
  Chapter 953 Accounts

Sect Master Li Jian doesn’t quite understand it, this Martial Uncle ancestor has never been right He is so kind, which is rare. Chi Xuan's performance in this way made him feel very uneasy.

"No need for Martial Uncle ancestor, dísciple should stand still." Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

She discussed with Chi Xuan Senior Brother, this time, it is estimated that this man and woman will be able to perfect the ending. In that case, they have to interfere more with this pair!

"Little Jian, what are you polite? Sit down, there are no outsiders here." Chi Xuan said, pulling Li Jian over. Li Jian didn't have the courage to resist.

Xiao Guoguo smiled when he saw it, okay, Senior Brother really can bother men and women!

This Li Jian looks like this, it is estimated that he is not only afraid of this Martial Uncle ancestor, but also a little admiring it! Otherwise, why a copy, stupefied to get an unrelated person out!

"Well, Martial Uncle ancestor, I'm not too hungry." Li Jian said this, and saw that Chi Xuan had already picked up vegetables for him, and his flattered hands trembled.

"I heard that your life is not so good these days?" Chi Xuan asked with a smile, Li Jian's face was a little ugly, and then he glanced at Xiao Guoguo.

"Look at what I am doing! I told you what do you think? You think you have that bad thing, no one will know if I don't tell?" Xiao Guoguo said, vomiting a bone, like this Han Meng makes Li Jian feel strange.

"Junior Sister, when did you become like this?!" Li Jian asked in shock.

"It was like this two hundred years ago, long time no see, it’s normal if you don’t know me." Xiao Guoguo continued to eat and didn’t go to see Li Jian, showing that the original owner hated him. Little, the feeling of wrongedness in my heart can't be suppressed!

Hey, why bother! Why should a woman embarrass herself, he doesn't like you, he likes you too much, he is the oldest!

"Junior Sister, Senior Brother, I'm sorry." Every time I talk about this, Li Jian looks ashamed.

"You are indeed sorry for me. You don't want to marry me. I don't blame you. You have to be willing to get married. It is not a matter of forced buying and selling. However, if you refuse to marry me, you dare to ask Don’t you think the position of my father’s sect master is too much? You can’t be so greedy. Impossible soulmate belongs to you, and this right status is still yours. Do you think it’s Senior Brother?"

Xiao Guoguo When I asked, Li Jian's face was deathly pale, and I couldn't say any more. Every time I say I’m sorry, but every time he can’t make up for it. Could it be that what Junior Sister wants now is the position of the sect master?

"Junior Sister, if you want, I can persuade the Elders to make you a Sect Master!" Li Jian said so, with a look of embarrassment.

"No, you must not do this! If you do, there is no fun for me to take revenge." Xiao Guoguo said, gnawing on his skull, looking at Li Jian, laughed , Laughing at Li Jian, his whole body was numb, and he didn't know how to eat.

Xiao Guoguo is not affected at all. Let him come today, just to inform. Let him experience the debt he owes for himself! Let him see, without the position of Sect Master, what are the faces of those women!

In fact, Li does not believe in his sword heart. This Han Meng has such ability. After all, if she could really take the lead back then, the Master would not give him the position of Sect Master. That is his biological daughter after all.

But, obviously, he underestimated the influence of Sect Master Han and overestimated his influence. With Chi Xuan's support, everyone didn't even hesitate, so Han Meng became the Sect Master.

In just a few days, Han Meng became a Sect Master from a Peak Lord, and Li Jian became an Elder before the disciplines reacted.

This incident dealt a great blow to Li Jian. During that time, I never dared to see Xiao Guoguo again.

However, Xiao Guoguo is not something he can't see if he doesn't want to meet. After all, he is Elder, and Xiao Guoguo's Sect Master will inevitably come across! For Li Jian, this was a humiliation.

But, what can he do! When he became the Sect Master back then, it was completely supported by the Master. Otherwise, how could he become a Sect Master so young.

Now that Han Meng has the support of the Martial Uncle ancestors and the support of the Elders of Sect, he is naturally more competitive than himself.

"Li Senior Brother Jian, his face is so ugly, is there anything unhappy about this? If there is, let us be happy." Xiao Guoguo said so, Li Jianmeng He clenched his hands tightly.

For the first time in such a long time, he felt no guilt towards Han Meng, because he had already paid back what he owed. It was time for him to be silent now.

Everyone looked at the pitiful appearance of Li Jian, and felt that Han Meng had passed it a bit, but they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Li Jian asked for it.

Because Li Jian is not the Sect Master of Sect, most of the woman in the backyard has left. Some of them originally came for Li Jian's identity and wanted to take a shortcut. Since Li Jian had no use value, they naturally left.

Xiao Guoguo is very satisfied, this is a good start. Who would have thought that Xiao Guoguo did so much to help Ling Yun overcome strong obstacles, and let Li Jian recognize himself well.

People tend to swell at peak times, but within troughs, they can better recognize themselves.

At this time, Li Jian needs comfort the most. If Ling Yun can take the initiative to be considerate, it is better than anything else.

Unfortunately, this Ling Yun didn't mean this at all, and stayed quietly in her small courtyard.

At the beginning, Shen Tengjun was also a smart one. Although he ran away, Ling Yun didn't let Ling Yun notice. After finding a secluded place to run, Ling Yun always thought that Lord Shen Teng was injured or killed, and that's why he thought of him so desperately.

I have to say, this Shen Tengjun is really a real villain!

Then, Ling Yun was rescued by this Li Jian, but Ling Yun didn't wait to see him all the time, which was equal to half repaying her favor, and half helplessly followed Li Jian.

And Li Jian is still stupid, thinking that he has found a lover! Now, what Xiao Guoguo has to do is to make them both reverse and understand where he is wrong.

Without the position of Sect Master, Li Jian began to feel a little discouraged, drinking all day long unconscious. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan saw the opportunity to laughed, knocked the person out, and put them in Ling Yun's small house.

At this time, Ling Yun is almost like a flower that has lost water because of her unsatisfactory life. In that way, there is no such thing as her original tenderness and beauty.

However, Xiao Guoguo also put Li Jian inside the barrier. Although he could hear the movement outside, it was impossible to move even a little bit. When Li Jian woke up, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan had already left. Li Jian simply didn't know who was plotting against him.

However, Yi Li Jian was really concerned about Ling Yun. Although he naturally knew that this was Ling Yun's house, when he discovered where he was, there was a faint joy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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