
  Chapter 940 Meals

Wenwen feels a little bit embarrassed , after all, she just thought of many ways Unsuccessful, and this guy actually showed up for two bottles of medicine pill.

However, it is still smart, even if Xiao Guoguo has the medicine pill he likes to eat in his hands, it still has no meaning to come out of the lava. He even kept half of his body under the lava carefully.

"My medicine pill is made by myself. Melts in the mouth. It has a unique taste. Only this one. There is no semicolon. If you want to eat it, only I have it."


Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, shaking the bottle lightly, and the crisp sound of collision was very nice.

Wenwen feels that Xiao Guoguo is like a profiteer. Wenwen knows that Xiao Guoguo is also talking about a big deal this time!

"Really? So how much do you have here?"

The flameneck is thinking about this medicine pill, it really likes to eat very much, and I gave up a little reluctantly . However, this woman's very ruthless, she has been thoroughly taught, even Xiao Guoguo, because she stood with Wenwen, she was also extra cautious.

"I didn't tell you, I'm a Pill Refinement Master. Do you know what Pill Refinement Master does?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the flame snake shook the head very happy.

Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment. You don't even know what the Pill Refinement Master is. This is almost irrelevant and inexperienced! This means that people are foolish and foolish.

"Let me tell you, Pill Refinement Master keeps refining medicine pill! The medicine pill in my hand, I can refine as much as I want!" Xiao Guoguo said. Seeing that the eyes of the flame lizard lit up suddenly.

"Is this true!" Because the Flame Skink lives underground all the year round, there is still a pure side in this character. In fact, Xiao Guoguo believed it by half when he said it just now.

"Of course it's true, why should I lie to you?" Xiao Guoguo said so, seeing the face of the flame lizard turning red, and then pulling out a stone from behind.

"I believe you, this stone has the smell of your medicine pill. I just got it from your Cave Mansion." The flame dragon said, Xiao Guoguo saw it, right It was the stone I used to cushion the alchemic furnace. It was taken away just now.

"I ask you, are you stealing the medicine pill that I have stored?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the flame dragon looked ashamed, but the words were very clear.

"I didn't steal it. They rolled to the place where I was taking a nap, and I ate it! I don't know, it was your medicine pill!"

The Flame Skink was very sorry. After all, it was an upright monster beast, otherwise it wouldn't take up the Secret Realm's affairs with Flying Immortal Sect. It had such a clear standard of judgment.

Because they came first, it is later, and they can’t do anything to take away their territory!

Thinking of the medicine pill she dumped, Xiao Guoguo is not guilty at all. What she doesn't want is treated as a baby. This can only show that her medicine pill is indeed good, and even monster beasts like it!

"In this case, those who don’t know don’t blame it, and I won’t say anything. But, let me tell you that medicine pill is not the best! I have something hundreds of times better than medicine pill here. Something!" When Xiao Guoguo said that, Wenwen couldn't help but rolled the eyes, and then when he saw the flame dragon, he looked at Xiao Guoguo with excitement and expectation, his eyes were bright. Up.

At this time, Wenwen thought of Xiao Guoguo. Every time the boss saw food, his expression was exactly the same as the flame dragon in front of him. It can only be said that these two guys are really very similar, all of them are foodies!

Xiao Guoguo didn't hesitate, took out a portion of the meal that Chi Xuan had prepared for him before, and put it directly next to Lava, and then slowly backed out to Wenwen's side.

Xiao Guoguo I did this to make the flame lizards trust them and show that they are not threatening. Although monster beast is a cautious and intelligent, it can't resist the temptation of good food.

It swiftly hit the plates of food with its tail, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed it in one bite.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Guoguo was really helpless. This guy is really edible, and he ate it all in one bite!

"What is this? How can it be so delicious! This is the best thing I have ever eaten through childhood!"

Because of the temptation of food and Help, the flame dragon's wariness against Xiao Guoguo has dropped a lot, and they have leaned on the shore, really wanting to know who made this delicacy?

"This is my own treasure, and now I reluctantly gave it to you, just to let you help! Because the cook of this meal is the person who was trapped by you. If he loses his life I’m afraid I’ll never eat such a delicious meal again."

Xiao Guoguo said that, the Flame Skink was completely taken aback. It never thought that the cook was Is it locked up? What are you waiting for! Hurry up and save people!

But where is the savvy flame lizard this time? It is very natural, swimming back to its own lava pool, and then passing through the underground passage to the other side.

Xiao Guoguo was stunned for a moment, never thought that he would leave without saying hello. Is this promised, or is it not promised?

"Mo Yu, is this really reliable?" Xiao Guoguo asked Mo Yu, and Mo Yu smiled.

Naturally it is reliable! The weakness of this guy is clear. Back then... it couldn't be wrong anyway!

"Don't worry, master, it must have saved people from the passage below. We just have to wait patiently here." Mo Yu said so, Xiao Guoguo could only agree, because for the time being. There is no good way to come.

So, when the Flame Skink suddenly appeared outside the array, how surprised the Chi Xuan trio were, you can imagine, they don’t understand, what does this guy want to do?

Do you want to profit from somebody's misfortune, hit a person when he's down? While they are all trapped, I want to end them completely!

Thinking of this possibility, Chi Xuan was extremely anxious. He now has someone he is worried about, where he is willing to sacrifice his life.

If he is really gone, who can protect Xiao Guoguo? He doesn't believe in Wenwen's ability, nor anyone else, he only believes in himself.

So when the Flame Skink appeared, Chi Xuan did not give up, anyway, it accelerated the speed of breaking the formation! Until the end, there is always hope!

I just don’t know who designed this array, it is so powerful! Such an array is really too subtle, the three of them attacked together during the ascension phase, and there was no way to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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