
  Chapter 799 Start of Competition

She is a typical Innate Divine Strength, she just entered Ling Cloud Sect. At that time, she was also suffering. She didn't want her boss to also suffer.

However, Wenwen now doesn't know what Chi Xuan's mind is thinking, let alone what Xiao Guoguo's mind is thinking, so he has to remain silent. She wants to see what Chi Xuan is going to do!

At this moment, in this game, a huge pit appeared, and Xiao Guoguo did not stop with a single blow, but went on to beat the second and third.

The golden array of the golden shield tortoise is long gone, and the shield tortoise inside is a surging forward with great momentum of inner activity.

It never thought that what he encountered was such a dísciple. That strength, it actually regretted it when it suffered the first blow! I really regret it, not just to talk about that level.

The strength of this woman was too great, and her internal organs were injured in just one attack.

Its tortoise shell is hard, but it cannot completely withstand external forces. Although the shell will not be broken or cracked, it will still be inevitably injured inside, but outsiders are not Just know.

What is this called, this is called, and it seems safe and sound.

"wu wu!" The golden shield tortoise wū wū wū wū wū wū for a while, wanted to talk, but it didn't have this chance, there was still pink mucus on its mouth! What can they do if they don't give it a chance to speak?

"What did you say?" Xiao Guoguo asked, smashing it again.

Golden Shield Tortoise: "..." You must be on purpose! Asking questions and beating people were obviously intentional.

The golden shield tortoise suffered internal injuries, and even felt that the cultivation base was unstable. If this continues, it is estimated that the inner core will be broken!

"wū wū wū!" The golden shield tortoise pitifully stretched out his head and limbs, lying on the ground, motionless, as if it was not working.

"Have an internal injury?" Xiao Guoguo asked amusedly, and the golden shield tortoise hurriedly nodded.

"Say it early if you have an internal injury, look, how pitiful, if you say it earlier, I won't hit you so many times!" Xiao Guoguo said while using silver cream fiercely. With a pry, the golden shield tortoise was pried up from the soil.

Everyone: "..." It feels like a tortoise egg has been dug out of the soil!

"Since we are injured, let's heal our injuries! Anyway, it is a gift to the senior brother Hu. It can't be broken!" Xiao Guoguo said as he took out a handful of various Color medicine pill.

Everyone and every Spirit Beast looked at the medicine pill in Xiao Guoguo's hand. Simultaneously worried about the golden shield tortoise, what is this! Why does this medicine pill come in any color?

The golden shield tortoise was even more decisive. He closed his eyes and fainted. Xiao Guoguo was very speechless, saying that the tortoise was not courageous, but it turned out to be true.

"These medicine pills are the best Healing Medicine Pill, I carefully refined them, don’t know the goods." Xiao Guoguo said, slapped the golden shield tortoise’s mouth with his hands. Then, the medicine pill was stuffed in.

Everyone: "..." Looking at the golden shield tortoise is so pitiful, I don't know what it is, I just threw it in.

The golden shield tortoise didn't expect. Xiao Guoguo was so decisive that he didn't care whether it agreed or not, so he stuffed it in. It really vomited out, but the other party pressed its mouth and didn't vomit.

"Don't know what is good or bad, I have dozens of medicine pills, at least ten-twenty thousand high grade Spirit Stone, you are not worth the money if you sell it." Xiao Guoguo said. The golden shield tortoise doesn't vomit anymore.

After eating this medicine pill, the golden shield tortoise feels warm, as if it is of some use in the end. Sure enough, after having a little one hour, I feel that the injury in the body is healed by bits and pieces.

"Little tortoise, as the saying goes, a debtor must pay his debt is justified. After eating my medicine pill, I will either sell my body to pay the debt or sell the inner core to pay the debt. Which one do you choose?"

Xiao Guoguo When these words came out, Young Master Pan suddenly realized, he said, when the boss was so kind, he even gave this monster beast so much medicine pill. This is too abnormal, it turned out to be unexpected. That's the plan, ready to sell this golden shield tortoise to pay the bill!

"I, my meat, pay!" Golden Shield Tortoise said, Xiao Guoguo almost spit out.

"Fucky! Why don't you learn a little better! Where did you learn these messy words? Tell you, be careful when making friends. The old saying is good. The red is near the ink, the black is black!" Xiao Guoguo said, touching the shell of the little tortoise.

Golden Shield Tortoise: "..." Those who are near the pig are red, and those who are near abrasion are black? This pig can understand, what is grinding? It seems that when it plays with the monster beast in the future, it has to see the Chu Clan class clearly.

"Let's go, little tortoise, let's go and see, what good things are in front of you!" Xiao Guoguo stepped on the tortoise shell and pointed to the front.

Everyone: "..." Can't you fix a name? Little tortoise, little tortoise?

"Yes, master." The golden shield tortoise stretched its limbs and flew upwards strenuously.

It’s not that it doesn’t fly well enough, it’s mainly because there is a Xiao Guoguo standing on top of the shell, which makes it feel too stressful. This woman is really too terrifying!

At this moment, Sect Leader Li's face is gloomy and dripping. The Cui Sect Master next to him looked at it, slightly smiled, and said, "This Your sect dísciple is really kind-hearted, Spirit Beast If you are ill, you can treat it!"

Cui Sect Master was taken aback for a moment before he was coldly snorted. Is this a kind-hearted mind? This is clearly cunning and cunning! However, when I think of Xiao Guoguo's aptitude, forget it, bear it! Isn’t it just a few Spirit Beast? They can't afford to give it, give it to her!

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know, because her Innate Divine Strength has been focused on by sect. Of course, she has been focused on since entering the competition field, but at this moment, because of her great advantage, when she pays attention, she is more tolerant.

Although this competition field is large, it always has a size. The original intention of sect to set this task... Of course, Xiao Guoguo doesn't quite understand what this original intention is.

Tell me, the dísciple of the branch school and the dísciple of this school simply have no comparability! It is said that nine out of ten times were all victories in this sect. So, what is the point of the branch school dísciple coming here every hundred years?

Is it to demonstrate the strength of this sect? Convince the abuse of the dísciple of the branch school? Moreover, in order to fear that they will forget, they will be abused once every 100 years? Thinking about it this way, does it feel really weird?

"Let’s go in this direction, right?" Xiao Guoguo has turned now. Wangcai doesn’t know the way, so she let the little turtle lead the way. It doesn’t look like a Know the way!

"That's right master, you can't be wrong, I use my monster beast inner core as a guarantee!" said the little turtle.

Everyone: "..." You can't think about it. If you want to use your monster beast inner core as a guarantee, you are not afraid of her taking it seriously!

"Hehe, it's not that serious." Xiao Guoguo thought, how can this little tortoise be so real.

(End of this chapter)

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