It was about to be the day of the martial arts conference, and in the evening, Qin Yan helped her pack her things.

"Bring the kettle, don't be thirsty."

"The preserves that were dried a few days ago can be eaten on the road."

"This pillow is the softest, bring it."

Looking at Qin Yan who helped him pack his luggage, Xie Jinghong smiled a little.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and stroked the top of Qin Yan's supple hair, Xie Jinghong looked directly at Qin Yan's beautiful apricot eyes, watery, very lovable.

Qin Yan was looked at by Xie Jinghong like this, and he only felt that his face was like a fire, and he blushed at the young man's gaze.

"Wait until I get back."

Qin Yan's heart, which was called the emotion of happiness, was crowded.


Qin Yan was convinced, Xie Jinghong's swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, and he would win the championship in one fell swoop if he went to the martial arts conference.

It was dawning, and the carriage was already waiting outside.

Qin Zimo delayed his arrival, found his room, and found that his things had been taken away.

After the martial arts conference, it was originally their own world, and Qin Zimo didn't want to go with Xie Jinghong when he left, so he parted ways in advance.

That's fine.

"It's not easy to do business." The bandit leader sighed.

This is close to the martial arts conference, and the masters of all parties gather, maybe they rob others, but they will destroy themselves.

The bandit sighed and was about to call it a day.

"Eh, boss, wait, there's another carriage coming."

Unlike the previous ones, the galloping carriage is relatively rustic, which means that there is a greater probability that it is an ordinary person inside.

A gust of wind blew, and the curtain was lifted, revealing a beautiful side face.

"I'll go, boss, beauty."

The bandit leader also saw it, and his eyes were straight, he had never seen such a good-looking person.

"Let's go, grab it back and be the lady of the village."

The bandit looked anxious, and a group of younger brothers rushed up.

Xie Jinghong felt someone approaching and motioned for the driver to stop.

The head of the bandit saw the beauty get out of the car, and he was even more dizzy when he looked closely.

"You... Either obediently be my wife, or. "

For the first time, the bandit leader gave the target of the robbery a choice, but the other party showed no mercy.

Before the bandit leader could finish speaking, piles of corpses appeared on the ground.


The people who participated in the martial arts conference came from all over the world, and there were many masters from all walks of life.

Xie Jinghong is alone, and a simple sword seems too monotonous.

Because of his excellent appearance, he attracted many troublemakers.

"I see you with fine skin and tender meat, are you here to seduce people, or are you here to compete, if you hurt your white and tender skin, it's not good."

A fat and strong man blocked Xie Jinghong's way, and his eyes flashed with obscenity.

Reach out and touch it.

There are many people, and although the behavior of the strong man has attracted attention, it has not caused much turmoil.

What they have always admired is that the king is respected.

Xie Jinghong didn't have the slightest emotion in his eyes, and everyone didn't even see him draw his knife.


Pig-like screams pierced through the woods.

His outstretched hand in the air was neatly cut off.

They looked at the boy with a terrifying look, and there was not a trace of blood on the boy's simple sword.

It was terrifying, it was Lu Ankang, one of the top ten thieves, they didn't even see how the young man drew his sword, and they cut off one of his hands!

Although Lu Ankang was a little annoyed, he was more afraid.

He looked at the young man's figure indignantly, and suppressed the idea of rushing up with the young man desperately.

He also knew that this time he had hit a hard stubble.

Such a fast sword, he didn't even catch a shadow! If you rush forward, you can only find death.

The onlookers were also stunned, and they had a deep sense of fear for the beautiful young man in front of them, and they couldn't regain any charming thoughts.

Such a fast sword... Only the legendary one and the lord have such skills.

However, the former old gentleman has retired, and the lord will also participate in the martial arts conference this year.

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