
  Chapter 2752 Gratitude

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are very curious, they don’t know this regretless Identity, but I feel very familiar.

And one more thing, Wuyou seems to be afraid of him.

So this Wugui is for them, right? And he just came out of Xiyuezhong, right? This thought surprised both Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, who seemed to come out of Xiyuezhong.

If so, is he the one they are looking for? Who is he?

At this moment, Shi Gang in the air feels that he has to go. Although he is seriously injured now, he is not unable to go. He dared to stay and watch this worry-free one for a while, and there was a worry-free one, so let's forget it.

Although this person has only entered the temple without regrets for less than a hundred years, this guy is a ruthless character who makes the entire rule world don't dare provoke.

Why do you say that? It is because this Wugui has done some beautiful things over the years, that is, when dealing with the traitors of the temple, he is not merciless at all.

He still wanted to get the love of the Holy Lord. As long as the Holy Lord ordered him, he would never be muddled and finished directly and was very beautiful.

Of course, he, a person who has been imprisoned for so many years, naturally has never seen these with his own eyes, these all are worry-free nagging to him.

Although Wuyou has lived for so many years, he has no friends. Sometimes when he wants to vomit blood in depression, he is always taken out to listen to his nagging.

Speaking of which he is also boring, so just listen patiently, and there is no loss anyway.

It is precisely because of this that he knows that Wuyou doesn't like this Wugui, and he has plotted against him several times. So now that no regrets appear, is he here to take revenge?

So he thinks he should run, otherwise I will look back and see him without regrets, and then he will be dealt with easily. Where can he go to say wronged?

Although I knew I should do this in my heart, but I couldn't move. He was really curious, wanted to know why Wugui was here, and wanted to know what their ending was.

This let Shi Gang decide, he wants to take a risk, he wants to see the result!

At this moment, Wugui looked at Wuyou and said: "Worry, you plot against several times, I know."

Wugui said so, Wuyou was silent. In the words, there are a dozen members in their temple, and all of them are equipped with special skills.

Just like him, even if one ontology has been self-destructed, he still has a second ontology.

Then what is this no regrets trick? He doesn't know, and he doesn't have much confidence in him. After all, this guy has only been in the temple for a short time, so there is not much news about him.

But he will not be afraid, because he has already sent a message back before self-destruct. As long as this period of time has passed, then the temple will come.

So as long as he holds No regrets and prevents him from hurting himself, then everything is worth it. He dared not do it with himself in front of the temple members, otherwise the rules would be broken.

It has always been like this, you can compete, you can plot against, but you can't let people get the handle, or it will be unforgivable.

"No regrets, you must have evidence for what you say." Wuyou said so, Wugui looked at him and smiled faintly.

"Worry, do you know who I am?" Wugui asked. Wuwei felt that his tone was very strange, as if he didn't know something, as if there was something in him The secret is the same.

"What do you mean by this, who the hell are you?" Wuyou asked.

"I am the no regrets of the temple, but before that, I still have an identity. Haven't you always been curious about the appearance under my mask? Then I will let you see."

Wugui said this, but Wuyou felt that things were abnormal, I am afraid it was not good.

Everyone is curious about the mask of no regrets, isn't he curious about it alone? There are many people who want to take off his mask over the years, and he is just one of them.

He feels that there is nothing to hide and show off. He really doesn't like the appearance of no regrets, so that's why he dislikes him so much.

But looking at what he looks like under the mask, he is really not that interested. Why is this person against himself, just to retaliate against himself for several plots against?

At this time, I started, and it seemed that I wanted my own life.

But Wuyou still watched Wuyou take off his mask with his own eyes, and Wugui smiled at him faintly after taking off the mask.

Shi Gang: "..." It's too scary.

Shi Gang was stunned, Wuyou also couldn't believe it, he looked at Wugui, and then at Chi Xuan, he felt like he had made a big mistake, he was cheated , He was deceived by Wugui.

"All this, all this is your plot against, this is the trap you set!" Wuyou said so with a look of anger.

He didn't expect that he will come to this step today, but all of them are plot against without regrets. He plot against all this a long time ago, just to kill himself.

When Wuyou said this, Wugui didn't say anything. It seemed that he didn't need to refute, and he didn't want to refute. Instead, he looked back at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

So many people here, except Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, everyone else was stunned. They didn't understand what happened!

"This, how could this happen! Is this you?" Demon Venerable asked Chi Xuan, because even he thought it was incredible.

This adult without regrets, he actually looks exactly the same as Chi Xuan... No, it should be said that they are almost exactly the same, because this person has a scar on his face.

For the cultivator, let alone a scar, it is not difficult to change a face. Why is this guy like this?

He left the scar on his face, which proved one thing, this scar is very important to him, so he stayed to remind himself every moment.

"These all are my arrangements, but not my plot against, these are the results of fate to you." Wugui said, Wuyou really wanted to spray his face.

This guy, why is so shameless, plot against these, and now dare to tell him that it is the arrangement of fate. How is this possible, this person is clearly his puppet.

"No regrets, what do you want!" Wuyou asked, actually worrying in his heart, because he felt that his current strength was not as good as Wuyou.

"What do I want? I want a result, a fairness." Wugui said, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other, and then quickly sat down.

They swallowed the medicine pill immediately, and then began to meditate, which made Demon Venerable didn't expect. Is it so decisive?

They are now facing a big drama, so they just gave up. What a pity, right?

However, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan don’t seem to care at all. What they care about is whether they can recover quickly. The injury is very serious. If you don’t take care of it quickly, it might hinder future cultivation.

"Hey, this curiosity is really too great. Forget it, let's absorb the magic." Demon Venerable also knew that he couldn't keep looking at the opposite situation.

Now the three of them are injured. Even if you want to understand what happened, you can’t just stare at them. It’s better to pay attention while healing.

(End of this chapter)

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