
  Chapter 933 Join in the fun

Has the Master blown away? Xiao Guoguo what to do! Of course it is to find it!

But, the wind was too strong, there were too many caves below, and... she was still lost.

"Wen, let's go look for it, that's my Master!" Xiao Guoguo said so, Wen Wen laughed.

"For this level of struggle, Elder Feng is boring to stay here. You might as well send a jade slip to ask if Elder Feng himself wants to come back."

Wenwen said that, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, yeah, the Master just kept saying, hurry up. Seeing him like that, I'm afraid it's true that I don't want to come back.

So Xiao Guoguo did not insist. Instead, he really took out his sound transmission jade slip and sent a message to Elder Feng. Without much effort, Elder Feng’s voice came.

"Disciple, Master won’t join in the fun anymore. I returned from the same path. I’ll go to see the disciplines. Be careful!"

Elder Feng’s words let Xiao Guoguo is very ashamed, Master is still thinking about the disciplines at this time. It's really too much for her to watch the excitement like this.

But let’s go, she doesn’t feel relieved Chi Xuan, this flame lizard seems to be very powerful, can this really work? If it's an emergency, she might be able to help!

Thinking like this, Xiao Guoguo gave up the idea of ​​going back and watched the battle ahead. She must admit that her cultivation base is still far short, and the power of these spells is far beyond her imagination.

Especially the Qingyun Daoist, his movements are extremely fast, sometimes she can't see clearly when he is fast. Don't look at this guy, there is no seriousness in the normal, it seems to be pretty reliable during this match!

"Wait, you don't slap someone in the face! I eat with the face!" Qingyun daoist roared, and then he fell down with a click. See what that means, for I fell while protecting my face!

"hehe." Wenwen sneered, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

She thought Wenwen really didn’t care about this Qingyun Daoist, but if she really didn’t care, how could she be paying attention to him? Although this hehe doesn’t seem like a good voice, but , If you really ignore it, I'm afraid even hehe will not have it.

"Such a Master is too embarrassing. It's not as good as Chi Xuan, a cultivator who has just reached the ascendant stage." Wenwen said, and Xiao Guoguo's mind just changed completely.

"That's, it's not that I am boasting, there are not many people who can compare to my Chi Xuan Senior Brother, and your Master is definitely not comparable! My Senior Brother wants a cultivation base, a cultivation base, and craftsmanship. To have skills, to be tall, to be tall, to look good, if this is a marriage, the starting point of future children will be higher than others! You can think about it."

Concerning senior Brother, Xiao Guoguo spared no effort. Was packaged for sale, and then Wen Wen looked at her helplessly.

"What's wrong, I'm telling the truth!" Xiao Guoguo said so with a trace of guilty conscience.

"Boss, you have said this in front of me no less than ten times! For so many years, what kind of friendship between the two of us, don't you understand me?"

Wenwen so Asked, Xiao Guoguo was secretly surprised, have there been so many times? Isn't she afraid that Wenwen's vision is too high, she will die alone?

If you have a good man around you, of course you must first make yourself suitable! If she is boring, she can only think about Wei Ling.

However, Wei Ling has a weak personality, like Chi Xuan Senior Brother, don’t be bullied when the time comes Wei Ling.

"Also, you did the same when you packaged the golden retriever to sell to me!" Wen Wen thought about his conversation with Chi Xuan, and silently lit a wax for him.

"Really! I did such things that are too brainy!" Xiao Guoguo has long forgotten about such things. Wenwen said, she wanted to do not raise all her life.


That is brother, how can we have such strange feelings between brothers?

"Back then, you not only promoted to me. The men and women in the research room include those patients. Tell me about you, how many times have you promoted, how many times have you been a matchmaker, and have you succeeded?"

Wenwen doesn’t understand, Xiao Guoguo is a good person, how can he like to be a matchmaker? This is simply unscientific!

"Hehe, what? I changed it later!" Xiao Guoguo said, extremely guilty, this was just a little hobby back then, fortunately it didn't cause much impact.

"That's not a change! The two patients asked you to get together and almost killed each other, what should you do if you don't change!" Wen Wen said irritably, Xiao Guoguo was silent. That's a man cheating!

Who would have thought that a man cheating is still a man! Since then, she has completely faded out of the matchmaker's arena.

"Forget it if you don't want to, don't turn over the old accounts!" Xiao Guoguo said, and saw that the monster beast was about to run away.

That Flame Skink is going to run! Xiao Guoguo can see it all at once, don't look at it as if it is trying to fight the three of Chi Xuan, the little eyes are wandering around, it is clear that they are looking for a way out!

"Running!" Xiao Guoguo watched the flameneck lizard suddenly skyrocketed in silhouette, and then a lizard rushed and jumped, and flew past the head of the Qingyun daoist. The speed is so fast that people can't see clearly.

"Hehe, really didn't expect, this is still a flexible fatty!" Wenwen said, followed by chasing up, don't look at the monster beast is very huge, this body can be flexible, and , Extremely fast!

It’s just that everyone is chasing constantly, but didn’t expect that this monster beast is also capable. In the next moment, I saw its silhouette suddenly become two!

Two identical flame skinxes, moved towards two intersections and flew away. Which one is true and which one is false?

"Lizard Avatar Technique!" Xiao Guoguo cry out in surprise, Wenwen can't wait to give her the boss, what Avatar Technique, where is there any Avatar Technique in this world!

"No, it's just a trick!" Wenwen hurriedly explained to Xiao Guoguo.

"Blind eyes? How do you do it! How does this look the same as it really is?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Wenwen suddenly came to give her a bit of science.

"When an object moves too fast, it will produce afterimages, and the appearance of this afterimage will give people a visual effect of a short stay. Therefore, people will think that they have seen two The same object!"

"You know that I am studying literature, did you deliberately irritate me?" Wenwen finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo looked at her with a helpless expression.

"No! This is simple common sense. Of course, this common sense is only known to me. These cultivators don't know, hehe, science and technology are the real plug-ins!" Wenwen finished, and quickly reached the fork. The front of the mouth.

"Why stopped, don't we go after it?" Xiao Guoguo, who was anxious to watch the excitement, asked, and Wenwen shook the head.

"Boss, do you think they followed the right path?" Wenwen asked, Xiao Guoguo was immediately surprised. Wenwen meant, Chi Xuan Senior Brother, they chased the job. On the way!

(End of this chapter)

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