
鈥冣€僀hapter 846 together

"hmph, who knows when you will return it!" Chi鈥檚 patriarch did not Speaking angrily, I was very disappointed. Looking at Wenwen's appearance, this Spirit Beast should belong to Xiao Guoguo.

"When I get tired of playing crookedly, I will naturally give it back to her." Wenwen said casually, Qingyun Daoist stood up.

"It's just a Spirit Beast, don't say you take it with you for a few days, just want it, so what?"

Qingyun daoist said this to Chi Xuan, It is also for everyone present, and he can protect his d铆sciple. As for Xiao Guoguo, he lowered his head and looked aggrieved.

That's right, she just came to be the poor, and she doesn't care about other things! Think about it, she hasn't eaten for a few days, and she hasn't eaten a single fruit, and she suddenly felt sad and tears came down. She is so pitiful!

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo, his face was annoyed, as if he was angry because Qingyun daoist's words were too bullying, but he smiled in his heart.

This girl, where is so easy to suffer. Can she surrender her Spirit Beast? What are you thinking about!

This is clearly a scene, and everyone's acting skills are good.

When everyone saw this scene, some with swords drawn and bows bent. And the Old Ancestor of the Chi family squinted his eyes unconcernedly, Cang Ge Daoist tried his best to control himself not to look at Xiao Guoguo.

He is really excited, if this beauty can be accepted with Spirit Beast, it would be nothing better. When the time comes, people are his, Spirit Beast is his!

Cang Ge Daoist's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "Qingyun Daoist is wrong. Whose is it? Whose is it. It鈥檚 not very good to be raised with someone鈥檚 Spirit Beast. Ah!"

Cangge daoist was able to say that, but everyone was surprised. What's the matter, this Cangge daoist has changed his temper? !

Tang patriarch glanced at Cangge daoist, then at Xiao Guoguo, and asked calmly: "What does this girl think?"

This is Tang patriarch. Kindly, blocking Cangge Daoist, his view was that he was uneasy and kind to this female disciple.

Moreover, this matter is going to be said, it is Xiao Guoguo's matter, people do not speak up, they want to help, can they just stick to other people's... cold buttocks? ?

"Me? With so many senior experts here, can I still have an idea?"

Xiao Guoguo looked at Tang Family patriarch and Sect Leader Li with shock. In the end, his gaze fell on the Chi鈥檚 patriarch鈥檚 face, with a look of suspicion.

Chi's patriarch: "..." Fall! Why did you freeze the frame with him in the end! It's not the Spirit Beast he grabbed!

"Cough cough, this is naturally possible! This is your Spirit Beast, naturally you have the final say!" Tang Family patriarch was blushed with shame, and was taken directly by such a big little girl When asked about his face, he felt a little embarrassed.

Although Xiao Guoguo has long been out of the range of little girl from age to height and weight. However, to this Don patriarch who doesn't know how old she is, she is really just a child.

And the Old Guy of this great hall is all thinking about the Spirit Beast of others. This feeling is shameful and shameful!

"Strictly speaking, I think...the big fist has the final say." When Xiao Guoguo said this, he looked helpless and looked at the Chi family patriarch.

Everyone: "..." Why do you look at him again?

Chi's patriarch: "..." Why are you looking at me again?

"Hehe, this is a big truth." Tang Family patriarch is a little helpless, this child is much smarter than he thought!

"Thanks Senior for the praise, I like to tell the truth. Now I can't fight, I don't fight. If anyone wants to fight, they have to be bigger than others."

Xiao After Guoguo said this, he respectfully cup one fist in the other hand, saluted Sect Leader Li, and calmly walked behind Chi Xuan and stood there.

When everyone saw it, they had to admit that this female disciple is not simple!

There can be this temperament, this courage, it is estimated that there will be no limit in the future. She was bullied today, and she might not retaliate again in the future! Suddenly, some people lost their minds, not thinking about Spirit Beast.

And Wenwen hugged the Mo Yu as if he hadn't heard this. In the eyes of Qingyun Daoist's expectation, he walked directly to Chi Xuan's side and sat down directly.

Everyone: "..." This Chi Xuan daoist can be regarded as hugging the left and right, is it a blessing for everyone?

When everyone thought about it, they saw Qingyun daoist jumping and facing Wenwen angrily roared: "Come here, what are you going to do! I am your Master!"

"This Spirit Beast is still young, so naturally I am going to be with my master. It is convenient for me to sit here." Wenwen replied calmly, without lifting his eyelids.

Qingyun daoist was full of anger after hearing this, it was a Spirit Beast, with the owner, what size do you need to look at! However, he knows that there is no use in verbal contending, can the discipline be persuaded to come back?

People say that if the mountain doesn't turn, the water will turn, and if the water doesn't turn, people must turn...Qingyun daoist lifted his ass and sat on the other side of Chi Xuan.

Everyone: "..." Embrace the left and the right, right and left? I imagined this picture for a moment, and it felt so scary!

Xiao Guoguo saw it, this feeling, this scene, it felt strange! How does this Qingyun Daoist's attitude towards Wenwen feel weird? Also, Wenwen has a strange attitude towards Chi Xuan Senior Brother!

It's like this, even if everyone wants to stay and watch the emotional drama of Chi Xuan, Qingyun daoist and Wenwen, then Chi Xuan is still not willing.

Received the token that can enter the spirit vein Secret Realm from Sect Leader Li, Chi Xuan turned his head and left. Staying here and there is no gold to pick up, it is better to go home early to cook.

That鈥檚 right, go home and cook. As a professional cook, Chi Xuan always cares about the question of whether Xiao Guoguo is full. She went out for several days this time, she must be starving!

"Chi Xuan daoist, please wait a moment, I will walk with you!" Li Dan Master said so, stood up quickly, saluted the Old Ancestor of the Chi family, and left calmly , Gone...

"I'll go too, I'll go with Master." Cui Sect Master said so, and stood up, and followed the two out of the great hall without the slightest hesitation.

Cui Sect Master is gone, Li Dan Master is gone, Qingyun Daoist naturally followed Wenwen, and finally Tang patriarch and Immortal Daoist went. They went both ways, and they went clean.

Sect Leader Li is very helpless. It turns out that these guys are really here to watch the excitement.

I was planning to prepare a banquet to entertain them. After all, they are all flying immortal daoist. It's not too rude to come to them Flying Immortal Sect.

This time is all right, save his Spirit Stone.

Sect Leader Li doesn't look at the face of Chi's Old Ancestor. He only thinks about his own affairs. I also want to know that the face of Chi's Old Ancestor is hard to see.

"You come with me." The Old Ancestor of the Chi family only left such a word to Chi Hanlin, turned and flew away, and ignored the daoist.

Chi Jia patriarch's face is bleak, this is really unexpected result, originally all the plans are good, who would have thought that this Chi Xuan should find so many helpers.

completely unprepared, this really makes him completely unprepared!

(End of this chapter)

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