Several people just woke up like a dream, and they dispersed one after another, and this little ‘interlude’ was revealed. Net om

While watching Lele eating, Zhao Yulin looked at Han Yichen, who was talking with An Yue in a low voice not far away. Her eyebrows were slightly twisted, and she still secretly planned to ask Xiao Jingyao to check it out after returning. The details of the person are good. Since the person stays, she must know the details so that she can use it to feel more at ease.

Thinking so, but soon Zhao Yulin didn't care about it, because just as she was thinking about it, a familiar figure slowly approached the ‘door’ of the shop where she was located.

"The one over there..." How did it look a bit like the one who was severely criticized by himself before... Ye Sanshao!

Zhao Yulin was full of ‘excited’ spirits and scolded herself as an idiot. What a look, it’s clearly!

Recalling the scene where the two of them broke up in the hotel last time, even if Zhao Youlin wanted to pick up the opposite Lele and leave here, after all, she was...a step too late.

"Yorin, what a coincidence, you're here too!" Ye Yan saw the two mothers and sons of Zhao Youlin sitting in the corner with sharp eyes, and took the lead to stop Zhao Youlin's claws from reaching Lele.

"Uncle Ye." Lele was "very" happy when she heard Ye Yan's voice, and raised her head and waved her hand at Ye Yan.

"Lele is here too, long time no see, does Lele miss Uncle?" Ye Yan walked to the table of Zhao Youlin's mother and son with a smile, and said softly. Net om

Lele nodded his head very enthusiastically, and said softly: "I think about it."

"Really good." Although Ye Yan was talking to Lele, his eyes were always paying attention to Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin looked at her son’s joy, and sighed, knowing she couldn’t hide, she raised her head to look at Ye Yan, politely smiled and said: “It’s a coincidence, and a big man likes it too. Sweet and greasy snacks?"

Hearing a hint of rejection hidden in Zhao Yulin's words, and knowing that Zhao Yulin was still angry about the last time, Ye Yan's smile on the corner of his lip couldn't help being bitter.

In fact, it is not a coincidence that Ye Yan will appear here. Ye Yan hadn't thought about going to the door to apologize after talking about the contract with Zhao Yulin on the day of the fight backfired.

Unfortunately, Zhao Youlin didn't intend to give him this opportunity to apologize. Ye Yan called Zhao several times to hope to see Zhao Youlin again and negotiate a contract.

But all he got was the refusal from the other party. In the end, Xu was annoyed by his calling every day. The man told him very directly that Zhao Youlin had no plans to sign the contract. If nothing else, I hope he will be in the future. Don't call again.

It wasn't until then that Ye Yan finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and realized that if Zhao Yulin didn't want to see herself, she had nothing to do. Net om

Ye Yan didn't think about blocking Zhao Youlin directly at Zhao's big ‘door’, but he really did that. Maybe he would just make Zhao Youlin angry just like last time.

After learning from the previous lesson, Ye Yan found that as long as it was about Zhao Yulin, he became fearful. For fear of a mistake, his impression in the other party's heart would become more and more unbearable.

Because I care, Ye Yan hasn't felt this way for many years.

After all the hard work, it was finally found that Zhao Yulin, besides working at Zhao's, also opened a pastry shop by herself, and would often visit the shop when she was free.

After that, Ye Yan started to run to this store every day, order a cake or a cup of coffee juice, and sit all morning, just to meet Zhao Youlin once.

However, Zhao Yulin has been entangled with several strange flowers recently, and has been in constant trouble. Until today, she took Lele out to see the kindergarten and had time to come over to sit down and meet Ye Yan.

Ye Yan cleared up his mood and smiled and said, "The dim sum tastes really good here, but I did not buy it for myself, but for my sister. My sister likes the cakes and biscuits in this shop. I happened to be here every day, so I helped her buy some and take it back."

"You have a younger sister?" Zhao Yulin was startled. If she remembers correctly, Ye Yan should be the Ye family's son, right? There seems to be an older brother and an older sister on it. I have never heard of any younger sister!

As if seeing what Zhao Yulin was thinking, Ye Yan explained with a smile: "It's a cousin, not a sister."

Zhao Yulin suddenly realized: "That's it."

After Zhao Yulin said this sentence, she said nothing, and the two of them fell into a cold.

After a long while, Ye Yan coughed lightly, and finally decided to take this opportunity to explain the last time clearly: "Yorim, the last time it was me..."

"Mr. Ye is here. Today's cookies have just been baked and they are still hot. Are they the same as before?" Shuangshuang suddenly interrupted Ye Yan's words, and Zhao Youlin was slightly surprised: "You often come here. ?"

Ye Yan was stunned, then smiled lightly: "Well, come here often."

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye is very kind to your cousin."

If you want, I can love you more than anyone else. Ye Yan looked at Zhao Youlin and added silently in her heart

Shuangshuang was also a little surprised when he heard the conversation between the two: "Sister Zhao, do you know Mr. Ye?"


"do not know."

Ye Yan and Zhao Yulin spoke at the same time, but they said completely different answers.

Hearing Zhao Yulin said that she didn't know herself, Ye Yan's eyes were hurt.

Zhao Yulin's ignorance was also a rebuttal that he blurted out in a hurry. After speaking, he realized that it was wrong.

"Is this acquaintance or not?" Shuangshuang was also confused by the answers of the two, and looked at them several times with suspicion.

Zhao Yulin coughed slightly and replied: "I have seen it a few times, and I have some business contacts."

"That's acquaintance." Shuangshuang didn't seem to notice the weird atmosphere between the two, or if they noticed it but deliberately ignored it, they walked to Zhao Youlin's side and smiled, "Sister Zhao, Mr. Ye is in our shop. Frequent customers, often help take care of the business in the store, you see..."

With the intervention of both, the atmosphere between the two is not as embarrassing as before.

Zhao Yulin understood An Qi's illocutionary words, and cooperated: "Since I am a regular customer, I will give him a discount on the things he bought today." earn.

Both looked at them silently, "Okay, then I'll go and pack Mr. Ye first, you guys talk slowly."

As soon as both of her front feet left, Zhao Yulin got up on her hind feet and said to Ye Yan: "It's getting late, and I almost should go back. Lele's grandfather's'milk' and'milk' are still waiting for him to go back to have lunch together."

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