The filming has ended, and the people at the scene have not yet reacted, they have covered their faces and cried, and bursts of sobbing sounded at the scene.

"Woo woo, Xie Jinghong can't die if such a good person can't die.

"Qin Yan is so pitiful, why can't you be together, Qin Zimo, you have done all the bad things. "

The people around me just felt as real as it was happening right in front of them.

Director Zhang was holding a horn in his hand, his eyes flashed with tears, and he forgot to shout "click" when he was finished.

Perfect, so perfect!

It's his dream show.

interprets the plot of his drama very vividly, this is the most perfect work that Director Zhang has filmed since filming!

"Gu Yingdi, what's wrong with you."

"It's fine.

Gu Yuze only felt a burst of angina pectoris after the performance, which almost made him breathless.

When he saw Lin Shubai's back, the pain from the depths of his heart suddenly disappeared.

"He's still alive......

" "Gu Yingdi, what are you talking about?" Gu

Yuze sobered up a little at this time, he frowned and didn't say anything.

"I wasn't feeling well, and I couldn't go to the finale banquet in the evening.

Gu Yuze lowered his head, his fine black hair made it impossible to see his eyes, and there was madness in his eyes.

It's too deep into the play.


Xinglan Hotel.

"Xiao Baibai, woo woo woo, you marry me, marry me, Gu Yuze is a ...... Hiccup, the super invincible big bad. Feng

Xinyi usually drinks a lot, but today she drank very high, and she was going to visit the church with Lin Shubai.

Director Zhang on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let Feng Xinyi go back and rest first. The

person next to him called Feng Xinyi's agent.

"Ouch, why is this aunt so uncomfortable all day. "

Xiaocui, don't support

the main palace, the main palace wants to worship the church!" "What hall, what hall to worship!?"

Then the agent hung up the phone, and a busy tone rang on the phone.

It's going to be worshipped, and it's going to have to be drunk.

Ten minutes later.

The agent came in through the door.

This battle really wants to worship the church.

Ouch, this is unbelievable, auntie.

"Go, go back.

Feng Xinyi expressed her attitude with her movements, and the whole person hung on Lin Shubai.

"I'm gone, what about the colt, I'm going to protect him. "

The agent really had no choice but to ask Lin Shubai to send people to the car with him.

"Go home. "

Okay, let's go home. The

agent was extremely explosive on the side, just like these two words, and the person followed?!

Forget it, the joys and sorrows of people cannot be communicated.

After Feng Xinyi was sent to the car, when Lin Shubai looked at it again, she was already asleep.

Feng Xinyi, who was asleep, looked much more well-behaved, her curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was still thinking about getting married or something.

"Trouble Shubai, you go back quickly.

Lin Shubai nodded, but he didn't plan to go back, he was going to go back directly.

It was already winter, Lin Shubai put his hand in his coat pocket and felt the footsteps around him.


Lin Shubai turned his head and saw the dark and secluded entrance facing him.

"Please come with us. "

Not a request.

When Lin Shubai woke up, the dark room couldn't see his fingers, and his hands were tied behind his back.

The person in front of him had a mask on his face, blending in with the night, and he couldn't see his figure.

That's why he dared to show up.

"Gu Yuze. The

man in black was stunned, but he didn't expect to be recognized.

"How do you know it's me. There

was a hint of morbid madness in his voice.

The lights are lit up all around, and you can see a simple room.

There was a huge bed in the middle, and there were several pairs of shackles on the bed.

The windows are blocked by curtains, so you can't see the outside clearly.

Lin Shubai called the system a few times, but the system did not answer.

"What do you mean by that. "

What I mean, don't you know yet.

"Lock you up here for the rest of your life, only I can see you in the future, and the only person you can see is me."

Lin Shubai was about to speak, when the voice of the system that had been silent suddenly sounded in his head.

"The host, this Gu Yuze, is simply not doing anything, hurry up and scold him. "

Success reward: 10 attribute points. "

Failure Punishment: -50 Strength. Gu

Yuze is already a little delirious now, and if he provokes him again, I don't know what he will do.

He looked at Gu Yuze's eyes, didn't feel scared because of his loss of control, and just said lightly.

"Don't do that. "

The mission fails, and the host accepts the punishment.

Lin Shubai suddenly felt that the strength of his body seemed to be taken away and became limp and weak.

Make the already small odds of winning even less.

Yes, that's it, he always treats his feelings so easily.

"What is this, Lin Shubai, I like you so much, I like you like it like crazy. You do this every time, every time you ......

" Gu Yuze can't communicate anymore.

Gu Yuze seems to have fallen into a demon, obviously he was fine before, why did he suddenly change into a person.

Since its rebirth, an unprecedented sense of crisis has surged into my heart.

"You calm down. "

I'm going to hide you, no one can find you, and you can only see me every day."

Gu Yuze squatted in front of Lin Shubai and stroked Lin Shubai's face.

The scene that had appeared countless times in the dream was realized, and Gu Yuze's hands were trembling.

Even then, those eyes were not tainted with some ugly emotions.

Fear, disgust, surprise.

None of them.

So clean that he could only see his madness in his eyes.

Gu Yuze's eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"I throw in the towel...... Go, get out of here until I have no repentance. "

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