
  Chapter 800 Breaking Array

At this moment, the focus of the game is a piece of Tallinn, saying yes Tallinn is really Tallinn. Each one is several stories high, and each one looks so simple and solemn.

Of course, if Xiao Guoguo were there, he would come up with different opinions.

Sect is too unconcerned, this is obviously the props team for sloppy-work, it is estimated that this shape is made! I won’t talk about the simple appearance, you think it’s done by stacking the stones! Don't get some cement to bond it!

Of course, she is not here now, so she can't complain, and naturally she can't see the scene where the two teams are facing each other in front of Tallinn at this moment.

Thanks to the help of Xiao Guoguo, this Sect Disciple and the dísciple of Yiwu Branch looked at each other with vigilance. This time, only the two teams came to the end. Then, the winner Will be produced between them.

Of course, this is also thanks to Xiao Guoguo's help. If she hadn't taken these Spirit Beasts away, it would be so easy for these two teams to come over.

"This Junior Sister, you see that there are only two of us here now, and we need to join forces to break the formation." Na Chi Tao said so, his face was gentle, as if the day was gone. Proud and grumpy.

However, Yang Lufang clearly remembered how this guy taught Du Lei that day. Although she did not stand up, she could see clearly that this man was clearly not to be trifled with!

"What do you mean by Senior Brother?" Yang Lufang looked at the array in front of her, frowning her pretty brows.

"Junior Sister, you should have seen it too. There is an array outside of Tallinn. It must be destroyed! I have studied this array. It must be destroyed by the cooperation of twenty people! So, we two A team, now we have to work together!"

Chi Tao’s remark is an explanation and a threat, because they must enter this place if they want to get the token of the winner. , Then, everything is empty talk.

At this moment, Yang Lufang's brain is also rapidly operating, she is analyzing the current situation, what is the best way to do it!

"If I cooperate with you, what's the benefit?" Yang Lufang asked, staring at Chi Tao, other people were afraid of him, she didn't! She is also the Number One Person of the Core Formation Stage in sect!

"Hehe, good? Let's do that, even if I owe Junior Sister a favor?" Du Lei finished saying that, and felt that he had a good attitude.

And Yang Lufang just rolled her eyes slightly to understand that in the eyes of these This Sect Disciple, their branch school dísciple, simply is nothing! Therefore, he would be so arrogant.

However, arrogance also has its benefits, because she is now in need of an opportunity! Let this person feel that they are weak and bully, so that they can come to them when they are unexpected!

And, to be honest, besides them, there are too many people in this school who can cooperate. If they don't agree, some people will definitely agree. This opportunity can't let other branch schools say anything!

"That's good, I promise you Senior Brother and you will do it! However, Senior Brother not only owes me a favor, I have so many dísciple favors from Yiwu branch, Senior Brother can Remember!" Yang Lufang's words made Chi Tao feel good. This is what a female cultivator should look like! Gentle, playful, and lovely, make people willing to give way.

"Okay, I remember! Now invite you Junior Sister to break the formation with me!" Chi Tao said this, and saw everyone in Yiwu branch slightly smiled.

Yes, they are female cultivators. They are not wrong, but they are not easy to bully either! These people will know after a while!

Destroy the array and want to concentrate attention completely. Of course, they never thought about being here, and who dare not give them face and insist on blocking them from breaking the formation. After all, the dísciple of other branch schools, There must be no such ability.

So, when Xiao Guoguo and their entire group got off the back of the golden shield tortoise, although Chi Tao was surprised, he didn't worry much.

Everyone has to go in. Now they destroy the array, but there is no harm. They can wait until after this ** to compete for the token.

However, he underestimated Xiao Guoguo, and Xiao Guoguo frowned at the moment looked at the twenty people in front of him.

"Is this breaking the formation?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Young Master Pan nodded over there.

"Aren't you learning array? How about this array?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Young Master Pan stepped forward and watched Chi Tao breaking the formation.

At this moment, I don’t know what happened, Chi Tao’s back was numb when Young Master Pan showed him! He didn't quite understand what this man's smile meant!

And the dísciple of their Dongcheng branch school is really strange. Looking at them one by one, they seem to be very interested.

"Boss, this array is very delicate. If you want to destroy it, you can't simply do it without two hours. Moreover, this array has to cooperate with the command, and only twenty people can destroy it. The requirement for the number of people is not low. "

So Young Master Pan said, Xiao Guoguo looked at the sky, and after tossing all morning, it was time to eat. However, it takes two hours to get rid of the array, in addition to finding the token.

Take a look at these stone towers, you can see that they were built temporarily. There is no green moss or ink marks on it, not even a lettering. Since disciples are here, why do they have to have six paw prints on them?

No, there are no traces of fighting. This shows that this Tallinn is new. What token is there, how can I find it?

"Little Panpan, do you need two hours to break the formation?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Young Master Pan shook his head decisively.

"Naturally I don't need it, who am I? Boss's little brother! I only need a quarter of an hour, it's enough" Young Master Pan said proudly.

Everyone: "..." I don't understand at all, where is your proud point!

"Are you amazing?" Xiao Guoguo curiously asked, always feeling that Little Panpan looked unreliable.

"Naturally, I can't do it! But, I have the boss, you can do it! People said, single force subduing ten will! The same is true for this array, only those who have no abilities can do it step by step. Let’s get rid of the array!"

The words of Young Master Pan passed into Chi Tao’s ears, and Chi Tao felt aggrieved in his heart, who! One moment he threatened to break the formation for a quarter of an hour, and another moment he said that they were incapable people!

"Then you say, what should I do?" Xiao Guoguo said, meaning to help!

"Attack! Boss, we can attack together!" Young Master Pan said so, taking a look at everyone in the array very much taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"This proposal is good, let's try it!" Xiao Guoguo said, the spiritual power in his hand condensed into a fiery snake, and he threw it directly at the protective array.

When everyone sees this, they also follow closely from behind. They can't fall behind. They are not active at this time. When will they be active? It's time for performance!

(End of this chapter)

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