
鈥冣€僀hapter 932 Flying in the Wind

Although this monster beast has been dominating here for a long time, it is still the first I saw so many people appearing together.

Moreover, the spiritual power fluctuations in this group of people are not simple.

It is thinking about a question. If these people get together, can it ever fight?

"Why do you want us to be photographed?" Qingyun Daoist opened his mouth and was held accountable.

"You are not on my site, how could you be photographed!" said the monster beast not to be outdone.

"Your site? Can anyone prove it! This is the Secret Realm of the Ascended Sect!" Qingyun daoist is not worried about this monster beast now. This is the first time he has seen such a grounded monster beast. .

"Flying Immortal Sect! Their territory! Why are they! This spirit vein is clearly owned by everyone, the whole plane, but sect relies on the number of people and the power to take it for itself, so speak out Don't be afraid of being ashamed!"

That monster beast said so with a look of contempt, as if even Qingyun Daoist was also despised! Qingyun daoist was not angry, but laughed.

"Weak are prey to the strong, isn't this world like this? If you are not a monster beast with a high cultivation base, where is it possible to speak out in front of us now? You can say so confidently , It鈥檚 not because your own cultivation base is high. Try another monster beast!

This is the basic rule of the cultivation world. If you don鈥檛 want to, you can go to the Flying Immortal Sect. Few in Flying Immortal Sect can beat you."

With what Qingyun daoist said, the monster beast completely calmed down. If it has this ability, can it wait until now? Can he be silenced by him?

"I am a reasonable monster beast. Flying Immortal Sect divides the site. Before me, I came here to cultivation. After them, there is nothing to fight for! But here, around here, including around here The ground is my turf!

It鈥檚 wrong for you to enter my turf, so you should leave as soon as possible! I just don鈥檛 care about everything before."

Qingyun daoist listened to this, but only smiled faintly, and said: "You should understand that since we are down, it is not so easy to send away. Now you want to get out of your body, it's not that simple Yes."

When the monster beast heard this, he was unhappy. What's the matter, it won't be held accountable anymore, they want to hold on to it, right? It has long known that human cultivator doesn't have any good people. This is obviously because of its own good ability. It wants to be a Spirit Beast, right?

"I dignified the flame skinx, I say everything is impossible to be the Spirit Beast of the human cultivator! You die this heart!" The monster beast said so, I heard Mo Yu's voice. Come!

"It's a flame skin lizard!"

Cry out in surprise, and make everyone distracted slightly. What, does Mo Yu know this monster beast? This name is quite appropriate.

"Hehe, although it is called the Flame Skink, but the relationship between your appearance and the lizard does not seem to be big!" Mo Yu stood on Wangcai's body with big dark circles eyes Looking at the monster beast opposite, I was very curious.

"What do I look like, none of your business love!" The flameneck looked like a person stepped on its tail. It was very angry, and then started to breathe fire when it didn't agree with it.

Wenwen reacted quickly, grabbing Xiao Guoguo back, and shooting out the spiritual power on his body at the same time, wrapping the two of them in the spiritual power.

At the same time, she looked back at Mo Yu and gave Mo Yu a tremor. He hasn't forgotten, this girl's very ruthless, this is obviously angering himself.

"I'm just curious. I've heard of the Flame Skink, and it's the first time I have seen it alive. That's why I'm a little bit more curious." Mo Yu's explanation is acceptable, but , I don鈥檛 know why, Wenwen just feels wrong.

In front of them, there were three ascension cultivators, whether it was Chi Xuan or Li Dan Master, or Qingyun daoist, they were all impossible to let the flame hurt the two behind.

So the flame did not reach Xiao Guoguo and the others, and was stopped by the three of them. And since this Flame Skink provoked a dispute, they were impossible to give up.

The level of this flame lizard is very high, they have already felt it, but no matter how high it is, it will not reach the level after ascension, otherwise, how can it stay on this plane?

Therefore, their three people are simply not afraid of joining hands. Even if the opponent's rank is higher than them, but each of their three people has its own strengths, even if the rank is lower, it is not impossible to win.

The Flame Skink also noticed that these three people are very difficult to deal with. If this is besieged, its chances of winning are not great. Therefore, the flame lizard only fought Chi Xuan their three people a few times, and after a while, they turned their heads and ran away.

One hits three people, and now they don鈥檛 run, waiting to be caught and killed and eat the inner core!

Therefore, this monster beast is a time-conscious affair, and it is not even willing to fight with Chi Xuan.

As the old saying goes, there is an unexpected situation desperately! It cherishes its own little life, the cultivation base of this body, their lacking hatred and enmity, why does it work hard with this group of people!

So, the flame lizard ran in front, Chi Xuan and the three chased after him, and Wen Wen took Xiao Guoguo and Elder Feng to watch the excitement at the end. Elder Feng is the most innocent. In fact, he just wants to stay away and don't look at anything!

However, Xiao Guoguo was taken away by Wenwen. Is he the kind of person who left the discipline behind? Even if the water in front is very hot, he has to go and take a look to be relieved.

And then... he saw a scene that was terrifying than terrifying.

These three ascendant cultivators can't beat the monster beast. What kind of monster beast is that? This is to be refined!

The strong spiritual power fluctuations brought about by the magic technique, Elder Feng couldn't stand firm and almost was blown away.

Elder Feng: "..." Every time I get to this time, I always have a deep understanding of how bad my cultivation base is.

So, for the sake of his mental health and life safety, he shouldn't come in such a battle scene! Elder Feng moved forward hard step by step, and finally reached Wenwen's side, only to feel that the girl had propped up the barrier and protected Xiao Guoguo inside.

Elder Feng looked at the situation and felt relieved, the discipline, it鈥檚 not the Master who doesn鈥檛 want to protect you. He is really powerless. Now that there is text to watch, he is relieved.

Elder Feng is not a person who likes to join in the fun, as soon as he let go, the whole person is taken away by the wind. He decided to fly with the wind, and wherever he flew, he had to leave this place anyway.

When Xiao Guoguo turned his head, he happened to see Elder Feng's face relaxed and blown away by the wind. Just blow it away!

"Wenwen, that was blown away, is it my Master Elder Feng?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Wenwen looked far away.

"Yes, it's your Master!" Wenwen replied sincerely, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Guoguo: "鈥︹€?

(End of this chapter)

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