
  Chapter 922 Seeking Help

If the daoist has not left yet, look at the face of the Lord, Maybe help them! Could it be that the other party has counted this point?

"I know you are right, for the sake of dísciple, you can't fight. So, you take the disciplines and go, open Transmission Formation, go to this school, maybe the disciplines will survive."

Uncle Wu finished speaking, sighed, and Sect Master Wu heart startled, looking at Uncle Wu.

"Father, it's not just that I'm leaving, you can't stay!" Sect Master Wu said in a bit of horror. He already understood what Uncle Wu meant. He wants to stay to fight. !

"You can't all leave, the people in this city can't be left alone! Fortunately, Pan City Lord still has strength. I will fight the enemy together with them."

As Uncle Wu said so, Sect Master Wu knelt down, begged him, begged him to leave. He didn't want to lose his father.

"Don't be stupid, we have to go back to father and son, this sect is not easy to explain, Pan City Lord can not explain here. People have worshipped us for so many years, we should not be in danger. , We will take people away.

Those are our dísciple, not others’ dísciple! Why let the people of this city be implicated by us, follow their lives, and act as a shield for us!

The cultivator involves causation, which is the most terrifying. At my age, I can’t get out of Heart Demon. It’s better to stay here than to stay, at least I can be worthy of my heart."

Sect Master Wu couldn't believe it, but his father said this! He is a cultivator. When did the relationship with the ordinary person get so good? When did the heart become so soft?

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Sect Master Wu asked, and Uncle Wu looked at him laughed.

"When you get older, your heart will soften. Don't worry about me. After you go back, you will naturally have Wu Family to take care of you. When the Lord comes back, you can also have an explanation."


As Uncle Wu said so, Master Wu Sect was heartbroken, but he knew that he had no ability to change the choice of father.

Moreover, Master Wu Sect also understands that he can’t let the disciplines go to death with him. This is his duty. If they really enter the Secret Realm now, the dísciples will be brought back by him. Wu Family can protect it.

However, he lost the Dongcheng branch campus and lost their foundation. After returning, it was a scene of slaughter. It's really difficult to advance or retreat.

Uncle Wu was not left alone, Hu Peak Lord and Peak Lord Bai, they are also willing to stay. Apart from this, many dísciples take the initiative to fight. After all, this is their homeland, and they don't want to leave.

Wu Sect Master saw this, sighed, and the dísciple who was willing to leave was less than 30%. What's the point of taking it back like this?

Their Dongcheng branch school has disappeared completely!

That being the case, it is better to simply fight, if the command is good, the casualties may not be so great!

So, the entire East Side Campus stayed to face the enemy?

When he heard the news, City Lord Pan was stupid. This was different from what he expected. After so many times, he had experienced the selfish numbness of the cultivator, how did it suddenly change!

He didn't know that not all cultivators are willing to abandon their homes, but they lack a leader. Uncle Wu stood up at this critical time, which convinced the disciplines.

Because the disciplines know very well that they can leave this time and save their lives, but when they go to this sect, the family in the city cannot take them, and they are in danger.

Therefore, the newly recruited disciplines are reluctant to leave, but the old dísciple is thinking about this homeland and will not leave.

This is the change after the increase of the local dísciple. If it was the past, most of the sect came, how could they sacrifice themselves for outsiders, the cultivator does not have this heart.

So, the fight broke out!

Monster beasts are naturally afraid of cultivator, but the news they heard is so exciting that they simply can't give up.

"What are you talking about! Some people say that we have monster beasts here and have upgraded medicine pill! Bah, this bastard, this is going to kill us!"

Wu Sect After the Master learned the whole story, he realized that they were being plotted against. And the people who plot against are just a few enemies anyway, they know who they are!

"Go and send a signal for help, I want to see who did it!" Uncle Wu said so, Master Wu Sect understood.

They moved towards other sect and issued a cry for help. Whoever dares to come is the real secret mastermind.

Moreover, other sect people are here, and their pressure is less. If someone really unaware of the oriole behind and wants to swallow them Dongcheng branch campus, these sects can't be watched.

In this way, who is a good person, who is ill-intentioned, can see at a glance, this is indeed a good way.

So the distress message of Dongcheng branch school was spread out, and each sect reacted differently.

No one thought that the first to give the answer turned out to be the Water Sect show. When the Water Sect Sect Master received the news, he had already set off with someone.

And the second person who replied turned out to be the Sect Master of Myriad Beasts Sect. They were in the depths of the monster beast forest. They should be the first batch to arrive. Their arrival also surprised Master Wu Sect.

The last one is Pure Feather Sect. Because Pure Feather Sect is too far away, their entire sect is very difficult to dispatch. It may even come when the battle is over.

So Cui Ziran made a bold decision, and only let the Integration Stage Elder sent by his own father bring him and a part of the elite power over, so that the speed is much faster, and it can be done in one day. arrive.

Don't talk about the relationship between Cui Sect Master and Xiao Guoguo, but their relationship with Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and you can't watch the Dongcheng branch school have an accident! This time, he must find the troublemaker, and clean it up!

Master Wu Sect was surprised, except for Thousand Mountain Sect, all the remaining sects came. This is something that I didn't even dare to think about before. What happened?

"This is the Lord, and Xiao Guoguo's credit." Sect Master Wu said this after thinking for a while, with a smile on his face, this was brought by the Lord and the disciplines. The blessing. It's just that he didn't expect that the mischief between the master and Xiao Guoguo turned out to be such an influence.

There are more and more monster beasts outside the city, and Wu Sect Master didn't expect this monster beast to be attached to the medicine pill. Because it is rumored that the medicine pill can be directly promoted to the 15th level as long as it is eaten. This is a huge temptation for the monster beast.

If it is the 15th level, then the entire monster beast forest, the entire Earth, is the boss! Moreover, there are only three medicine pills. They are on guard against each other. Everyone wants to be the first monster beast to snatch the medicine pill.

In this way, although this monster beast does not have a leader, but one by one desperately, it makes people feel terrified.

They don't seem to be afraid of life and death, and they are desperately hitting each other, even knowing that the barrier has an attack effect on it, and they continue to rush upwards.

Sometimes Sect Master Wu feels that these monster beasts are like some kind of stimulant!

(End of this chapter)

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