as she thinks, but rather assertive. She is brave but not reckless, smart but not conceited, and fierce but not hurtful.

Perhaps it was such a woman that made her son, who had been silent for a long time, a rare spring heart.

But to pursue such a woman, if Mu Tingfeng's inexperienced people use him to treat those subordinates, and those who work with him treat her like businessmen, it is not only impossible to force her to yield, but it may be counterproductive.

Therefore, sometimes pursuing a person is also a very profound thing!

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