
  Chapter 944 was discovered

At this moment, in a secret room, a crystal clear and near- The transparent bead rolled down from the mouth of the beast on the roof. The bead fell into the jade plate and made a jingle, causing the man in the secret room to open his eyes abruptly.

"Master!" The silhouette in the darkness also appeared. He looked at the transparent bead with murderous aura in his eyes.

"Haha, after waiting for so many years, I finally found it! Go and find it, take the pearl, and you must find it!" The coldness on the man in the secret room is like the essence. , Wrapped his whole person.

"Yes, master!" said the black shadow, and wrapped the transparent bead in a box. The bead was so precious that he dared not touch it with his hands.

"If you meet the Ling family, don't hurt it and bring it back." The man said with joy in his tone.

"Yes, master!" Sombra said, and gradually disappeared into the darkness, as if he had never appeared before.

The man in the secret room looked at the jade plate full of beads, smiled coldly, and said to himself: "You have been hiding for so many years? Why can you give it up now? Is it Is there any outstanding Junior among the descendants?"

The man finished coldly smiled, what about the outstanding Junior! In front of him, his spiritual family Old Ancestor, there is still no possibility of self-protection. How many of his descendants can surpass him? !

This opportunity, he waited for so many years, finally waited, as long as he found this time, he will look at that Xiyuezhong, look at the big secret of their spiritual family? !

"Look, I killed your spiritual family, or your spiritual family asked me for revenge!" The man said, regretting it, and shouldn't let Shadow Guard go.

He should wait, wait for the arrival of the spiritual family, let them take revenge with confidence, and then without the slightest hesitation blow them up, and lock them all up, so that the bad breath in his heart can come out what!

"Forget it, if this spiritual dísciple can't even hide from the Shadow Guard, it won't be possible to give it more time!"

The man said so, he closed again With eyes closed, he never relaxes his demands on himself, even now, he has few rivals anymore.

However, people have to be cautious at all times. How was the spiritual family back then? It was not ruined by him! By the side of the misfortune, he is extremely vigilant towards the people on the side. Only by constantly improving his strength can he not be afraid of anyone.

And Xiao Guoguo in the cave at this moment did not know, because the appearance of Xiyuezhong had already attracted the attention of interested people. She only let Xiyuezhong come out for a while, but she never thought , This energy fluctuation has been sensed.

However, there are many planes in this world, and it is not so easy to find them. Later, Xiao Guoguo even listened to Mo Yu's words and put Xiyue Clock away, and would never take it out easily.

Now, she has to quickly remedy it. Xiao Guoguo is not worried about Wenwen at all, but it is hard to say about the flame lizard, so Xiao Guoguo walked out.

Originally, Qingyun Daoist was thinking that it would be a good choice to subdue this flame dragon, or to be its own Spirit Beast, or to kill the inner core.

This guy and them, that is the enemy, and now solve it while they are all there, also to prevent future troubles. However, before Qingyun Daoist could make a move, Wenwen grabbed his arm.

"This monster beast has a master." Wenwen said, the Qingyun daoist was taken aback, and then reacted.

"Wenwen, you are so amazing, you have subdued such a monster beast!" Qingyun daoist said with excitement, happy for Wenwen. The two of them are the same.

"It's not me." Wenwen replied calmly, and then looked at the Flame Skink.

At this time, how can the Flame Skink fail to see it, it is in a very worrying situation now! These three cultivators in the ascension period are difficult enough to deal with. The remaining two, one strong as an ox, and a powerful Divine Item in their hands, do not want to die, they have only one way to surrender.

Then, the Spirit Beast who surrendered and became others is better than being killed in any way! Now it has only one problem, who should be its master.

The highest cultivation base in it is of course the old man, but it’s uncomfortable to find one that is similar to its own cultivation base?

In fact, Xiao Guoguo's cultivation base is the lowest here, and it is most suitable to find her as the master. But when I think of the Divine Item in Xiao Guoguo's hand, the flame lizard feels its legs are soft.

Moreover, the Spirit Beasts that followed her seemed to be not simple, especially the one that could swallow molten slurry, which looked like high-grade ones.

"If I don't, I'll follow..." The Flame Skink slowly pointed at Chi Xuan, but didn't dare to actually fall. It turned out to be a little scared at Xiao Guoguo.

"You just owe it to clean up. How did my boss beat you just now? You forgot about it!" Wenwen said fiercely and shook his fist in his hand, and the flame lizard instantly Changed my mind.

"Master, from now on, I will be your Spirit Beast when I am born, and my Spirit Beast when I die!" The Flame Skink kneeled on one leg without the slightest hesitation and said to Xiao Guoguo. .

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Why is this awkward?

"Don't worry, I've always been tolerant to Spirit Beast. From now on, you only need to get along with each other. By the way, everything depends on Mo Yu's words."

Xiao Guoguo With that said, he actually agreed and accepted the flame skin lizard. Everyone was shocked by the conversation. How did this flame lizard be subdued by Xiao Guoguo?

Moreover, listening to the content of the dialogue, this guy seems to be very scared of Xiao Guoguo!

This is not right. If it is afraid of text, it can still explain it. The girl is strong as an ox and has a hard fist. However, Xiao Guoguo...It doesn't seem logical to look at it.

Moreover, if Xiao Guoguo wants to accept the Flame Skink, he should treat it with courtesy!

After all, this monster beast level is too high, even the ascendant cultivator is not an opponent, how can she still have a face of remain unmoved, and even said that the flame lizard should be the younger brother!

Although the aptitude of that Moyu is really good, after all, the level is too low now, can it be the boss to convince the public?

However, the Flame Skink doesn’t seem to mind at all, and with a pleased smile on Mo Yu’s face, he said: "Boss, from now on we will be a biological brother! Don’t worry, as long as you just say a word, You let me hit someone, I will never hit the wrong one!"

The flame lizard has finished saying that, Mo Yu nodded, this is an obedient kid, very good, very good!

Everyone: "..." How do you feel that the flame skin lizard has a problem with his brain?

(End of this chapter)

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