
  Chapter 808 Power Attack

It’s just that no matter how Young Master Pan struggles, why Wei Ling doesn’t want to leave, It's not enough for Wei Feng. Because Wei Feng knows very clearly that many things cannot follow the minds of the two of them.

Wei Ling and Young Master Pan have simple minds. They are reluctant to bear Xiao Guoguo. They worry about her, which is justified.

However, facing the stone giants of Astral Projection Stage, they are not opponents. If they stay forcibly, they will only drag their feet. Xiao Guoguo Junior Sister can't concentrate on the battle when the time comes, for her, there is no benefit at all.

So, what he has to do now is to take these two impulsive guys away.

As for Fatty Bai and Guan Jia, after seeing Wei Feng's determination, they also understand that it is important to escape this stone forest as soon as possible. Out of the array, if the stone giant didn't chase it, it was their luck, and Junior Sister Xiao was also able to get away.

A few people ran swiftly, and the disciples on the periphery had already ran away. Looking at the height of the stone giant and the terrifying aura on his body, they felt that it was time to run.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the giant stone giant and silently assessed the gap between the enemy and ourselves. She was sure that the stone giant killed a Core Formation Stage with a fist and there was no problem at all. Therefore, she can't let the stone giant run out.

"Little tortoise, defense!" Xiao Guoguo said, the golden shield tortoise has exhausted all its strength. At this time, if it doesn't use all its strength, it might be dead.

Moreover, the golden shield tortoise at this time has several points of admiring Xiao Guoguo. She actually trapped herself and the stone giant in its protective cover.

In other words, the fundamental purpose of this woman is to prevent the stone giant from fleeing, and to have no chance to pursue those dísciples.

Such Xiao Guoguo, on the contrary, makes the golden shield tortoise admire from the inside out.

"Finally found it, let me come!" A silhouette suddenly jumped out from the oblique side, dressed in a white shirt, holding a long sword in his hand.

Golden Shield Tortoise: "..." This silly lack.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This silly lack.

Stone Giant: "..." Stone scum.

Chi Tao rushed forward regardless, but was mercilessly blocked by the protective cover of the golden shield tortoise!

Chi Tao is very depressed. He is Heaven's Chosen Child. How can Chi's future hope be blocked by a small protective cover!

"Don't do it first, wait for me to go in!" Chi Tao started to attack the protection of the golden shield tortoise when he said this to Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo looked at this brain-dead child, thinking that this must be spoiled by the elders in the family. Stupid, attack your teammate? Still think it can deal with the stone pier of Astral Projection Stage? hehe.

"ao ao ao!" With a roar, it came from the stone giant. The stone giant at this time seems to have a sage, with an angry expression on his face, and there are stones in the wind.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." If you feel that you can't stand it anymore! Then you spray him, spray the wrong person!

"Heavy, brush your teeth, bastard!" Xiao Guoguo angry roar, the two-color spiritual power ball in his hand was thrown out.

The two-color spiritual power ball combines the power of water and fire. As the old saying goes, water and fire are incompatible! Therefore, when the spiritual power ball touches the stone giant, the explosion is even stronger!

After the bang, countless broken stones fell. Chi Tao was stunned for a moment. Looking at the huge stone giant's face, it was half missing, and even his mouth was missing.

Chi Tao: "..." Where does this sturdy dísciple come from! Can he do this?

The huge explosion also brought a new gust of wind. The stone in this gust of wind has a strong attack power. The golden shield tortoise feels that the pressure on the shell is so great!

This girl had known for a long time that the destructive power between her and the stone giant was too strong, so let it set up protection! It just said that with a Level 11 monster beast, it can't stop an Astral Projection Stage stone giant. It turned out that what it wanted to block was not the stone giant, but the attack.

"Don't get out! What are you doing here?" Looking at the silly Chi Tao, the golden shield tortoise yelled at this guy to come out at this time, purely to cause trouble.

Chi Tao froze for a moment, but still stood firmly on the spot. He wouldn't go, he couldn't go! This is the process of challenging oneself, it is too exciting. He must challenge.

"Huo Lie, come out!" Chi Tao said, and a huge fiery-red bird appeared on his back. The red feathers of this bird looked very fierce.

"Huo Lie, have you seen it, Astral Projection Stage!" Chi Tao said with excitement on his face.

Flamingo: "..." This silly queer is dead again! Why did it choose such a master?

"Hey, Huo Lie, don't take me away, I've turned my face!" Chi Tao felt that he was being held up by his Spirit Beast, so he hurriedly threatened it.

"Master, don't be dead, that is the Astral Projection Stage, I can't beat it!" Flamingo said helplessly, although it is now Level 12. It's not even Level 13 after all!

"Let's work together, look at that woman and her Spirit Beast, are they very difficult to deal with!" Chi Tao pointed to Xiao Guoguo and Wangcai who were fighting the stone giant.

Flamingo: "..." People are not so good, mind your own business!

However, the golden shield tortoise was happy in his heart. The next moment, without the slightest hesitation, he opened the protective cover and swept in the flamingo and the pond with a tail.

Chi Tao: "..." What happened.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What happened!

The golden shield is set to protect again, as if nothing happened just now. That is a flamingo at the top of Level 12, it might work!

Since Chi Tao came in, the stone giant didn't seem to see Xiao Guoguo anymore, and was not in a hurry to avenge the ruined face. He recognized Chi Tao's attack.

Fortunately, Chi Tao's reaction was quick, and the seal art ruthless fell down. The Flamingo, which was designed by the Golden Shield Tortoise, was helpless and could only protect his second owner.

Because of Chi Tao's joining, this battle suddenly became strange. Xiao Guoguo stood aside, watching Chi Tao with flexible hands and feet, very fierce flamingo, laughed, and then took out Yin Frost.

At this time, what are you waiting for without a sneak attack? This golden shield tortoise is so smart, it is much more convenient for her to attack when a monster is sent in.

Since this stone giant is made of stones, and always hits them with her fists, she first abolished its hands and feet!

Xiao Guoguo understood in his mind, holding Yinshuang in his hand, he flew up! She stood in the air, with Yin Frost in her hand, and fiercely smashed it down.

Tens of thousands of catties directly hit the stone giant's hand. At that moment, the golden shield tortoise felt a pain in his back cover. It can be seen now that at the beginning, it was hit to the ground one shot after another.

(End of this chapter)

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