
  Chapter 2753 is not allowed to go.

I have to say that Demon Venerable made the right choice and he healed , While looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan opposite, they seemed to be very calm.

It's just that Demon Venerable knows that there are not many people who can calm down in this situation, but they don't want to admit defeat.

Even now, they don’t want to admit defeat, they don’t want to be killed by Wuyou again. And this no regrets, although it is very similar to Chi Xuan, but they really can't guess the origin of each other.

Even if you are a person, there must be a reason for this. It is not necessarily whether you can fully believe it!

"What do you mean, what did I do to you! And why are you like that man, is he your Divine Consciousness?"

Don't worry about it Zi asked a lot, but Wugui didn't know how to answer.

Is he his Divine Consciousness? Wugui suddenly looked back at Chi Xuan, and then faintly smiled, he took another look at Chi Xuan side Xiao Guoguo, his mind was very complicated.

At this moment, Chi Xuan suddenly moved his position and blocked Xiao Guoguo all behind him. Even if this person has the same face as him, even if he is the same person, he cannot agree with him staring like this. Look at Guoguo.

No regrets: "..." Well, he doesn't have such a strong jealousy.

He looked at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan looked at him naturally. Both of them were silent. Chi Xuan didn’t admit that this person is himself. Even if this person is himself, he can’t treat Xiao Guoguo. A little bit of covetousness, otherwise he won't be polite.

From the expression in Chi Xuan's eyes, he saw this meaning, laughed without regret, and then said: "I am here because I feel they are in danger. You can't move these two people."

Wuyou was stunned after hearing this, and then said: "If you don’t move, then I’ll go."

The worry-free response made everyone stunned. Is it so talkative? This no regrets, is this really very difficult to deal with?

"Can't go." Wugui opened the mouth and said, intercepting the person.

"What else do you want to do? Do you want me to apologize to them?" Wuyou frowned asked.

It’s not that I can’t apologize. Who made him hurt like this now? If another time is changed, he will definitely not be so low-spirited with Wugui, but he has come to this step, in order to preserve It's not impossible to lower your head for your life.

"Naturally." Wugui replied, and everyone didn't expect to apologize.

"I'm sorry you guys, I was making trouble with you before, and I am here to apologize to you." Wuyou said, gritting his teeth and saluting them.

He comforts himself in the heart, for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long, he is a cultivator, and it’s not too late to come to them after the injury is recovered later.

After Wuyou finished saying this, everyone was silent. This kind of damage is useful if you can't help it?

But because they can't beat others, the right to speak is not on their side, so they can only stay silent. They can only comfort themselves now, at least their lives are saved, for a nobleman to take revenge, it is not too late for ten years.

So, both sides are thinking about how to get revenge in the future.

Wuyou wanted to leave, but a voice came from behind him again: "Wait a minute."

"No regrets, what are you going to do! Don't humiliate me again and again!" "Worry-free really can't bear it anymore. If he endures to the end, he still has to face the unrepentant fight, why should he bear it?

"Didn't you ask me what I have to do with them? Don't you want to know?" Wugui asked, his worry-free face looked like a dish.

Can he not want to know anymore? Whatever your relationship, what does it have to do with him!

But he doesn't listen. People definitely can't let him go, and he listens...I guess he won't be able to leave.

He actually has a hunch that Wuyou will not let him go today, as if everything is to wait for him to go to this step today. If that's the case, just listen and let him know that he will die.

"Let's talk about it." Wuyou said so, and even sat down directly.

He is injured and doesn't want to stand anymore. He doesn't want to listen but has to listen. Then sit down.

No regrets, looking at him like this, faintly smiled, he didn't even mean to refute it.

Then, everyone saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan disappear before their eyes. Demon Venerable was stunned for a moment, and suddenly disappeared.

He is very anxious, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are the most important people to him, but thinking of the unregrets adults just now, he thinks they must have been taken away by this person.

Although the person and Chi Xuan have the same face, and they both seem to be the same person, he still feels uneasy.

He just likes Chi Xuan. He thinks Chi Xuan is suitable to be his son-in-law, but he doesn't think that no regrets is suitable.

What if Chi Xuan is really his Divine Soul?

Thinking this way, Demon Venerable felt uncomfortable. He felt that he was worried about Chi Xuan. Of course, he is more worried about Xiao Guoguo. It seems that this past event has something to do with both of them, otherwise why not just take away Chi Xuan.

They should have not left, but in the vicinity, but he is sure that Wugui must have set up a barrier and will not let outsiders come close.

The Shi Gang in the sky wanted to watch it for a while, but Wugui did not let outsiders know about it. This made him a little depressed. It seemed that the story was about to be heard at the end, but they won’t tell you to solve it. .

Shi Gang knew that his problem was coming up, and his curiosity could not be suppressed.

Sooner or later, he has to let his curiosity fall!

Thinking of this, Shi Gang was healing himself outside, and didn’t want to get close to Wuyou at all. I couldn’t see them anyway, so just wait here. He doesn’t believe it anymore. They don’t. Will appear.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at the scenery in front of them for a moment, but they still reacted quickly. They were not in the barrier, nor in the illusion, but in the past.

This is the past, they came to another time, and another space.

"It seems he can do it." Xiao Guoguo said so, and Chi Xuan understood what it meant. With no regrets, he can travel through time and space.

In other words, the possibility that this person is himself may be promoted again, and they should really be the same person.

"Wugui, where is this!" Wuyou asked, and at the same time he was surprised in his heart. He never knew that Wugui had such abilities.

"This is the place I used to live. Maybe you simply don't know, there is such a place." Wugui said so, and then walked forward, worry-free look at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, He followed along.

Where he once lived, there are too many places like this in the world, how could he know where it is. But looking at Wugui, if he said one more word, he would kill him if he couldn't manage it.

So for the sake of his life, he should not interrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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