What was Qin Zimo thinking.

It was a spring day, and the birds on the branches were chirping.

Qin Zimo was favored when he was a child and was naughty by nature, so he didn't feel scared when he first got lost, and looked around curiously, exploring this other world that was completely different from the palace walls.

Until he was attracted by the figure of the white-clothed boy dancing with a sword.

The boy is about 14 or 5 years old, and his young face has a shadow of a future shocking face.

Qin Zimo had never seen such a good-looking person, holding the branch next to him and learning to practice swords as a young man.

The young man's movements were skillful, and Qin Zimo tripped and fell because he couldn't keep up with the young man's movements.

Where did the pampered little prince suffer from this kind of pain, and his delicate arm was knocked out of blood.

The little prince was so hurt that his whole face wrinkled, and he bit his lower lip to prevent crying.

Yu Guang saw a white corner of clothes, Qin Zimo wiped his tears, the young man's face was more beautiful than the peach blossoms in spring.

Qin Zimo was held in his arms by the young man in the next second, and his hand stained with dirt was cramped and didn't know where to put it, for fear of soiling the young man's white clothes.

Qin Zimo felt that he was eight years old, not a little child, and he was still holding his ass in his arms.

He was always arrogant, he just blushed, turned his head to one side, and wrapped his arms around the young man's neck awkwardly.

"Are you lost, little brat. Young

Qingyue's voice came from overhead.

"It's not. "

Hey, how did you get in? "

I've always lived here.

"It's just me and Master here, how can you live here. That's it, I'll send you out, don't lie to people. "

Master, it sounds like it's very intimate, is it a relationship that can be lived with him?

Qin Zimo raised his head, his eyes full of hope and childish innocence.

"I ...... I also want to be your Master.

"Poof. At

that time, Xie Jinghong was not so cold, he laughed and said that all the flowers in spring had bloomed, and all the grass in spring had grown, Qin Zimo described it at the time.


"Your Majesty, the little prince hasn't eaten for two days.

Qin Yin covered his forehead with a headache, since he, the emperor, came back from his last trip, he was clamoring to practice swords every day.

He only felt that he was messing around, but the little guy refused to eat, and his mother cried angrily, and followed the hunger strike.

"What did the national teacher say. "

Your Majesty, the national teacher said that this is the fate that the little prince should have. *

Within ten years, Qin Zimo ascended the throne and became the new emperor of the Lingwu Kingdom.

The government is harmonious, and everything is thriving, which can be called the scene of prosperity.

It's just that there is no one in this harem, and it seems that they are about to pass the prime of life, and it will be even more difficult to conceive an heir at that time.

The young emperor said lightly.

"If there is a next time, the whole door will be slashed. "

They have seen the methods of the new emperor, and no one doubts whether the emperor's words are true, and there is no one who doubts it.

Ten years have passed, and no one has mentioned it.

Now that the harem is empty, they are playing together, and they are not afraid that the new emperor will not agree.

Perhaps the peaceful days passed for too long, and they forgot the "brutality" of Emperor Yong'an.

The next day, the blood on the court was cleaned up, and all the former officials were replaced.

Until the abdication of Emperor Yong'an, the harem was empty.

At this time, Emperor Yong'an was full of white hair, and his face was already wrinkled.

There was a gleam in the hollow eyes.

"She thought she had hidden you well, but I found you. "

60 years, it took 60 years, he revitalized the national power specifically to mobilize everyone, and then find this sword.

He plunged the snow-white blade into the earth, blood pouring from his arm.

This is the method he saw in ancient books.

Nourish with the true dragon bloodline, after a thousand years, the sword spirit of that sword will become a human, and Xie Jinghong will be able to resurrect.

The more blood was lost, the more Qin Zimo laughed wildly.

The sword body absorbed Qin Zimo's blood, turning red little by little, and finally the sword body became blood red.

"Drink more......"

Qin Zimo fell next to the sword body.

It is said that after a thousand years, the blood donors will also be resurrected.


After so many millennia, you still refuse to love me, even a little.

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