
  Chapter 923 Men

Outside the East City, monster beasts attacked with all their strength to protect it The cover was torn open, trying to rush in through it.

Naturally, the cultivators can't let them do what they want. They fight the monster beast together with the soldiers.

The first line of defense is the cultivator. They are more capable and defensive. Behind them, there are layers of soldiers.

Although the soldiers have thermal weapons in their hands, they still suffered heavy losses when dealing with monster beasts. These monster beasts are almost impervious to sword and spear, unless they are powerful weapons, they won't be able to use their lives at all.

However, the cooperation between the cultivator and the soldier reduces the damage.

But even so, even with Uncle Wu, there are still too many monster beasts. With their huge silhouettes, the tide is usually coming, and there is no stronghold one cannot overcome the torrent.

And several High Rank Spirit Beasts of sect are also on the battlefield at this moment, fighting with those high level monster beasts, otherwise, I'm afraid the disciples will be more severely damaged.

Pan City Lord looked at such a scene, his eyes were red. They have been holding on for a day, twelve hours, six hours, and they have lost more than one hundred dísciples and more than eight hundred soldiers. , If this continues, they will all be killed by these monster beasts!

If they can't hold onto this gap, who can resist the tens of thousands of people in this city?

At this time, City Lord Pan saw it, a little bit of light shining in the distance, those ordinary persons, they ran out, some with food, some with tools, and some directly Into the battlefield.

At this time, they don't care about other things. As long as they can defeat this group of monster beasts, this East City can be preserved. Everyone understands this, so it will be dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

Outside the city, there are groups of mercenaries one after another, they are harassing, helping outside, and wanting to reduce the pressure in the city.

Pan City Lord looked at him, and the breath in his heart was finally relieved.

In the battle between the two armies, the most feared thing is that one party loses morale. Now they are like this, but it gives him the confidence to protect the city.

Then at this time, on the west side of the east city, a fiery flame appeared. Pan

There was a rumbling explosion, Pan City Lord's heart tightened, the explosion, the fire, it was clear that they wanted to mess up their positions from the inside.

What a cruel heart, a poisonous strategy! However, they can't separate people to rescue them now.

Moreover, there is the most chaotic abandoned area. They don’t have so many places to hold prisoners in this East City. This deserted area is a gathering area for prisoners. Compared with civilian areas, it is terrifying and vicious compared to the black market!

Normally there are soldiers guarding and controlling this area, how they toss inside, how to form gangs, and will not come outside, and will not disrupt the lives of these ordinary persons.

But now, they have to take advantage of this opportunity to come out!

Asshole, don't they know! If they are messed up inside, the monster beast from outside will come in, the people in the city... Yes, the people in the city won't all die!

Here are only ten thousand monster beasts, they are not for the people, they are for medicine pill!

So, these gangsters, their purpose is to take over this East City! Then, compared to being killed by the monster beast, this East City will become a deserted place, and the people here will live in dire straits.

"Come, mobilize three thousand people, go over there, can't let them come over!" Pan City Lord said with a look of resentment. If you knew it, you should have killed them, leaving none of them.

"But City Lord, if it is to mobilize three thousand people, I am afraid it is not their opponent." Some of his subordinates said so, Pan City Lord closed his eyes.

"I know, this is going to die, but they have to go, otherwise everyone will have to die!" Pan City Lord said, the soldier fiercely gritted his teeth.

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, I took my subordinates to go. Someone must do these things, and somebody must go.

They know that they are going to die, but their death is worthwhile. As long as the number of gangsters can be reduced, the ordinary person can kill them.

And a white clothed man who has been standing in the air sees such a frowned scene. He thought, can't let these disciplines die, otherwise, where to find the news.

Take a look at the monster beast, you can still control it for the time being. The white clothed man taking advantage of the night, moved towards the Western District, to see the sinister heart of this man.

A group of gangsters, they have weapons on their bodies. For so many years, they have been locked in that a side world and can't get out. Now they have finally come out. They want to make a Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

They want to enter the city, they want to seize gold, silver, food and women, and they want to become the rulers of this east city.

However, just after they rushed out of the abandoned area and rushed into the civilian area, they found that it seemed that the people outside were not as weak as they thought.

How can people in this civilian area have weapons in their hands? How can they protect women! Is this fatal?

However, these men seem to be supported by someone, arranged by someone, they are not afraid of death, they keep their territory tightly guarded!

The gangsters can only walk along the slum area. What they want is not the gain or loss of this point. They want to find the City Lord, find the rich... Then, they came across a white clothed man.

"Go back!" The white clothed man held the long sword in his hand with a chill on his face.

"Cultivator? We can't beat the cultivator?" There was fear on the culprit's face.

"What are you afraid of. We are crowded! Come on! Give me all of them!" said the scarred man, shooting at the white clothed man in the air with a weapon in his hand.

However, with a protective cover, none of these bullets hurt the opponent, but the white clothed man smiled: "You did it first!"

, The long sword in the hand of the white clothed man slashed fiercely, and the scar face on the opposite side was frozen and then shattered!

Such a scene is simply terrifying! It was too horrible. Their legs were trembling that they were afraid of. For such a person, they still don't provoke them, and go back obediently!

"He is a cultivator and cannot kill an ordinary person, otherwise he will be punished causally! Don't be afraid." A voice is hidden in the crowd so as to encourage everyone,

This is where these Before people could react, the hidden spy had been arrested, and then the man snapped his fingers lightly, and the spy self-destructed and died.

"You are a cultivator, killing you is not a cause and effect! Moreover, killing you less is not counted, who let you do it first." The man said, where the sword light went, the gangsters All of the palms of his hands and weapons were shattered and disappeared.

"Ah! Ghost!" The gangsters fled frantically one by one. When the three thousand soldiers came, they saw the gangsters obediently staying in the Western Region, and none of them dared to come out. Take the initiative to put out the fire.

Everyone was puzzled, but simply couldn't get an explanation. It's really weird!

The white clothed man is not in a good mood. Why does he look so cold and call himself a ghost! Really a bunch of trash, scum, and brains!

Thinking of this, the man flew to the gap, and monster beasts kept popping up over there. The cultivators are desperate.

The man's eyes were cold, and after a sword passed, the scene fell silent.

Those monster beasts, more than ten thousand monster beasts, are all frozen. None of them escaped.

Everyone looked at the man in the sky, and they only felt that their hairs were standing up. Where did this man come from!

(End of this chapter)

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