
  Chapter 952 Recruitment Notice

In the evening, Xiao Guoguo had already eaten his drumsticks, Xiao Cui watched Such Xiao Guoguo feels crazy.

Why their Han Peak Lord suddenly became this style of painting. Is this someone giving possession?

"Xiao Cui, what are you shaking? As a set NPC, your emotions are too rich." Xiao Guoguo said, looking outside, kneeling on the ground The outer sect manager.

This is a plea for her, so let them stand up! I don't understand why I suddenly came to this Han Peak Lord, but since he used his identity, the place that should be found must be found.

Xiao Guoguo has always believed that among the many female counterparts, only this Han Peak Lord is the one who is more to be seen. Although it is not good to see people's vision, people are very sincere.

She had a good hand, and she was flabbergasted like this. It was not easy!

So, when she came out this time, she had to settle the account with Li Jian. If you get the favor of others and take advantage of them, you can't just keep silent.

"Xiao Cui, calm, I dignified Han Meng, they kneel on me, don’t suffer." After Xiao Guoguo said this, he turned his head and went to sleep. The servants kneeling outside, one by one Feel bitter in my heart. This Han Peak Lord is more terrifying than before.

The stewards knelt one day, one night, and Xiao Guoguo made a message and told them to go back. However, a condition was also made that she would find a cook.

A cook! Looking at this request, can they disagree? However, the conditions for finding a cook are too harsh.

"Good looks, good character, good craftsmanship! Can chant poems, paint, and tell stories! Fairy tales are best! What is a fairy tale!"

The headache of being in charge, when they think of Xiao Guoguo's request, to paste this thing... in the entire sect, every place can not be missed, they feel pain on their faces.

But, what can be done? This is the request of Han Peak Lord. If they don't follow it, they have to continue to kneel. Well, for this comparison, let's find a cook.

So, this Sword Sect is lively, everyone knows that Han Peak Lord is deserted, who would have thought that he would suddenly find a cook. Moreover, Sect Master still strongly supports and encourages everyone to sign up.

When everyone thinks about the character of Han Peak Lord, many are daunted. Not to mention whether they meet the requirements, they meet the requirements, and few are willing to go!

However, when the day of the actual interview came, a lot of people still came. One by one young, talented people, don't know if they really want to be a cook or have other ideas.

And the young, talented people are all asked to cook a dish, this dish must also be delicious in color, fragrance, and memorable.

Who would have thought that this mountain has been silent for so many years, and the first time the mountain was opened, it turned out to be to find a cook! Moreover, the hundreds of people who came here really spent a lot of thought, and all of them were very cooperative in cooking for Xiao Guoguo.

Looking at the food on a table, the sect master underneath reported the name of the dish, and the young, talented people passed by one by one, Xiao Guoguo was very unhappy.

Is it so difficult to find Chi Xuan Senior Brother?

At this moment, on a mountain a hundred miles away from the Sword Sect, a glow of sunlight fell, and a middle-aged man wearing white clothed, looking at the Sword Sect in front.

This sect is familiar, and I don’t know where Junior Sister is?

The man's footsteps are gently shaking, and the person is already outside of several dozen li. Such a cultivation base has reached a very deep stage. Without taking a few steps, the person has reached the Sword Sect mouth.

Sword Sect dísciple looked at the white clothed man with shock on his face. They couldn't believe that they could still see this Martial Uncle ancestor in their lifetime!

"Martial Uncle ancestor, congratulations on your exit!" said the gatekeeper dísciple. The man was frowned. He thought he was assigned a soy sauce role, but he never thought that his status would be so high!

Is this setting array crazy? A character who never played soy sauce, as for it!

Chi Xuan said nothing, and flew into sect without stopping. He looked all around, carefully observed, to see if there was any special person, and to see if he could find Junior Sister Xiao.

"What is this?" Chi Xuan had already walked over, but saw a recruitment notice on the square of a great hall...The four characters were enlarged and bold.

Recruitment notice? he he he!

Chi Xuan quickly went to the mountain of Xiao Guoguo to apply for a cook. Anyway, he is the ancestor of Martial Uncle, he has the final say!

Because of Chi Xuan's arrival, the crowd that was originally noisy suddenly became quiet. Everyone was surprised that this Martial Uncle ancestor came out! Is it because I know that Sword Sect has made too much noise recently and came out to settle accounts!

The disciples shuaa~ knelt on the ground, and then Xiao Guoguo saw Chi Xuan striding over. She didn’t know who this person was. Look at the appearance of the protagonist’s halo, except for his age. Bigger, middle-aged beauty uncle, other things are fine!

"Martial Uncle ancestor, why are you here!" The steward knelt, looking at the notice in Chi Xuan's hand, his legs soft.

He knew he had bad luck recently, which man was owed, and posted a notice at the door of Martial Uncle's Cave Mansion! This is to kill him!

"Are you looking for a cook?" Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo, laughed, this look, can't be wrong, that is Junior Sister Xiao's.

"That's right, it's a high salary. As long as your craftsmanship is good, the peak of life is waiting for you." Xiao Guoguo smiled and confirmed the look in his eyes. This product is really Chi Xuan Senior Brother, a job posting, it seems to work.

"I don't want salary, just pocket money." Chi Xuan said with a smile, everyone was stupid collectively.

Their Martial Uncle ancestor wants to be a cook for Han Peak Lord. For such a big thing, they think they can't calm down recently!

"No problem, it's a happy decision. Okay, you can go." Xiao Guoguo waved his hand and everyone ran out. They really couldn't bear this kind of scene.

When the Sect Master of Sword Sect learned about this, the whole person was not good. Martial Uncle ancestors went to cook for Junior Sister. This is a bit worse... No, this is not a problem of the younger generation, this is inappropriate!

But, thinking of his unkind Martial Uncle ancestor, that is the Junior Brother of Ancestor Master, he also don't dare provoke! However, Li Jian was not at ease if he didn't go to see it.

So, he went to see it, and then saw Chi Xuan cooking for Xiao Guoguo, his legs were so weak. It turned out that he was serious.

"Oh, Xiaojian, come on, let's have a bite together." Finally seeing the hero, Chi Xuan was quite happy.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Ouch, Xiao Jian! hahaha, laughed to death.

"hahaha! hahahaha! It's no good, I laughed to death!" Xiao Guoguo laughed aloud, Li Jian who was on the other side of the smile couldn't understand what happened to Junior Sister.

Junior Sister, never looked like this! This Junior Sister, what is going on! Is it really crazy!

However, Junior Sister is crazy. He believes that, what about the Martial Uncle ancestor, he is also crazy? This world, why is it so crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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