The man only raised his head and looked at Zhao Yulin, then lowered his head again, as if the moment when he had just looked at each other, the cold killing intent that flashed in his eyes was just an illusion of Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Youlin narrowed her eyes, turned her head to look at An Yue who was a little worried, and whispered, "The one you picked up? How did you pick it up?"

An Yue also knows that it is not very appropriate for him to pick up a person without permission. Now, seeing Zhao Yulin ask about it, she dare not do more to conceal: "It was picked up at the'door' of the store. I went out to take out the trash that day. He...he...sitting on the side, a bit miserable,"

"So you picked him up?" The suspiciousness in Zhao Yulin's eyes became more and more solemn. In broad daylight, he picked up a man at the'door' of the store. He also picked up this kind of uncomplicated man. What's the matter? It seems like... it's a coincidence.

"Yeah." An Yue nodded, and then seemed to realize something, her face was pale, and she lowered her head to whisper, "Sister Zhao, I know that I'm so good at advocating, and I will take people without your permission. It was my fault to come back. This matter has nothing to do with my sister. Don't blame her, I..."

Before An Yue finished speaking, the man who had been silent since the beginning snapped off the broom in his hand, took off the hat on his head, and said the first sentence: "It's none of her business. , I'll leave right away."

"But, you..." An Yue was so anxious that her eyes were streaming with tears, and she was about to run over in a hurry, but An Qi took the lead.

"Wait." Zhao Yulin sat in the same position and ‘kneaded’ her own temple’s acupuncture points.

I haven't understood the whole story yet, and I don't know why these people suddenly broke up, and now in this situation, how do I look like a bad person!

The man who was immersed in the walk out suddenly stopped at the foot of the foot, then turned to look at Zhao Youlin, a little more probing and defensive in his eyes.

Zhao Yulin rolled her eyes helplessly: "I said, I haven't said anything yet. You just ran in such a hurry, and scattered. Could it be that I'm like those on TV who don't talk about emotions at all. Black-faced god, big wicked man?"

"Mom is not a big evil person, mother is a good person!" Lele, who was immersed in various pastries and happily, heard Zhao Youlin's words and immediately waved her small fist and said vaguely.

Zhao Yulin laughed and squeezed Lele's swollen cheeks that were stuffed with food, like a pufferfish: "Okay, just talk to Lele. Mom has to be a good person."

"Sister Zhao..." After hearing this, An Yue couldn't help calling Zhao Youlin, looking at Zhao Youlin expectantly and uneasy.

Zhao Yulin looked at her, and when he thought about the behavior of the man who just dropped the broom and ran out, it seemed a bit like maintaining this little girl.

In an instant, Zhao Yulin felt as if she smelled an unusual...jq smell.

After looking at the two of them without a trace, Zhao Yulin just said sternly: "Whether you can stay or not, you have to wait for me to ask before deciding. You are so self-talking, and you are rushing to reincarnate. What?"

"Sister Zhao, we didn't mean that..."

Zhao Yulin ignored An Yue, who kept her head lower and lower, and was almost at the same level with her shoulders. She greeted the man who had already walked to the ‘door’ to come to her, and said indifferently: "Name."

The man paused for a while before spitting out two words with a little hesitation: "Han Yichen."

When Zhao Yulin heard the name, she took a paper towel and wiped Lele's hands with the cream on her cheeks.

Han Yichen, why does this name sound so familiar? I always feel... as if I have heard it somewhere.


Han Yichen didn't expect that Zhao Yulin would ask this in silence for a long time, nodded, and then shook her head again.

Zhao Yulin was helpless: "Is it or not?"

"No, my hometown is not here."

"In other words, you came here to work from your hometown?" Zhao Yulin groaned and asked, "Have you ever done this job before? It's a waiter."

Han Yichen shook her head. Zhao Yulin looked at his sword eyebrows and stars. She was probably able to ‘fascinate’ the handsome faces of a group of ignorant little sisters on the street, and felt that she had asked a very **** question.

"This store now has a lot of'female' students, and some boys are staggered due to shifts. You can also see the business in the store. It is really very busy during the peak of the flow of people. If there are not many The boys hold on, and their "female" children will be very tired. An Qi has told me about this matter before, but because I am busy these days, I have not had time to recruit some new people. Recently, Xiao Wei Are they taking an exam?"

An Qi was standing behind Zhao Yulin, and she nodded her head quickly when she asked: "Yes, recently, several of them with the same major are taking exams."

Zhao Yulin nodded and turned to look at Han Yichen: "You can see that most of them are college students, and they have to be busy preparing for exams recently. Only An Qi Anyue and these'female' children are left in the store. This is the low season for the flow of people, and it is more troublesome to recruit people. If you don't mind, just stay. But..."

When Zhao Yulin said that, she paused deliberately, and glanced at Han Yichen if she felt it. "The person who is the most taboo in my life makes some shameful thoughts behind me, so as long as you don’t stop me. I will not treat you badly. In terms of salary, except for An Qi and An Yue, who are regular employees, the others are part-time college students, so these college students are all punched in. ...Is it okay to be full-time?"

Han Yichen nodded.

"Then calculate according to the salary of the regular employee. An Qi, you will talk to him about this later."

"Okay, Sister Zhao."

"That's right..." Zhao Yulin was about to withdraw her gaze, but suddenly remembered something, "Since you were picked up by Yueyue, where do you live these days?"

"Sister Zhao, he... stayed with us in the store, but just made a floor shop in the store..." Han Yichen hadn't answered yet, An Yue had already spoken for him first.

Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, these two'female' children still knew how to avoid taboos and didn't let the man of unknown origin live with them, otherwise...

Who knows what this man's character is, he will be in trouble if something irreversible happens.

"Clean up the small room next to the warehouse and let him live for a while, and find a house to move out next month."

Han Yichen naturally knew Zhao Yulin's intention to do this, and did not say much, nodded in response.

"Then it's decided like this, it's all gone." Zhao Yulin glanced at the clock above her head and said to the people in a circle.

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