
  Chapter 870 Ways to Make Money

Upon hearing this, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment, it was so complicated ? Then what is she holding back gossip these days!

Chi Xuan Senior Brother is so pitiful. It has become a target for Wenwen. It is still the kind with a ring and a hit rate. I will find out later. How much hurt!

"Wenwen, how can we play with other people's feelings! No, Chi Xuan Senior Brother has a high cultivation base, but his heart is very fragile." Xiao Guoguo said so, Wenwen sees it. After a glance at her, this is still not understood, don't you care?

"Then whose heart is not fragile, you say, I choose one." Wenwen said so, Xiao Guoguo was stunned.

Who is not fragile inside? Young Master Pan? Wei Feng? Fatty Bai? This seems to be inappropriate! They are all friends and cannot be treated in the same way as enemies.

"They all seem very fragile, so I have a question, Wenwen, how many people have you offended?"

Wenwen: "..." This question How can she appear sincere and not deceive the boss when she comes back!

"Anyway, you have offended more than the boss!" Wenwen finished saying that, and Xiao Guoguo was relieved.

"Hehe, then I can rest assured, how can I offend people with such a good child." Xiao Guoguo said frankly.

Wenwen doesn’t understand. Is the boss’s positioning of himself so unclear?

"Never mind if there are not many enemies, you don't need to hold Chi Xuan Senior Brother as a target, I am not afraid of risks." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen glanced at her, her enemy, from ascension to Core Formation Stage, everywhere!

"Boss, I understand." Arguing with Xiao Guoguo about this, she is not stupid. Anyway, Chi Xuan also agreed by default. Why should she bother.

Wait, what are they discussing just now? It seems that the boss has a problem with Chi Xuan's feelings? Now I look at it...I simply don't feel it!

"By the way, I have good things for you." Xiao Guoguo said, pulling Wenwen to his feet and walking into the house with a look of excitement.

Wenwen only discovered that in this room, in two whole rooms, all piles of Spirit Stones were piled up, and there was not even a box, so they were placed directly on the ground.

"You bet so many Spirit Stones! Boss, how many people have you offended!" Wenwen was helpless, and sure enough, the boss's ability to cheat hasn't changed for so many years.

"How can it be! If you agree to bet you must accept to lose, I didn't lie to them." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen was stunned. You didn't lie to them, but they don't think so!

Xiao Guoguo thought of something, changed hands and took out more than 30 storage bags on the surface.

"Here, this is the storage bag of those thirty people..." Wenwen suddenly realized that she probably understood how her boss, Spirit Stone, came here!

"Yes, you see, I'm all reasonable, it's all earned by doing business. Young people are not deceived." Xiao Guoguo said, opening the storage bags one by one.

Wenwen: "..." That's not what Tongsou Wuyu uses! You are buying and selling, okay! They will hate you to death!

Xiao Guoguo opened the storage bags one by one, and poured out the contents. The Spirit Stone was thrown directly into the house, and the remaining medicine pills or boxes were piled together without opening them.

"How to deal with these things?" Wenwen was very curious.

"In the next room, these things are all on the shelves, maybe one day they will be used!" Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen went to the next door to take a look.

Rows of shelves, all filled with items, have magic weapons, medicine pill, medicine ingredient, and many monster beast inner cores, refining materials, and various spells.

"Boss, you are a scam...Bah, how many people have earned!" Wenwen asked, Xiao Guoguo tilted his head.

"I don’t know, I don’t remember. Chi Xuan Senior Brother was there. There were many people who were robbed by us on the road." Xiao Guoguo said, putting the 30 storage bags in Picking things up, I found two pieces that seemed to be of some value and took them in my hands.

"What is this?" Wenwen was puzzled.

"I don't know, these things I don't know, I will put them alone, maybe someday they will be useful!" Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen looked at these two boxes, One seems to be a crystal ball, not big, all black!

There is another one, it seems to be some kind of jade stone, this shape is very strange, the pattern is also very strange, but it is not important anymore, the important thing is that the room they entered below

The things here are very strange, shining with all kinds of busy, the boxes are placed separately, and it looks like they are often cleaned.

"This is where the valuable items are stored. I'll give you a good thing." Xiao Guoguo said, turning around and taking out a small box from the row of cabinets.

The hidden one is a bit more concealed. There is also the hidden array on it. I walked this way and it was the first time I saw the boss treat something so cautiously.

"Let me show you what this is!" Xiao Guoguo said, opening the box of jade stone, and inside it was a fruit, emitting colorful rays of light.

"This is...spiritual power fruit!" Wenwen felt very strange!

Impossible, the boss is a normal person...close to a normal person, impossible to give yourself a treasured spiritual power fruit, then, the origin of this fruit is naturally extraordinary.

"This is dao fruit." Xiao Guoguo said, taking out the fruit like a treasure.

"dao fruit... is the rumored dao fruit! Just eat it and you can comprehend the dao fruit of Heavenly Dao Rules!" Wenwen couldn't believe it, Xiao Guoguo gave it to her. A treasure!

"Hehe, yes, I got it by coincidence. I still have this one for you." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen was really stupid.

Such a valuable thing, the boss gave it to himself without the slightest hesitation! That's dao fruit!

"I can't ask for this! This is too...too expensive! Boss, do you know, take this thing out, on the Level 1 plane, you can change to Elder Dangdang!


You are Chinese cabbage when dao fruit! This has the plane of the dao fruit tree, which is less pitiful, not to mention, it will take hundreds of thousands of years for this dao fruit to bear fruit. You...too expensive "

Wen Wen said so, Xiao Guoguo tilted his head, is it so expensive?

"Then you say, I will take one out and let someone help me kill the Cangge daoist, but someone is willing?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Wenwen is stupid, you just think of this A little bit?

Don't say killing the Cangge daoist, it is killing the Old Ancestor of the Chi family, there is no difficulty!

Among these immortals, there are countless people who want dao fruit! But at the same time, the crisis facing the boss himself is also a crisis of life and death!

This is like a child, holding a huge diamond in his arms! Isn't this someone coming to grab it brightly?

(End of this chapter)

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