
  Chapter 847 Hospitality

The Cangge daoist was finally sent away respectfully by Sect Leader Li, This guy is uneasy and kind to Chi Xuan. Sect Leader Li, as the Sect Master of the faction, cannot protect Chi Xuan and will not harm him in the end.

And Cangge daoist was not at all frustrated, he actually turned around and left. When he left, he also took away Du Fei'er, only Elder Du was left, and he stayed to inquire about the news.

However, Cangge daoist and Du Fei'er did not know, they just left, Sect Leader Li went to Great Elder, the two closed the door and discussed for a while, then gave the order. Throw this Elder Du to a Level 3 plane.

That Level 3 plane is not a good place. The dísciple they sent is competing with the local monster beast for the site. It's not surprising that you are not careful, even if you lose it there.

Sect Leader Li Since they are intent on killing, Elder Du doesn't want to be damaged, only the result of falling.

Elder Du naturally knew that the matter was serious and wanted to ask Du Fei'er for help. However, Great Elder personally escorted him. Simply did not give him this opportunity and was taken away directly.

Sect Leader Li is drinking tea, coldly smiled, this kind of guy who eats things inside and out, with a vicious mind, will only stay if he is crazy. Such a dísciple is a moth. It will only harm the future of sect, not the slightest benefit!

It’s not easy for him to be a Sect Master, a patriarch from the Chi family, who makes trouble everywhere, and an Old Ancestor from the Chi family who abuses power tyrannically here, he is considered angry inside and out.

But, it doesn't matter, he can bear it, he can also afford to wait. After so many years, it’s no problem to wait for another two years. He doesn’t believe that the world will not change!


Although Chi Xuan doesn’t like to associate with outsiders, he still knows in his heart that these few people around him are invited by Cui Sect Master to support him. He Can't neglect.

So, everyone saw Chi Xuan seriously changing his clothes, putting on an apron, and picking up a knife and shovel.

"Chi Xuan daoist, what is this going to do?!" The immortal daoist couldn't help it. Curiously asked, this kind of daoist, he grew up so old, and it was inevitable to be curious when he saw it for the first time.

"You all come to the humble house. There is nothing to entertain. I can only fix some delicious meals and greet everyone."

After Chi Xuan finished speaking, he entered without looking back. When he got out of the kitchen, he had to get some food for Guoguo, he must be hungry.

He has automatically ignored the fact that Xiao Guoguo is now a Nascent Soul cultivator and simply does not need to eat. There was also Young Master Pan who was following along, with a serious face, as if they were doing serious things.

Everyone looked dumbfounded, is this Chi Xuan serious!

Entertain them with food... They have been fasting for hundreds of years. I'm afraid I can't bear this stomach!

But after a while, the voice of ding ding dong dong came from the kitchen...Everyone couldn't understand, how did Chi Xuan get into his ascension period?

What kind of freak is this? A guy who spends his time cooking, why is it so fast that he has reached the ascension period! Is this still a bit fair and just?

Although everyone was surprised, they couldn't help but complain in the heart. After all, it is a cultivator and someone who is almost a thousand years old. There is still a certain degree of determination.

Withdraw the surprise on his face, laughed reluctantly, and several daoist struggled to find new topics.

"That, Chi Xuan daoist, the hobby, is really unique!" As the immortal daoist said, Tang Family patriarch agreed, unique, and very unique!

"Haha, you guys don't know, Chi Xuan daoist is really good, it's nothing to say. I have been following him during this period, but I ate a lot of good things!"

As Cui Sect Master said, he smiled contentedly, and everyone who saw him couldn't understand. Is this still the cool breeze and bright moon, the personable Cui Sect Master?

What does that sentence say, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black! This is considered crooked!

Everyone will look at Xiao Guoguo again, this eye-catching little girl has become very quiet at this moment, with a Spirit Fruit in his hand and a crack crack.

"Hehe, then we are really good luck, speaking of which, who doesn't have a hobby yet!" Tang patriarch said, Xiao Guoguo cracked the fruit of spiritual power.

"That's right! I like to plant medicine ingredient!" Li Dan Master said so, Xiao Guoguo continued to gnaw the fruit.

"What about Cui Sect Master, what hobby do you have?" Immortal Daoist asked.

"The dog is not very obedient. I will teach him how to be a good man when I am idle."

After Cui Sect Master said, the room became quiet and only Xiao Guoguo remained. The sound of gnawing fruit.

Everyone: "..." Can't you stop gnawing? The sound is so crisp and so sweet, they can't help but want to eat it!

"You eat fruit now, will you not be able to eat it soon?" Qingyun daoist couldn't help but asked, looking at Xiao Guoguo and Cui Sect Master.

Cui Sect Master was stunned for a moment, and put the fruit down, with a look of sorry, watching Xiao Guoguo eating, he couldn't help but pick it up!

And Xiao Guoguo collected all the cores, ready to plant them back into the space. Then I picked up another one, looked at Qingyun Daoist, and answered seriously: "No."

Everyone: "..." You are a pig!

This conversation can't continue, Xiao Guoguo's eating sound made everyone simply unable to concentrate one's mind.

This female disciple really disagrees with ordinary people. The other dísciples went to rest, meditated and molested her. She was the only one who was asked by Wenwen to stay and take care of Spirit Beast.

However, that Spirit Beast was lying in Wenwen's arms, watching her gnawing the fruit...Who is taking care of whom?

Fortunately, Chi Xuan's food came quickly, Xiao Guoguo suddenly came to his mind, picked up the fruit plate, and made room for his table.

When everyone looked at it, it was hard to say anything. Can they care about such a small dísciple? That's definitely not possible! They are daoist, and this measure is still available.

Then, they saw Cui Sect Master also took away all the fruit plates on his desk.

Everyone: "..." Would you like to follow your studies so much!

Young Master Pan began to serve dishes outside. Everyone discovered that Chi Xuan’s cooking skills were really not what he said. The dishes after dish after dish are delicious in color, fragrance, and flavor. It is the feast of the cultivation world, and it is rare to have such beautiful dishes.

It's just... why are they all placed on Xiao Guoguo's table alone, theirs!

They are soaring daoist anyhow, can you respect them a little bit!

It wasn't until half an hour later that the same meal appeared on everyone's tables, but... this is clearly the difference between the essence version and the normal version!

Why do their dishes look so much worse than others!

Even if it smells different, they will endure it if it looks different. The weight is less than others! Can you respect them?

(End of this chapter)

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