
  Chapter 807 Astral Projection Stage

Even if you have a fluke in your heart, This Sect Disciple has to admit, There is no suspense in this contest, they must have lost.

They not only lost luck, they lost Spirit Beast, but also their guts.

It’s just that everyone didn’t expect Chi Tao to be so persistent, so he ran in.

I'm afraid this is the arrogance and courage of the expert, they dare not go in, but he dare!

Therefore, if Chi Tao does not come out, they cannot leave.

This is not only because they are a team, but also because of their admiration for Chi Tao. They dare not go in, but they still admire Chi Tao very much.

Seeing This Sect Disciple unmovedly, Yang Lufang said a fool in her heart, turned around and took the people from Yiwu branch away. They didn't want to be buried with others.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo broke a stone man with a spiritual seal art. He carefully observed it and saw that the stone man had no intention of regrouping, and then he was relieved. It seems that this There is nothing in the way.

At this time, everyone in front of the water curtain was also sighed in relief, these dísciples, at least they passed the test. Although the female disciple is too amazing.

She is a female disciple with a Spirit Beast, and she has the feeling of one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand.

A woman with a Level 12 Spirit Beast was able to stop four stone men! This kind of ability, even the people present, are also very frightened. Even more how, this woman is the cultivation base of the Core Formation Stage.

How did such a person appear?

Everyone looked at Chi Xuan with very complicated eyes. He passed the "Purple Qi Spirit Seal Art" to the other party. This woman is still a natural divine force, so what does he think about the cultivation of such an excellent dísciple?

Chi Xuan itself is good enough, and now he has cultivated such a good dísciple, I have to admire it. It was Sect Leader Li who looked at Chi Xuan's gaze, which is also very complicated. This is a real talented person, what a pity!

"Look, I smashed another one." Cui Sect Master said with a smile, he still underestimated Xiao Guoguo, it was really sturdy.

A spiritual seal art to solve a stone man is not difficult for Xiao Guoguo. There was also Wangcai's help here. Wangcai's attack power was very strong. One claw after another, the stone man was shot and scattered.

Xiao Guoguo cooperated very well with Wangcai. Two spirit seal art broke up three stone men. In comparison, other dísciples seemed to be inferior.

When Xiao Guoguo dealt with the fourth stone man, Wei Feng and the white ape over there had already broken up one stone man. Wei Feng saw that there was no crisis in Xiao Guoguo, so he hurried to help Wei Ling.

However, little pink's battle strength is so powerful that it is over before Wei Feng passes.

Everyone almost ended the battle at the same time, their strengths were comparable, and the strengths of Spirit Beast were similar. Besides, Xiao Guoguo and Wangcai are stimulating, how dare they not try their best.

People deal with four each, and they add a Spirit Beast to deal with one. If they are still behind, it would be really shameful.

"Boss, it's okay." Young Master Pan was very excited when he said that, the battle this time, it can be said that they have encountered the greatest intensity since their cultivation.

However, when Young Master Pan's words fell, he heard the sound of creak creak behind him. It was the sound of stones splicing together, and that was the sound of the array that still existed.

Young Master Pan turned his head fiercely, and saw that the ten smashed stone men had begun to gather together, and they were going to form one!

"Don't be so shameless, ten of them make one?!" Xiao Guoguo said so, looking at so many stones, he felt it was cheating.

"Let's run? Let's run now!" Young Master Pan asked when looking at Xiao Guoguo, thinking that this huge stone man would not be able to deal with them.

"Astral Projection Stage?" Xiao Guoguo looked at the stone man sighed, this is broken once, and then upgraded again!

"Yes, Astral Projection Stage." Wangcai looked at the stone man and said, the aura on the stone man changed and became more terrifying.

More importantly, this stone man actually formed five senses for himself, and even opened his eyes to look at them. Would the stone man at this time still attack with pure power? It's hard to say.

The people in the great hall were also stunned. They didn't expect that this array turned out to be a Level 3 array!

And the Chi family patriarch looked at Chi Xuan, slightly smiled. It's really very good, this array is far more powerful than he thought! He didn't want people to go back to other planes and talk nonsense everywhere, this dísciple of the East City branch school should have fallen inside.

Of course, it is not just the dísciple of the East Side Campus, but also the dísciple of these other campuses. Although they were a little unlucky, but in order not to let go of a dísciple from the East Side Campus, they could only be wronged.

No one knows that the Chi family patriarch was behind it. Since he thought about letting Cangge destroy Chi Xuan, this strategy has been settled step by step.

Xiao Guoguo They were only implicated by the innocent, and the remaining dísciple, including the dísciple of this sect, were all implicated by the dísciple of the Dongcheng branch school.

This is the idea of ​​the Chi family patriarch, the fault is other people, not him, as if he is not the black hand behind the scenes.

"How can this be good, Level 3 array! Great Elder, how about your people?!" Sect Leader Li looked at Great Elder and was very annoyed, saying it was the person who arranged it!

"I have sent a Junior Brother out of the body over there, how come it hasn't appeared yet?" Great Elder was also chilled in his heart. What was it that was delayed.

"I will go personally!" He didn't dare to slack off, there was Xiao Guoguo in it. This woman, even the Heaven's Chosen of this sect, is incomparable.

The relationship between Chi Xuan and the Chi family... Forget it, anyway, the relationship with Sect will not ease. However, this Xiao Guoguo is different. She and Benzong are only in contact for the first time, and there is still a chance.

If this dísciple is properly cultivated, it will become another Chi Xuan in the future. This is a major event! Therefore, Sect Master is so anxious.

Everyone saw the Great Elder's silhouette disappearing into the array, which was sighed in relief, but looking at the surrounding by perils scene, I really couldn't let it go.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the stone man in front of him, and didn't dare to hesitate. This Astral Projection Stage, these Spirit Beasts can't handle it, and the disciplines are even worse.

"The golden shield tortoise stays, you run, take everyone to run, I will break!"

Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone gritted their teeth. They didn't expect that things have reached this point, but they understand that it is useless for them to stay now, it will only add to the chaos.

"Let’s go! Let’s go now!"

Wei Feng was the most decisive, letting the white ape grab Wei Ling and Young Master Pan and ran away while he was flying around. Lead the way ahead.

"No, hurry up and let me down!" Young Master Pan looked at the silhouette of Xiao Guoguo left in place, feeling uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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