
  Chapter 871 Bitterness Scheme

"No, boss, this is too dangerous! Then dao fruit is a good thing , How many people want, people are greedy, can kill you for treasure, why...why promise something!" Wenwen said this, and, more importantly, but, What if the other party doesn’t believe it, and the boss has only one dao fruit! How can she save her life when the time comes!

"So, we must choose the target carefully. Let's find someone with good credibility and status." Xiao Guoguo said, not knowing where to get a bunch of lamb skewers, and he was eating it.

"Where did you come from... No, this is not the point. The point is, boss, you can't do this. In this cultivation world, where are there any real good people, upright children? Superficial skills are deceptive!

Even if you find someone who is willing to help you out today, but the paper can’t stop the fire, the wall can’t stop the wind! This secret will be known sooner or later, you What to do? You use dao fruit to solve this Cangge daoist, what do you do when the next Cangge daoist comes out! Is there still a dao fruit?" Seeing Xiao Guoguo slowly opening the cabinet, such boxes lined up in a row.

Wenwen: "..."

"Boss, tell the truth, did you pull out the dao fruit tree!" Wenwen feels his legs are soft, that's dao Fruit tree!

"No, I have a good relationship with the dao fruit tree. I sing to it, and it will give me these dao fruit." Xiao Guoguo said happily, and Wenwen understood.

"How many songs did you sing?" Wenwen asked carefully, this boss offended the dao fruit tree to death, right?

"Several of them, I only gave two or three at first, and then I sang another one to it." Xiao Guoguo smiled and finished, Wenwen nodded, dao fruit tree is not easy. !

"In short, no matter how many dao fruit you have...you can't disclose this news!" Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Who else knows about this?" Wenwen was still worried, and hurriedly asked more.

"There is also Chi Xuan Senior Brother, Golden Retriever. Although they have seen other dísciples, they don't know what it is. They only know that I brought back a lot of medicine ingredient."

Xiao Guoguo said so, Wen Wenmeng remembered that she had seen such a piece of medicine ingredient and a large piece of medicine ingredient along the way!

Although she is not a Pill Refinement Master, she can also see that the value of the medicine ingredient makes people feel jealous. Boss, which Secret Realm was robbed, right?

"Well, boss, the wealth is not revealed, we will keep a low profile in the future." Wenwen advised Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Pretend to be poor! I'll pretend to be poor from now on! Wait a minute...What is pretending to be poor? I am clearly poor! What's wrong with my Spirit Stone? Is it piled up into a mountain, or is it reclaimed? If you sell two extreme grade magic weapons, you are gone."

Xiao Guoguo blinked and looked at Wenwen, Wenwen hehe, yeah, you still used to pretend to be poor, you are stingy It looks like, no one knows about you, so many Spirit Stones!

"Boss, you forgot, little Spirit Pill, do you have a share?" Wenwen helplessly, this is a motivated and stingy master who has become a habit of making money.

"Oh, by the way, little Spirit Pill, I just don’t need money, but I don’t want money to be wasted! Be frugal.” Xiao Guoguo finished, I don’t know where to get it again. Come out a handful of sunflower seeds.

Wenwen: "..." Isn't that stingy and frugal, right?

"No, boss, what are you doing! Why are you always eating snacks!" Wenwen curiously asked

"Do I have it?" Xiao Guoguo licked melon seeds As soon as he loosened his mouth, it seemed to be true.

"Don't you feel it yourself?" Wenwen was helpless.

"Oh, I just said, I always think something is wrong! Only now I think about it, the meal is here, I am hungry."

Wenwen: "..." You When are you hungry?

"It's time for Chi Xuan Senior Brother to shout for dinner at this time of the day!" Xiao Guoguo said in wonder, Wen Wen sighed helplessly.

"We are in the artificial space, people outside can't get in." Wenwen said the truth in one sentence, and Xiao Guoguo suddenly realized.

At this moment, Chi Xuan frowned slightly looking at the barrier in front of Xiao Guoguo Cave Mansion. It seems that they have something to talk about. Is he destroying or destroying? Still destroy it!

Chi Xuan knows that Wenwen is a woman and a friend of Xiao Guoguo, but the feeling that Xiao Guoguo is occupied by others is really uncomfortable for him.

He just waited here with the food, maybe Xiao Guoguo would get hungry and came out.

So, the Qingyun daoist who came back to find Wenwen again saw Chi Xuan holding a dinner plate, and the mushroom chicken on it had no temperature.

"What are you doing?" Qingyun daoist seems to have seen some miracle, this Chi Xuan daoist, is this crazy? What are you doing here with food.

"Let me see, have they finished talking." Chi Xuan said so, Qingyun Daoist's eyes opened wide.

"Are you stupid? Are you stupid! There is an isolated barrier here, you wait here, but they can't see it! It turns out that people with a high cultivation base have brain problems!" Qingyun Daoist finished speaking, laughed heartily three times, only then did I feel the advantage of IQ.

Wait, this guy is here, this is nothing to do! This is to impress the heart of the disciple! So insidious! This is really stupid, this is too smart!

"You, with such a small method as you, the text will definitely be able to see through!" Qingyun Daoist said so, and saw the barrier suddenly opened.

"So fragrant! This is chicken soup, Chi Xuan Senior Brother, you are really very good, you know we are hungry!" Xiao Guoguo said, carrying the chicken soup and walking back.

"That's right, I thought you should be hungry, so I brought this meal." Chi Xuan said, taking the meal out in a different way.

Qingyun daoist: "..." Your methods are really too much!

However, why Wenwen is so calm, and this Xiao Guoguo, how to eat so happily, there seems to be something wrong.

And Wenwen feels that Chi Xuan is really too treacherous. How can he carry so many meals in his hands? This is obviously a bitter trick, and this is clearly to show his merit! This person is thinking too much!

"Chi Xuan Senior Brother, eat it! It's really delicious!" Xiao Guoguo was eating and talking, while Chi Xuan slightly smiled, sitting down to eat decisively.

"Wenwen, would you like to eat?" Xiao Guoguo also greeted Wenwen. Wenwen looked at Chi Xuan's paused hand and sat down with a smile.

"The craftsmanship of Chi Xuan daoist is well-known far and wide, I naturally want to taste it!"

Wenwen sat down without any kind of courtesy, and at this time, There is only the one standing, who constantly despises Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's Qingyun daoist,

Wenwen sits down, what about him, how come no one invites him! Is he sitting down, or is he sitting down?

(End of this chapter)

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