After the play, today's day's filming is over.

Feng Xinyi passed by him.

"Talk the talk, remember to marry me."

The corners of Lin Shubai's mouth twitched, it was impossible, it was impossible for him to marry a woman, and it was impossible for a man.

Lin Shubai thought about it, what is he, a man's body, a woman's heart?

Anyway, he doesn't have someone he likes, it doesn't matter.

"Lin Shubai."

As soon as Lin Shubai came out of the changing room, he saw Gu Yuze, who was leaning against the wall, turning his head sideways and calling his name.

"What's the matter?"

"Invite me to dinner."

It's not a request, it's a very ordinary thing.

Lin Shubai also remembered that he had promised this matter.

"I'll see where to go, or where do you recommend."

Lin Shubai took out his mobile phone and was about to find a nearby restaurant, when Gu Yuze said coldly.

"I know there's one, let's go."

Lin Shubai was not familiar with the neighborhood, and it was only fitting for Gu Yuze to recommend it.


The understated luxury of the black sedan is not eye-catching, but at a glance, you will be struck by the restrained luxury of these two cars.

Gu Yuze was wearing a black hat, the brim of the hat was pulled down, revealing a well-shaped chin, and he was dressed in black sportswear, casual and extravagant.

Lin Shu is in a white and black sweater, a white jacket makes his eyebrows more delicate, and the black trousers show that his legs are slender and straight.

The two are of similar height, and they are dressed very juvenile today, standing together, making the eyes of the people around them extremely comfortable, and causing the people in the hall to turn back frequently.

The décor in the restaurant is simple but elegant.

In the center of the hall is a piano, and a man in a black suit is playing it without emotion.

The people who sit down are generally two people who come out on a date, talking and laughing, with elegant postures and a relaxed mood everywhere.

Lin Shubai took the menu from the waiter, ordered a few dishes, and handed the menu to Gu Yuze.

"Hello sir, do you know how to play the violin?"

The waiter looked at Lin Shubai expectantly.

If you meet a particularly good-looking guest, the restaurant will invite them to play.

This is also one of the characteristics of this western restaurant.

Lin Shubai hesitated for a moment, obviously understanding that he wanted to invite himself to go up and play a tune.

"Ding, post the system task, accept the invitation to the restaurant."

"Reward: 10 Attribute Points, Failure Penalty: Charisma -20."

"I will."

Gu Yuze looked at the young man in front of him with interest, he didn't expect him to be able to play the violin.

"Please, sir."

Although Lin Shubai does not talk about the master level, he has held many solo concerts in his youth.

It's been a long time since I've picked up a violin.

The corners of Lin Shubai's mouth raised a shallow smile, remembering the days when he practiced the violin alone in his room in the afternoon.

The diners couldn't help but focus their eyes on the teenager with the violin.

The young man was not frightened at all because he was watched, his neck was slender and fair, and his hand holding the bow was like a fine warm jade.

The young man's gaze was focused and far away, and it was clearly in front of him, but he felt an invisible barrier separating him.

It can't be described as elegant, he is God.

The sound is superior but unassuming, as clean and clear as a teenager.

After a song, everyone couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, looking at the young man who looked like a god, but the words "one more song" couldn't be shouted at the top of their mouths.

was originally a friendship star, how could I bear to disturb him to enjoy dinner.

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