
  Chapter 945 Boss

The rays of light in the array shine, everyone can’t believe what happened. However, this happened just before their eyes.

Xiao Guoguo actually succeeded in contracting a Flame Skink. Moreover, this Flame Skink is still a Level 17, which means that within a hundred years, it must soar!

Wait, soar! If the Flame Skink ascends, then, Xiao Guoguo as the master did not ascend, will he suffer this ascending Thunder Tribulation together?

Moreover, it is still a master-servant contract! Such a contract cannot be solved by generally speaking! So, is it really okay for her to accept the Flame Skink?

"Master, I will be your Spirit Beast from now on!" The flameneck slowly shrunk its silhouette until it was only half a meter long before it stopped, and then at Xiao Guoguo's feet On the side, a face was pleased.

"Come on, I see, you are my Spirit Beast, from now on you can just listen to Mo Yu's instructions!" Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone was even more surprised from ear to ear.

Especially Li Dan Master thought it was incredible. Xiao Guoguo must be wrong to do this!

What is the level of this Flame Skink? What is the level of her little Spirit Beast, and it's not safe to walk! Let it be the boss, is it possible?

The monster beast’s world has always been powerhouse is respected. Therefore, for this requirement, the flame dragon will definitely outward devotion but inner opposition, even if it is bound by the master-servant contract.

"Hello boss, boss, you are so mighty! From now on we are brother, you see who is not pleasing to the eye, don't hold back, tell me, I will help the boss."

The flame lizard looked at Mo Yu with a face of ingratiation. I didn't know if I hadn't contracted with Xiao Guoguo before, but now I found out how terrifying this Mo Yu is!

Li Dan Master: "..." This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Qingyun daoist: "..." This is not scientific, not scientific at all!

Chi Xuan: "..." It really is my fruit, and only she can do things like this.

"Well, don't worry, we will be the brother in the future! But you should know that you have the highest cultivation base in our place, but there must be a first-come-first-served basis for everything, and you are not allowed to bully the elderly. "Mo Yu said so, nodded fiercely.

"The boss is right, the boss is wise!" The flame dragon looked sincere.

Everyone: "..." The rhythm of your flattery is too dense!

"Look, let’s not say fatty. Wangcai is the first to follow his master. You can’t bully him in the future. I am the boss. It is your second brother. Fatty is the third child. You are the youngest. Four!"

"Good boss, no problem boss." The flame dragon is still obedient.

Everyone: "..." The Three Views have been broken, the morals have been lost, and they are unable to complain.

"That's right, and your name..." Mo Yu tangled for a while, because Xiao Guoguo's incompetence in naming it, shouldn't it be better to settle this matter first?

"I think this name is easy to pick up. It's the Flame Skink. Look at it, Huo Huo, Homura, Little Lizard, Little Tail... all pretty good, right? ""

"Let's call it a salamander!" Mo Yu heard the name provided by Xiao Guoguo, and suddenly became a lot decisive.

"Boss, you are my big brother!" The flame lizard took a deep breath. He almost vomited blood when he heard the names of Xiao Guoguo. It's because the boss is reliable. !

"You are welcome, it's my own family, my own family." Hehe, Mo Yu also took a deep breath, and they almost had a member called Little Tail.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." If the name is ugly, just say it!

The abnormality of the flame lizard made everyone very puzzled, but Wenwen knew that this flame lizard was clearly a manifestation of current affairs. There is some secret in Mo Yu's body.

Wenwen is right. Monster beast is the most obvious to monster beast. Just now, Mo Yu has suppressed the level and bloodline of the flame lizard. The bloodline in the flame lizard is constantly changing. The scream of the bloodline, obviously, the suppression effect of this bloodline is very significant.

In other words, from the bloodline, it is much worse than others! What this monster beast is fighting for, in the final analysis, apart from my own efforts, it is Innate's bloodline.

This Moyu bloodline is so powerful, and Xiao Guoguo, the owner, guarantees and protects, a future winner in the monster beast world!

If you don’t hug your thighs now, will you be anxious in the future? At that time, the thighs were too thick and might not be able to hug them! So, how smart it is!

Moreover, this flame lizard knows that Moyu’s terrifying is due to Xiao Guoguo’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. Xiao Guoguo's Sea of ​​Consciousness has their contract, and naturally also has its Divine Soul in it.

At that time, it felt that the Divine Soul next door was very powerful. It was a contracted monster beast's Divine Soul, many times stronger than it! This made the Flame Skink very nervous.

And it looks left and right, up and down, among the three Spirit Beasts, the last one is Mo Yu.

It actually doesn't quite understand what is going on with this Moyu now, but what is certain is that this must be a capable and story-telling monster beast! It can't provoke, it's better to be friends.

But now, after experiencing the naming, they are already brothers. Its name is Salamander. It's not a little tail. Thank you Mo Yu!

"Salamander, now you can tell the master that this is the way to pass the level!" Mo Yu said so, the salamander froze for a while, how to pass the level? What's the way to pass!

"Boss, you are talking about the previous Transmission Formation!" Salamander asked, Mo Yu nodded.

"This array is here, it must be useful. The people who left the array back then let you guard some good things!" Mo Yu asked, the salamander took a deep breath, The boss knows this!

"There is nothing wrong with this. The person agreed with me back then. I helped him guard this place. He set up an array for me to ensure my safety! It seems that in this array, It should be hiding a good thing, although I don’t know what this good thing is!"

The salamander said so, a bit ashamed. For so many years, it has been very conscious of the things in this array. Don't care about it, or it's time to tell the boss now!

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, I know it. Now the master has to break through to get what's inside!" Mo Yu said so, his eyes sparkling.

"You know! Boss, you are amazing!" The salamander has a look of worship, so the face of a genuine fanboy!

"Hehe, trivial, trivial. Do you know how to pass the level?" Mo Yu asked,

After hearing this, the salamander was stunned and thought for a moment. Then it shook the head.

(End of this chapter)

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