Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 236: Encountered with Thu Porcelain (1)

Zhao Yulin is not a fool. How could she not be able to tell if two people are so obvious that she is not blind? It's just that she really wants to tear them down on the spot, she really can't do it. (((Mobile reading visit

Not to mention that Su Ruixin was embarrassed by herself, and she still blocked her in the car, and made herself owe her a lot of favor, just like Mu Tingfeng...

If you really want to count it, Mu Tingfeng has saved her twice with this time, and she owes him two lives.

Zhao Yulin believed that she was not a person who likes to owe favors to others, so when she heard the hint from Su Ruixin and Xia Zetao, Zhao Yulin did not immediately pierce each other, turned her head and left, but forced herself to listen to their words, and after listening to them. Subconsciously looked at someone on the hospital bed.

The eyes of the two changed in the air without warning, and Zhao Yulin's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

Unconsciously, I recalled the words Mu Tingfeng said when he was dependent on each other in the dark elevator, as well as the unexpected appearance of Mu Tingfeng when he suddenly appeared next to him when he was on the line of life and death. Finally, Mu Tingfeng Ting Feng was shot for himself.

Zhao Yulin seemed to have been stabbed by something, and hurriedly looked away, she didn't dare to look directly at Mu Tingfeng's eyes again, for fear that she would unconsciously reveal a slight strangeness.

After a while, Zhao Yulin coughed slightly. Under Su Ruixin and Xia Zetao’s almost fierce gaze, she sighed: "Since Madam Mu and Secretary Xia have no time to come and take care of President Mu, I will take the time to take care of him these days. President Mu for a few days. Anyway, the reason why President Mu was injured is because of me. It is to repay President Mu for his life-saving grace."

Su Ruixin and the other two did not expect that Zhao Yulin was so talkative. After a moment of surprise, they looked at each other in surprise, but then put on an embarrassing look on their faces and said, "How embarrassing is this?"

Zhao Yulin's eyebrows trembled, and she said in her heart, if you're really embarrassed, don't sing me like this! Now it's hypocritical again, be careful my old lady regrets it!


"Then it's settled." Seeing that Zhao Yulin seemed to retreat from her polite remarks, Su Ruixin immediately decided the matter.

Zhao Yulin: "..."

"Then these few days, our family Feng can be handed over to you to take care of you." Su Ruixin said, slapped away Xia Zetao's hand holding her, and moved forward with a kind face and held Zhao Yulin tightly. Hands.

That mental appearance is really difficult to associate it with the weak and weak patient who was crying out to fall.

"...It's easy to talk about."

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin's miserable and unspeakable look, and a faint ripples unconsciously appeared in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, making his entire face softer than usual.

Unfortunately, Zhao Youlin, who was busy responding to Mrs. Mu's enthusiasm at the moment, didn't realize this at all.

The fact that Zhao Yulin had to go to the hospital to take care of Mu Tingfeng these days was settled under the strong buying and selling of several people.

It's a rare opportunity for Su Ruixin to exchange feelings. Naturally, it is impossible for Su Ruixin to let it go easily. Zhao Yulin was really embarrassed in staying in the ward. She thought of fleeing in a hurry several times, but Su Ruixin and Xia Zetao joined forces to detain her.

Just when Zhao Yulin was crying and calling Xiao Jingyao to come back to the rescue hurriedly in her heart, God seemed to have heard her plea and sent another savior to rescue her.

"Miss Zhao..."

A magnetic call suddenly came in from outside the ward, and everyone in the ward stopped talking and turned to follow the prestige, facing the man who was smiling at the door of the ward.

When Zhao Yulin saw the visitor’s eyes gleaming, she hurriedly turned her head and dropped it with Su Ruixin: “Mrs. Mu, I want to talk to my friend alone, so let’s stay away for a while.” It doesn’t matter how Su Ruixin reacts. , Quickly got up and pulled the person at the door and ran wildly, as if there was some beast chasing her behind.

Su Ruixin stretched out her hand to pull Zhao Yulin, but she was a step late and could only watch Zhao Yulin disappear from her eyes.

"Hey... how did you go?" Su Ruixin squatted her mouth, looking at her hand stretched in mid-air with a grimace, and suddenly felt a cold wind blowing from behind, freezing She shivered on the spot.

Turning his head stiffly, facing the face of her son that was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and then thinking of the man standing at the door of the ward just now, and the scene where Zhao Yulin rushed out of the door of the ward and met with him, Su Ruixin's mouth was instantly It became an o-shape.

Her son won't be... won't be jealous, right? ! My God, she could see her son jealous for a woman in her lifetime.

Although the so-called jealousy came a little later than expected, and the children of the two are already that old, but after all, it is jealous and jealous. She is so cold and domineering, and her cool face is so cold that she was worried about being lonely. The elder son will be jealous for being alone!

This feeling is really sour and refreshing. The sour thing is that the son who has been raised for more than 20 years has become someone else's family. Looking at the little eyes, his heart is biased toward the girl.

What's cool is that it is rare to see my son have such a human side, and suddenly feel comfortable physically and mentally. I really want to take this picture and show it to my husband who is also facially paralyzed.

Su Ruixin was entangled here secretly, but he didn't know that Mu Tingfeng, who saw Zhao Yulin rush out, had only one thought in his mind at the moment.

Damn it, how could this woman be so unruly, she had a child with herself and was about to remarry, and she was harassing with other men in front of her.

That hand that is holding another man is really an eyesore! Furious, President Mu, who was thinking more and more, would have rushed out with the two of them if he hadn't had a giant plaster in his hand.

After all the bad luck, I had to lie on the hospital bed silently, holding back a mouthful of old blood.

However, Mu Tingfeng's own inconvenience does not mean that everyone around him is inconvenient.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mu Tingfeng's biting gaze shifted directly to Secretary Xia Da beside the hospital bed.

Xia Zetao shivered unexpectedly from being frozen, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart: "President..."

Mu Tingfeng didn't speak, but looked at Xia Zetao quietly for a while, then winked at the outside.

Xia Zetao was stunned, glanced at the door of the ward blankly, and understood in seconds!

The complexion was full, and he gave a military salute to Mu Tingfeng, and rushed out like an escape.

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