
  Chapter 939 A Good Way

Mo Yu feels that you can’t blame it for all this, you should blame it if you blame it. That flame skink.

It is not easy to attack female cultivator, and I don’t know why. It almost didn't explain it clearly, and the owner doubted it.

So, Mo Yu whispered in Xiao Guoguo's ear, and Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"You are serious!" Xiao Guoguo asked, Mo Yu was nodded, 100% serious, please look at the pure little eyes of others!

And Xiao Guoguo also understood at this time that the so-called flame lizard does not hit women. To a large extent, it is just not a killer. Didn't you want to spray yourself just now?

This has something to do with the opponent's strength, as well as its endurance, singing too terrifying on its own, it can't stand it anymore!

The main reason why it will be pressed and beaten by Wenwen is because it never thought at first that Wenwen would directly attack with power, which is still a strong as an ox.

From the moment its tail was grasped by Wenwen, this flame lizard understood, this woman, can't afford to offend! She didn't take the usual path, one step wrong, wrong step, let people be crushed and beaten!

And the real weakness of this flame lizard is not this, but something else!

Wenwen is having a good time, this flame dragon is miserable, lying on the ground honestly, and then crying and regretting it. You have the ability to let it go back, go back into the lava, it must not come up! It's definitely not coming up!

"You guys! What are you going to do!" The Flame Skink said, shaking his leg, which is about to break!

"Those three cultivators are locked up by you, you have to let them go!" When Wenwen said that, the flame lizard remembered it, and he took the three Shut it up.

It's almost forgotten! didn't expect, they two women came to save people! This is really unexpected!

"I'll let it go! I'll let it go! What a big deal!" said the flame dragon, standing up and walking outside, feeling wronged.

Wenwen went to protect Xiao Guoguo, she was a little worried, afraid that the flame lizard was playing some tricks.

But at this moment, it became an excellent choice for the Fire Skink to escape. Seeing it turned around, a leap turned back somersault, three hundred six, seven hundred two, one thousand and eighty degrees of rolling, with a puff, it fell into the lava.

Now, it can be considered as an understanding. Why did its mother tell him that he must be gentle with women, so that he can have a good life. It has kept this sentence in mind for so many years, but now it really understands it.

Women are too fierce to be gentle with them, they really don’t have a good life at all!

I don’t know how this guy can distort a word of his relatives like this!

"You have the ability, come out!" Wenwen is hurt, how can this guy be so cunning!

"If I don't go out, I won't go out if I can't say it! If you have the ability, come down!" Below the lava, there was the provocative voice of the flame lizard.

Wenwen can't bear it anymore. She has such a violent temper. Even if she can't go down, she has other ways to do it!

"Come on, Mo Yu, drain it!" Wen Wen said this, and Mo Yu, who had been watching the battle, was depressed.

It stands so far away, why is it still implicated! It's just a little monster beast that hasn't been born for a few years. Isn't it a bit too much to treat it this way?

"This, it's not that I can't help, but with so much lava, even if I don't stop day and night, it will take me a hundred years to absorb it. I'm afraid I can't wait for the trapped person! "

Wen Wen was taken aback when Mo Yu said this. Yes, this unreliable Mo Yu is still too small and not so capable. trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis.

"What do you do then! We can't look at it so provocatively, but we are indifferent!" Wenwen said so, Xiao Guoguo walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

"Being a human, why be so persistent! Look at this monster beast, I am afraid of you, hide it, what regrets do you have! If you are far away, think about Chi Xuan Senior Brother, aren't they still trapped?"

Xiao Guoguo said that, Wenwen suddenly became confident in his life! Not to mention anything else, she at least surpassed the own master!

Xiao Guoguo looked at the molten slurry below, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although all three of them were cultivators in the ascension phase, what if the other party really set up a powerful array?

Is it injured? And the injury was serious? Otherwise, why can't I even return a jade slip transmission message!

But, now she has no good way. The monster beast hides under the lava and can't live or die. She also doesn't have the ability of neither water nor fire can approach, so she can't go down and pursue it. Wenwen is also not good enough, if she goes down, her ability is estimated to be limited. what to do!

Wenwen is also worried, wondering how to make this monster beast come out willingly? Is it necessary for the boss to sing? It doesn't matter to me, I can't hear it if my hearing is blocked!

"Boss, or else you continue to play one?" Wenwen suggested so, Xiao Guoguo saw the three Spirit Beasts and retreated quickly.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Do you want to be so direct? Anyway, she is also the owner of the three of them, okay? It doesn't give any face.

"Forget it, I am in a good mood today, let's not sing, let's play something else."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Wenwen was dumbfounded. I started singing because I was in a bad mood, no wonder it was so unpleasant!

"What are you playing?" Wenwen looked at Xiao Guoguo and took out a small bottle, which seemed to be the medicine bottle that was given to her last time.

"Do you know that people say that fish only have a few seconds of memory?" Xiao Guoguo said, collapsing the medicine pill of this bottle, as if he didn't feel distressed at all.

"Really?" Wenwen felt that talking about these now is a bit incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene.

"I don't know, I am not a fish. Yanzhi fish thinks what it is! I only know, if it is cooked, the fish will remember the owner!" Xiao Guoguo said, and fell down again The two bottles of medicine pill went down, and then they stopped moving.

"Boss, what are we doing?" Wenwen asked. Xiao Guoguo smiled, unfathomable.

"Feed the fish... Bah, feed the monster beast!" Xiao Guoguo replied. Wenwen was speechless. Let's be practical. You think this flame lizard is a medicine pill. ?

Just before Wenwen said this, I saw the surface of the molten molten tumbling constantly, and then a huge silhouette suddenly sprang out from the surface of the hot lava, and the nose was still turbulent. , A happy expression on his face.

"The medicine pill turned out to be yours!" As the Flame Skink said so, Wenwen felt that his world view had been reversed.

A monster beast, a powerful monster beast. This is because a few medicine pills that don’t know what the smell have rushed out when they knew it was dangerous. This is simply unreasonable. .

(End of this chapter)

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