Chapter 868, the chef who was so angry

Li Changlin, hearing this, received the words in admiration.

“No matter what the martial arts part is for a while, Xiaoyuan won the first place in the literary contest, which is equivalent to properly keeping the top two in the civil and martial arts competition.”

“After you go back, you help me get your father’s last spirit-eating pig, and I will cook a few dishes for Xiaoyuan.”

When the chef heard his daughter Zhang Yingying’s words, his face immediately It’s dark.

The chef just noticed the look in Moon Queen’s eyes looking towards himself, and felt the full expression in Moon Queen’s eyes.

In fact, the chef himself was very sighed that Lin Yuan was able to complete the exam questions in the Chinese part of the civil and military double challenge within 20 minutes.

It would be fine if Cang Yue and Xuan Yue, who stood behind Yuehou, praised their little majesty, but what was going on with her daughter’s praise of Yuehou’s discipline?

I also directly said that Lin Yuan is much better than Zongze.

Doesn’t this mean admitting that Zongze’s creator is not as strong as Lin Yuan?

And why is it called entering the kitchen with Zong Ze to enhance the strength of the builder?

The perfect fusion of the ingredients between spirit materials through cooking is the path of the creator.

Any way to perfectly integrate the ingredients in spirit material is a unique expression of life evolution.

Among the five-star creators, only Take-kun takes the route of the ordinary creators to deploy spiritual liquid.

Like Moonlight, when formulating its own unique formula, Yuehua will also use Yuehua to sublimate spirit material to substances other than gaseous, physical, and liquid.

Then let these substances entangled together into a scent.

It’s like a means of perfumery.

The chef remembers that his daughter was very caring when he was young. Since he took Li Changlin as a discipline, Li Changlin has started to take his baby daughter up to the tree to dig out the bird’s nest and jump into the fish pond. Fish.

No good things have been done at all.

Just when the chef spit out Li Changlin, I heard Li Changlin’s words.

Li Changlin’s words made Chef Zun’s dark face immediately become the bottom of the pot.

Take a look! Take a look! Li Changlin’s bastard makes himself a headache all day long!

She even asked her daughter to steal the last spirit-eating pig that she raised in the palace.

Not to mention what kind of behavior Li Changlin instigated his wife to steal from his Master and father-in-law.

There is only one left in the whole world that you have harmed the spirit-eating pig. You still don’t want to let it go.

If this spirit-eating pig is harmed again, the signature spiritual object of Kitchen Shang Palace is completely gone!

Why didn’t Gu Lang go and pull up the purple bamboo that was connected to Purple Bamboo Forest?

Why didn’t Lin Yuan go and chop off the two silver core Jinzegui outside the Huiyue Hall?

Tucao go to Tucao, the chef sitting on the top thirteen seats takes his eldest apprentice and there is really no good way.

I said a few words about Li Changlin a few days ago, and my daughter just stopped doing it.

If you say a few more words, I am afraid that it is not your daughter who will have to run away with Li Changlin?

Just a month later, the conversation with Zhong Zhengping and the voice of Zhong Zhengping was heard in the ears of the veteran forces and top power leaders of the Yeyang Inner Palace.

This made the veteran forces and top power leaders of the Yeyang Inner Palace suddenly understand the identity of Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan’s identity as a post-mooner did not surprise the leaders of these top powers or established powers too much.

The one who should be surprised has already been surprised before.

There is nothing more than a 17-18 years old boy who is trying to beat Master Chef’s discipline. It’s even more surprising to be the first to complete the test questions in the Wenwu Double Challenge.

Master Chef’s little discipline is 23 years old after the new year.

From the outside, Lin Yuan and Zongze are at least four or five years old.

Now it seems that only Lin Yuan’s identity as an adult disciple after the month can be explained more reasonably.

Seeing Lin Yuan stepping back to his small group, the eyes of the veteran power and the top power leaders began to change directions.

Most of the veteran forces and the heads of the top forces focused on Longtu and Li Yun’s Great Elder.

Seeing the expression of surprise on the faces of Long Tu and Li Yun Bird Niche Great Elder not at all, I know that Long Tu and Li Yun Bird Niche Great Elder obviously knew Lin Yuan’s identity at first.

In the Valley of Panlong, the bird niche of Li Yun can get in touch with the disciples of Master Moon and Master Bureau Chief Ye. Other top and established forces are very envious.

For Gao Pei, the heads of other top powers and established powers simply don’t want to take another look.

It can be said that Gao Pei is the biggest winner in this night meeting. Gao Pei’s son Gao Feng is not only in this small group.

And it seems that compared to Long Tao, Li Xuan and the Master Yue and Master Bureau Chief Ye are more familiar with the discipline.

Besides, Gao Feng is also favored by the cicada’s crown, and it is very likely that he will be nominated as a discipline by the cicada’s master at the official meeting of the night club.

I don’t know what luck Gao Pei had to give birth to such a son.

As for Sun Ningxiang in the small group, the eyes of many veteran and top forces have become a little complicated.

There have been rumors that the Sun Family has undergone changes in its internal momentum, and it is very likely that it will fall out of the top power in a few years.

But now it seems that the Sun Family Ninglu Fairy Garden is definitely not easy even if it is weak.

Many of the top power leaders who are thinking about the Sun Family Ninglu Fairy Garden can not help thinking in the heart.

At this moment, seeing Zong Ze also walked out of the corridor, Master Chef’s face changed a little.

At this time, the time from the start of the Wenwu Double Challenge is about two 13 points, Zongze can be considered normal when it comes out.

After seeing Zong Ze stepping out, Jun Zhu, who hadn’t spoken much since Gu Lang went to the literary show, said.

“The two Little Brats who are going to compete in the martial arts double challenge for a while are all ready.”

After finishing speaking, Jun Zhu turned his eyes on the body of the moon. .

Mr. Zhu has seen Zongze’s strength, and he has been fighting with his little discipline Gu Lang almost on par.

In the next part of the civil and martial arts competition, we can see the depth of the combat capability of the disciplines that will be collected after the month.


Gao Feng saw Lin Yuan walking over and immediately pounced on him and gave Lin Yuan a bear hug.

Gao Feng slapped a person on the shoulder with his hand. It felt like he was slapped on a brick.

This bear hug made Lin Yuan only feel that a tank had crashed into him.

Seeing Lin Yuan who was flushed by Gao Feng, Liu Jie hurried forward to pull Gao Feng and Lin Yuan away.

Long Tao, Li Xuan and Sun Ningxiang also welcomed them.

Gao Feng hehe smiled.

“Congratulations, brother! It’s really fast for you to complete the competition of the Wenwu double arena!”

Lin Yuan hearing this also showed a smile on his face.

However, Lin Yuan is not happy that he won the first place in the Wenwu Double Challenge.

First update.

(End of this chapter)

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