Chapter 867 Heroes come out from the Youth since ancient times! (Ask a monthly pass)

At the same time, I also know how the general creators should answer these questions after they get them.

After getting this test question, the average creator will first cure the lop-eared electric rabbit in the dying state, and upgrade its quality from ordinary quality to elite quality.

Then, a bottle of three-star spirit liquid, which is specially designed to help the copper-level spiritual object upgrade from elite quality to perfect quality, was distributed to six lop-eared electric rabbits.

It takes a lot of time to prepare a bottle of Samsung Spirit Liquid.

Generally, it is easy for Samsung creators to deploy the Samsung Spirit Liquid for one spiritual object at a time.

If you want to complete the weight for six spiritual objects at one time, you need to test the real talent of the creator.

It takes at least two and a half hours for the smart deployment to improve the quality of the six spiritual items at one time, and it may be useless if you make a mistake.

Lin Yuan has completed the exam questions in 10 70% of the time and 40 seconds or so.

Lin Yuan, who has improved the quality of the six lop-eared electric rabbits, put the spirit material selected smartly and smartly into the spiritual lock space, and then walked out of the cultivation room.

Lin Yuan, who walked out of the incubation room, saw Zuo Ming at a glance.

Zuo Ming also saw Lin Yuan who walked out of the incubation room and hurried over, thinking that Lin Yuan had something wrong in the assessment.

In the process of blending the spirit liquid, the general creator is likely to cause the spirit material to be depleted due to some reasons, and this time the civil and military double challenge part of the assessment of each spirit material only prepared one copy.

Zuo Ming secretly thought.

“The little majesty of Huiyue Hall is not because the spirit material was worn out and wanted to ask himself to get another spirit material, right?”

If so, let Zuo Ming be very It’s difficult.

Once the spirit material wears out, it is doomed to fail in the process of blending the spirit liquid. In this case, it is impossible to get a place in the Wenchao section of the Wenwu Double Challenge.

Just when Zuo Ming walked to Lin Yuan and was about to ask about Lin Yuan’s situation, he heard the voice of the boy Qingyue.

“Left Senior Ming, my assessment is over.”

After speaking, Lin Yuan stood there and waited for Zuo Ming to check his completed exam questions.

Zuo Ming also hurriedly finished the first timing, and was shocked.

How long has it been?

It is less than eighteen minutes since I timed it!

Can such a time really complete the test questions that the three five-star creators have jointly tested and tested?

You must know that even Sir Monarch Zhu’s discipline took 20-40% of the time to complete the exam questions.

But Zuo Ming didn’t dare to doubt Lin Yuan’s words, so he said quickly.

“Your Majesty, let me go in and see first.”

Under normal circumstances, it should be the Zhen Lingwei who originally prepared the spirit material for Lin Yuan to check Lin Yuan’s assessment results .

However, the original town spirit guards have not come here yet. According to the difficulty of the assessment, these town spirit guards will not come to the door of the cultivation room again until the assessment is conducted for 20 minutes.

Therefore, Lin Yuan’s assessment results can only be checked by Zuo Ming.

Immediately after Zuo Ming entered the incubation room, he saw six lop-eared electric rabbits in lethargy.

The silver-level spirit material hemp boiling leaf has a very strong effect, and the anesthesia effect on the six lop-eared electric rabbits cannot be dissipated without two hours.

Zuo Ming carefully picked up each lop-eared electric rabbit for inspection.

Zuo Mingqiang suppressed the shock in his heart after confirming that all the six lop-eared electric rabbits reached the perfect quality of the copper level, and said to Lin Yuan.

“Master Lin Yuan, the assessment of your Wenwu Double Challenge Chinese Challenge has been confirmed to be completed.”

“You are now the first place in the Wenwu Double Challenge Wenyou assessment section.”

Lin Yuan hearing this nodded, said with a smile.

“Left Senior Ming, then I will go to the outer palace to prepare for the martial arts competition for a while.”

Zuo Ming hearing this, hurry nodded, look As Lin Yuan passed through the silhouette of the promenade, Zuo Ming’s shock remained undiminished.

Reaching out and pinching his thigh, the severe pain from the thigh let Zuo Ming know that it is not a dream.

Zuo Ming not only asked himself once in his heart, how old will the adult’s discipline be after a month!

It would be too shocking to have such a creative ability at this age!

At this time, both the inner and outer palaces of Yeyang Palace are eagerly waiting to see who can come out of the promenade first and become the first place in the civil and martial arts competition.

Although the first place in the literary competition part of the civil and martial arts competition seems not at all suspense, it is almost the thing in the bag of Master Chef’s discipline.

At this moment, everyone saw a sunny boy with a natural aura coming from the other end of the corridor.

The pace is calm and calm, and people can’t help but feel kind at first glance.

But when I saw this young silhouette, a series of exclamations came from the outer palace of Yeyang Palace.

Even the inner palace of Yeyang Palace is equally unstable.

One of the most shocking is Lin Yuan’s Master months later.

Even if Lin Yuan chose to participate in the Wenwu Double Ring, he had already put away his mentality of eating melon after the month, but after the month, he never thought that his discipline Lin Yuan would be able to rank in the Wenwu Double Ring.

The moment Lin Yuan came out, I was stunned for a long time after the month.

The immature and stubborn boy not only exceeded his expectations and won the place in the Wenwu Double Challenge.

It directly won the first place in the Wenwu Double Challenge.

Shocked and shocked, but immediately after a month, the sitting upright body became even more straight.

Look at the moved towards all around, and finally his gaze fell on Master Chef.

It’s like saying, “I see it, the discipline of this palace is the number one in the literary ring!”

The month after month is never a show-off, even after the month After becoming a five-star creator for one month, he also adhered to the principle of “still water flows deep, wise men are silent”.

And now Lin Yuan stands out among the younger generation of Heaven’s Chosen, making the next month only feel that he is far happier than his achievements.

At this time, the voice of Zhongzheng sounded.

“Heroes come out from the Youth since ancient times!”

“Yueyue, this boy deserves to be the discipline you taught.”

Hearing this not after the month at all accepted this sentence, but said very seriously.

“Even if it is not the discipline of this palace, Lin Yuan’s excellence is beyond doubt.”

When I said this a month later, I couldn’t help but sigh again.

When Lin Yuan gave himself 100 Golden Lotus two days ago, he was quite amazed.

And now Lin Yuan gave himself a bigger surprise two days later.

It will be clear a month later what kind of builder’s strength is needed for the examination questions of the Wenwu Double Challenge.

At this time, a somewhat pungent female voice sounded from behind the transaction where the chef was.

“Changlin, look at Xiaoyuan, this kid actually won the first place in the literary and martial arts competition, much better than your Little Junior Brother!”

“Estimate After returning home, my dad has to take Little Junior Brother into the kitchen again!”

Third update, ask for a monthly pass.

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(End of this chapter)

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